Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 139 Borrowing a space to farm

Chapter 139 Borrowing a space to farm (72)

"Hey, a civil science can publish articles in world-class journals. Those of us, cough."

"Old Zeng, do you think these are just a few specially bred plants?"

Zeng Lao said, "If you want to know the real situation, you need to go to the field for investigation. Which of you will follow me?"

"I'm going I'm going."

"And me, Mr. Zeng."

A group of people scrambled to raise their hands.


"What are you robbing? You killed all the fish. How do you sell them? Can dead fish be sold at the same price as live fish?" Song Yingmin raised his hand angrily, but he didn't throw it out in the end.

"You disgusting thing, you still want to hit me." Jiang Jing picked up the spatula next to her and knocked Song Yingmin's head with a muffled sound, "It's not me, can you use the space? I just snatched it, what can you do? How dare you Move your hands, don't even think about coming in again."

"You can do it." Jiang Jing's threat worked, and Song Yingmin put down his hands, "If you don't sell more money, where will you go to fill your brother's bottomless pit. What's the matter, you still think about relying on your brother's bastard to support you in the future?"

"Shouldn't I just give my brother one hundred, just a little more. I won't rely on my brother to support me in the future, but you? Don't disgust me. I have space, I can't rely on myself."

Song Yingmin looked at Jiang Jing gloomyly, "You are so capable, why didn't you save your son?"

One sentence poked Jiang Jing's heart.

"Ahhhh, I'm fighting with you, Song Yingmin, it's your fault that my son died, you didn't take good care of him!" Jiang Jing slammed a spatula at Song Yingmin like crazy.

Song Yingmin kept dodging, but still got hit a few times. He was also anxious, and seized the opportunity to slap Jiang Jing, "You're crazy! Blame me? Don't you think so?"

This slap made Jiang Jing calm down, but she hated Song Yingmin even more, so she stopped shouting and said bitterly, "If it weren't for you, I would have married Dong Anguo a long time ago."

Song Yingmin laughed and said, "I don't know who came to my house to propose marriage back then. If you marry Dong Anguo, they will want you?
With your style of being full of holes, it will be a matter of time before Dong Anguo discovers the space. By then, I am afraid that you will have no good fruit. At least I did not report you. "

Jiang Jing seemed discouraged, sat down on the ground, and murmured, "How could this happen, how did I live like this in my life..."

She recalled now that in her previous life, Song Yingmin's wife looked timid when she was picked up by Song Yingmin on TV. It was not because his wife was embarrassed, but because she was frightened. His wife was probably not sick, but she was mentally tortured by Song Yingmin and became weak.

She can best understand Song Yingmin's desire to control. When something goes wrong, Song Yingmin doesn't hit her, but pinches her son's neck in front of her to make him breathless, or locks him in a dark room, letting him cry hoarse .

She had no choice but to compromise.

She was confused by Song Yingmin's appearance.

She inquired about Song Yingmin's wife in her previous life two years ago. She is doing well now. She gave birth to two children, a boy and a girl, and even owned an orchard. Her health is fine.

She regretted it, if she chose Dong Anguo, it would be great...

In Qingjue's space, Yuhua came out of the laboratory, glanced at Jiang Jing, saw that the two were torturing each other again, picked some grapes and went back to the bamboo house.

It has to be said that situations make people. When Song Yingmin discovered the space, Jiang Jing was afraid that Song Yingmin would be too scared. What Song Yingmin said was what, and told Song Yingmin all about the space.

Song Yingmin asked her to bring him into the space, and she obediently obeyed.

After knowing that he needs the vitality value to come in, Song Yingmin helped her catch many animals and gave them to Jiang Jing, and Jiang Jing's vitality value increased rapidly.

Jiang Jing had hope for Song Yingmin again. Her secret became the secret of the two of them. Song Yingmin would definitely treat her well. In his previous life, he could become the richest man without space. In this life, if he has space, he will make money faster.

At this point, Song Yingmin and Jiang Jing thought about going together. The two of them were going to leave with their children and go to the south. There was room. There were too many things to do to make money, and making a lot of money was a matter of minutes.

It's just that Yuhua will let the two of them "with space in hand, I have the world"?
She let the will of the space list Song Yingmin as the No. [-] intermediary person, but the bound person is still Jiang Jing, and the intermediary person No. [-] needs to spend vitality points to enter, exit and stay in the space.

It also improved the opening conditions of the space. It needs to provide the space with [-] vitality points every day, which can be temporarily credited. Once the vitality points are owed to [-], the space will be closed.

If you want to get a drop of spiritual liquid, you need to exchange it with a thousand vitality points.

The vitality extracted from the plants in the field every day used to be half, but now it is [-]%.

The food and fruits grown by the two in the space are only less pest-infested than the organic agricultural products outside, and the quality is similar.

The maturity period of space plants is doubled. In the past, after the seeds matured, Jiang Jing would be given five days of harvesting time. Now the harvesting time is one day. If one day is not harvested, the mature seeds will be directly swallowed by the space.

Jiang Jing was given the right to control Song Yingmin's entry into the space, but Song Yingmin was free to leave the space.

This is to prevent one from being completely restrained to death by the other, so that they can torture each other.

It is impossible for them to leave as they wish, as long as the two of them leave the county, the space will be closed immediately.

Yu Hua didn't set up obstacles for the two to leave, but only closed the space to them.

Where to go with the two.

It's not easy to give up what you got. The two of them stayed behind because they were unwilling to use up the space.

In order to earn enough vitality, the two opened a stall selling live fish in the market.

If the two wanted to do other profitable businesses, Wei Zhao and the others had to agree.

Wei Zhao's business is getting bigger and bigger, coupled with the contacts they have established for many years, the business coverage has already spread beyond the county and province.

Wei Zhaoren keeps a low profile, and the richest man in the province is his younger brother Xiaojun.

Wei Zhao knew that most of his contacts came from the business of the pills made by Yuhua. He gave some dry shares to Yuhua when the company was established a few years ago.

Not to mention dividends, these dry stocks are now worth tens of millions.

They held a grudge against Song Yingmin who almost got them in.

Yes, it was later found out that Song Yingmin's brother-in-law belonged to the staff of the faction who disagreed with the construction of the market on Mopan Street. Song Yingmin reported Wei Zhao and the others to his brother-in-law. Will be taken away and closed for a while.

How can Wei Zhao and the others not hold grudges?

In the past, Song Yingmin failed to make a single business deal, because of their handwriting.

Song Yingmin was able to open a stall selling live fish in the county town because Yuhua asked Wei Zhaofang to do it.

One hundred vitality points, that is, fifty per person per day. In addition to the vitality plants produced by space cultivation, a person must kill at least two hundred fish. Whoever does not have enough, the space will be closed to whom.

(End of this chapter)

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