Chapter 170 Rebirth 28 Times (24)


It doesn't feel good to slap yourself in the face.

The muscles on Fang Yuan's face twisted.

This account has to be counted on the unknown thing that took his stuff!

When he has more power, he can use his power to find out what took his golden finger away, and then find a way to get rid of that thing!

It hurt a lot, but looking at my face in the mirror, it was only slightly swollen.

His brow furrowed.

No, this way will still be regarded as another person.

It's all because he made his face too big, it doesn't resemble the original one at all.

He has important meetings today, not just today, these few days. If he succeeds, he will form an alliance with several bigwigs, and all of them will be prosperous.

He can't be absent without reason, otherwise it will be difficult to have a chance.

He thought about using makeup, but none of the people he was going to receive today could be fooled. If he was exposed, let alone join in, if he was not suppressed too much, it would be the mercy of the big bosses.

He dared not take any chances.

He was ruthless, gritted his teeth and hit his face hard.

There was a series of applause in the study.

Finally unrecognizable.

Fang Yuan didn't need to go out like this, he covered his head with bandages, the exposed parts were bruised, and he couldn't see his original appearance.

Then sat in the wheelchair and called the assistant.


At this time, Yuhua has arrived in the laboratory where Allen in the United States is located.

Allen's trading time is 4:6 am on April 9.

There were more people in the lab this time. There were nine people, four of whom were researchers. Alan was surrounded by various instruments, and he had wires all over his body and even on his fingertips.

It seems that the big consortium has already studied the unusual timing of the transaction, and wants to draw some conclusions from it.

Even knowing that the deal might bring disaster to Blue Star, they still continued to make the deal.

There is a device for transmitting signals, and they want to get in touch with the maker of the Plane Library.

No wonder this big consortium was one of the first to surrender to the Qaesars. They will do anything for their own benefit.

It was just after 9 o'clock when Yuhua arrived, and she calmly stunned everyone in the laboratory.

She only let Alan see herself.

Presumably the follow-up will be interesting.

In the same way, he grabbed the connection chip of the Plane Library from Allen's brain center.This thing was useless, and Yuhua destroyed it immediately.

The carrier of the planar library is still in the form of a ring.

Xi Hua took it over, checked it, and found that the layout of the connected sub-distance space inside was similar to that of Fang Yuan's plane trader.

After the probe fell into this world, it was divided into two parts, one disguised as a bit trader, and the other disguised as a plane library.

The two landed in two opposite positions of the blue star.This allows better detection of wormholes that warships can travel through.

Yu Hua also stripped the energy from several people in the laboratory.

The reason why April 4th is important is that the signal emitted by the probe on this day allowed the Gaisars to find the first wormhole.

Now the Gaisars are more than 700 light-years away from the blue star, and it takes 700 years to fly to the blue star at the speed of light.

If a wormhole is found for a jump, the flight time will be greatly shortened.

The distance of one jump is limited, and places with long distances need to make multiple jumps.

If you search for wormholes in the void one by one, it is much more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack, and the time spent is not necessarily less than flying directly to the destination.

Moreover, many wormholes or gaps in space can only be used for virtual objects to shuttle through, and very few of them can safely shuttle through physical objects.

If you want to find a wormhole that allows a large battleship to shuttle, you need luck.

Therefore, even if the Gaisars know the existence of the blue star, they can't find the wormhole and have no way to come here.

Unless they are willing to spend at least 600 years on the road.

Wormholes can be calculated, but they need to send signals multiple times at a specific time on the blue star, which is why the plane trader conducts designated transactions.

In order to prevent the detector from sending signals by mistake and exhausting the energy, there is no automatic sending of signals, which must be done manually by the host.

The two signal sources on April 4th were transmitted at different locations and in the order of their respective specific numbers to determine the large stable wormhole leading to the Qaesar.

After more than 20 days, the Gaisars determined the position of the first wormhole based on the received signal.

After this jump, Gaisar was more than 200 light-years closer to the blue star.

Between April 4 and July 6, the Gaisars found two more wormholes and made the leap.

The signal launch on July 7th allowed the Gaisars to determine the location of the last wormhole. On July 5th, the Gaisans appeared in the sky above the blue star.

Soon after Yu Hua left, people in the laboratory woke up one after another.

"Ah! Mr. Silver, your face! The effect of the medicine is gone!"

A researcher points in horror at a decrepit man.

The old man stretched out his hand and saw the back of his hand with dead bark. Vicious light appeared in his cloudy eyes. He pointed his cane at Alan who was lying on the ground, "Wake him up!"

The person next to him who looked like a bodyguard slapped Alan in the face who hadn't woken up, waking him up.

"Say, what did you do!"

It took Allen a while to understand, and shouted loudly, "The library of the plane is gone!"

"Missing?" Sold looked at him darkly, "Allen, I don't think you've learned to be good yet."

Allen yelled and explained, "It's really gone! It's the god of death! The god of death took it away!"


Yu Hua escaped into mid-air, sensed it, and the timeline returned faster.

Correspondingly, there are fewer and fewer restrictions on her.

This made Yuhua a little surprised.

The will of this world is bold, and she has given her the power of rules and given her complete control over this world. Now she can be said to be the heavenly way of this world.

He was not afraid that she would not leave, and directly replaced it.

Or obliterate it and take this world for yourself.

Of course, Xihua did not intend to replace it.Her body is a whole plane, how can she go to grab a small world.

After she became the temporary Heavenly Dao of this world, she originally needed to consume her own energy to exist as a conscious body, but now she can't.

This is easy to do.

Xihua released the power of rules, and all those with unknown energy in their bodies on the entire planet were stripped out.

The Gaisars are not so kind. These energies either contain soul fragments, or contain active substances extracted from the human body, and they are all defective products.

With so many detectors, how many good things do we need?They are predators, not philanthropists.

Once these unknown energies are completely integrated with the body, they will contaminate the genes of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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