Chapter 149 Rebirth 28 Times (3)

The college entrance examination is over, and I can finally do what I want to do. Gu Xiaotong did what he wanted to do a long time ago, and went on a casual trip, planning to have fun wherever he went.

She was deceived by the beautified so-called single travel notes, and the journey she said was not good at all.

The scenery in remote villages with few tourists is beautiful, but the sanitary conditions make her unbearable.

She was waiting for the car at the intersection outside the village, and when she was about to go back to the town, a van stopped in front of her, and two men got out of the car, and by the time she realized it, she had been pulled into the car.

She resisted fiercely, but was dazzled by someone covering her mouth and nose.

When she woke up, she was tied up and thrown in a dilapidated house.

There were two other girls who were thrown into the broken house with her.

Three days later, she was sold to this home.

She tried to escape, but she was drugged, and she had no strength at all, and fell down when she reached the door.

After being sold to this house, she hadn't been fed medicine for two days, but she was tied tightly with a thick hemp rope and could only sit squatting with a cloth gag in her mouth.

How did she escape.

The eyes were swollen badly, and there were too many tears to flow out.

She knew what was going to happen tonight.

She is not yet an adult, she still has a lot of life, and she doesn't want to ruin it like this.

Who will save her.

The door opened, and a woman in her thirties, dressed as a farmer, walked in with a bowl.

"I'll feed you, don't be a monster, or you won't eat this meal."

Gu Xiaotong nodded quickly.

Seeing her interest, the sister-in-law went over and took out the cloth from Gu Xiaotong's mouth.

The cloth with a strange smell was finally removed from her mouth, Gu Xiaotong retched a few times, and then took a few breaths.

Knowing today's fate, Gu Xiaotong wanted to make the last effort, and begged in a low voice, "Please, Mrs. Chang, help me. If you want to let me go, I will give you money, a lot of money."

This sister-in-law Chang was also bought and has been in Wutou Village for more than ten years.

Because she gave birth to two boys in a row and was soft-tempered, after the children grew up, they were released by the family and they were able to walk around the village.

It wasn't Gu Xiaotong who inquired about it, it was the family who told her specifically in order to dissuade her from resisting.

Mrs. Chang looked blank, "I can't escape. Isn't that the same thing when a woman grows up, it doesn't matter who she marries. If you give birth to a boy, you can live a good life."

"Please, I don't want to marry, I'm underage."

Mrs. Chang said "Oh", "Don't beg me, if you don't eat, I will leave."

"What's the matter, do you want to be a demon again? I think you need a beating." At some point, an old lady with triangular eyes stood at the door, holding a cane in her hand.

Gu Xiaotong shivered reflexively.

The old lady is Gou Sili's mother. In the two days since she was sold to this family, Gu Xiaotong has been beaten three times by Gou.

Beating, let the beaten woman persuade, these two methods are their means of taming the bought woman.The most commonly used is to hit.

Not only Gu Xiaotong, but Mrs. Chang's hand holding the bowl shook a few times.


Yu Hua went outside Wutou Village, found a hidden place, entered the space, and got out of the body.

The rules of this world are incomplete, and there are far fewer restrictions on her. She can leave her body at any time and return to her body at any time.

One of You Wen's wishes is to make life in Wutou Village worse than death.

When You Wen was reborn for the 10th time, she became a backpacker. Unexpectedly, she was targeted by human traffickers. After being caught, she was taken to Wutou Village.

Gou Dajian from Wutou Village is the little leader of this human trafficking organization.

She was sold to Gou Lai, a one-eyed man in his 40s, from Wutou Village.

You Wen behaved very timidly, letting her do what she wanted, making the family guarding her Gou Lai think that she had accepted her fate and let her guard down.

On the wedding night, she was untied, and she killed Gou Lai with all her might.

She knew that the entire Wutou village was full of relatives. Many families had bought women. Everyone in Wutou village, including children, were guards. I was blocked back.

So You Wen didn't run out of the mountain, but into the deep mountain.

She survived in the deep mountains for more than ten days, and did not get out of the predicament until the world was reset.

From the 11th time, she would report Wutou Village to the relevant departments.

The report cannot be made out of thin air. She has personally gone to Wutou Village to investigate secretly a few times in rebirth, and she knows more and more things.

In addition to buying and selling people, Wutou Village also has the habit of drowning female babies.

Human trafficker Gou Dajian and his gang were arrested, but most of the buyers in Wutou village were not punished too much.

It's not that the relevant departments don't care, but it's hard to find evidence to prove that they killed female babies or trafficked women.

Wutou Village is located in the deep mountains. After they drowned the baby girls and tortured the abducted women to death, they would randomly throw the bodies into the deep mountains. They didn't even remember where they threw them.

You can't convict without a body.

And there were a few reports, probably because of the butterfly effect she brought, and no results were seen until she was reborn again.

This time too, relevant departments went to Wutou Village, but found no trafficked women.It should have been leaked, and people were hidden by them.

You Wen was very discouraged.

When I met Yuhua, she made a list of this wish, so that the buyers in Wutou Village would be punished together.



Suddenly there was a loud shout from outside.

It adds some magic to the night in the mountain village.

Granny Gou, who was about to enter the room to teach Gu Xiaotong a lesson, turned her head when she heard the yell.

I don't know what I saw, but I sat down on the ground, and my mouth trembled out of tune.

There was chaos outside.

More people shouted.

"...Ghost, the ghost is here for revenge..."

Mrs. Chang, who was holding the bowl, was startled, and hurried out of the house. When she got to the door of the house and looked up, the bowl fell to the ground and shattered, making a loud noise.

Mrs. Chang sat down on the ground as if she didn't hear anything, and made a strange sound that seemed to be laughing or crying.

Gu Xiaotong loosened her body, and quickly realized that the rope on her body was broken.

She didn't know what happened, but she only had one thought, escape!
She moved her arms and legs and found that she could still walk. She stood up while supporting the bed, and rushed out with her nonchalant steps.

For some reason, Mrs. Chang and Mrs. Gou didn't stop her.

Gu Xiaotong ran out of the house.

Now she knew what was going on outside.

In the sky, there is a figure floating!
I can't see the face clearly, but I have complete hands and feet. I am definitely a person!

Because of the wine, the courtyard of Gou Sili's house was brightly illuminated by a big lamp.

It's not dazzled, there is really a black figure floating in the air!

Moreover, it is a human figure, not a human being, because this human figure is several times larger than a human being, like...

(End of this chapter)

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