Chapter 176 Rebirth 28 Times (30)

[Wow, I cleared my confusion, the aunt in the building next door to my house.I said what was going on with her, and it turned out to be like this! !
Even because he was jealous that his best friend married better than her, he deliberately introduced a dog-like man with love and death to his best friend's daughter.

Because the sick man is in good condition in all aspects, the best friend and daughter agree to get along with each other.

Fortunately, my best friend's daughter hadn't been in contact with the sick man for a few times. The sick man fell ill early. He was afraid that others would find out, so he hid in other places for treatment.

I don't know if my girlfriend's daughter knows now that she has escaped a catastrophe.If it weren't for this thunder, if the sick man came back, the best friend's daughter might be...

It's too scary to think about it!

Not only that!She is also jealous of the good life of her relatives. Her daughter is a nurse in a tertiary hospital, and she is more beautiful than her daughter and has a better personality.

This old witch and aunt introduced an ugly man with no money, no career, and extreme personality to his daughter.

The girl has been refusing, she has not succeeded.Heaven has eyes, the girl is lucky.

Hahaha, the chopping is good. I heard that the tongue was chopped off and one eye was blinded. It makes me feel so happy! !This kind of vicious thing that even the law can't punish, it should be ruthlessly hacked]

【Hahahaha, it’s still me. I saw another piece of good news below. No. 30, the man named Xu Jianzhong, the ugly man with an extreme personality that the old witch’s neighbor was looking for, was also hacked.

This man was fired for harassing a female colleague. He pestered that female colleague every day, saying that they were boyfriend and girlfriend, which caused the female colleague to suffer from severe depression and went back to her hometown to be admitted to the hospital for treatment.

The old witch is not ordinary vicious!

If both of them hadn't been struck by lightning, maybe their relatives and daughters would really suffer.After all, the old witch usually looks unusually kind.

I declare that I am a fan of Xianhua Immortal [Bixin][Bixin][Bixin]]

【But, don't you think it's too much? Some people just chase after the girl they like, and some people just scold and get struck by lightning...】

【Heh, what kind of Madonna is upstairs?But after chasing after a girl you like?To put it bluntly, is that pursuit, or entanglement!He got depressed after pestering a girl and had to go back to his hometown for treatment.

[Catch a Virgin Mary table alive.But cursing?Even scolding neighbors for three or four years, but can't you scold others?If you like being scolded, it's easy to do, give me an address, sign a scolding contract, and I will satisfy you]

[Don't pay too much attention to this kind of stupidity, it will lower your IQ]

【Today, an old man was chopped up while climbing a mountain. Seeing how painful he was, I felt pity for him. Who knew, ah bah, why didn’t he be chopped to death. !
A fortune-telling liar pretending to be a magic stick, he only cheated money and paid for his life, and used talisman water to cure several couples to death.

Although it’s strange that the owner is too superstitious to go to the hospital when he is sick, and seeks a magic stick to treat him, but this liar knows that Fushui can’t cure the disease, and for the sake of money, he is so ignorant of his conscience]

[With no conscience, he can pretend to be a trick to deceive people?Eh?That's not right... Our world is already fantasy, so it's possible that fortune tellers can really tell fortunes...]

[Doesn't this explain, no matter how fantastical it is, fortune tellers are also liars, let's see what the country says]

【my God! !In this village, 43 people were killed and 76 were paralyzed. This village is quite famous. 】

[Looking at the things that people in this village do, drowning babies, abducting and selling women, killing people, and mistreating them, I didn't dare to finish watching them... Hacking them to death a hundred times is not enough to relieve their anger! !I'm furious! ! 】 suddenly appeared, and the homepage was the list of lightning strikes, and the reasons why the people on the list were struck by lightning were listed one by one.

All the filth behind these people was exposed to the sun.

[Did you find out that those who were struck by lightning were morally bad people and caused bad consequences, such as the one who deliberately introduced an ugly man with AIDS and extreme personality to someone else's daughter.

Some are unknown, or even if they are discovered, it is difficult to find criminal evidence. For example, those people in Wutou Village who were hacked to death were all killed many years ago. Some of the women who came here beat their parents to death.

The victims didn't even have their bones, so it was difficult to convict them.

But the bunch of human traffickers in Wutou Village were only crippled, because their criminal evidence can be found, and what awaits them is legal punishment.

There are also criminals who fled abroad, who have never been caught, and were hacked this time.

What does this mean, think about it...]

【Cattle!That’s a good summary, it’s true]

[The way of heaven is restored, sparse but not leaky.Maybe the underworld also exists... It’s not that I don’t report, the time hasn’t come]

Knowing what happened to the thunderbolt from the blue, the society is more stable.

And also said that this time is just a warning.

Punishment is based on the law of the world. Those who can be convicted by the law and those who have already been punished by the law will not be struck by lightning.

It's not a moral issue of treachery and evil, don't worry.

In society, good people are the majority. Although ordinary people will inevitably have some small mistakes, they are generally passable, and they are not afraid of being approached by Tianlei.

The social environment has become better, and those who have ghosts in their hearts but have not been hacked this time have restrained themselves, and half of the bad things have stopped.

Those who were timid and frightened turned themselves in.

The relevant departments of Huaguo got busy.

The national government issued an announcement in a timely manner, so that everyone should not panic and worry, and what to do with life and work. Regarding the incidents of lightning strikes in various places, the relevant departments are dealing with the follow-up and will announce the results of the treatment in a timely manner.

With regard to the guardian and spiritual recovery, the country plans to set up an independent relevant department to follow up and investigate.

Seeing that it is very clear in the official announcement, the hearts of the people are more stable, and the lives of most people have returned to normal.

There is one person whose life can no longer return to normal, and this person is Fang Yuan.

All the people he controlled with mental regulators lost control. After waking up, Qiqi attacked him. Now the companies under his name are troubled by internal and external troubles.

He doesn't have to worry about the company's assets in other people's names, because those people won't return them to him.

If it weren't for the fact that there is a fairy that attracted most of the attention, and the scruples of God's punishment, he might have been secretly taken away by someone.

But Fang Yuan didn't thank the immortal who indirectly saved him, he hated it very much.

"Immortal." Fang Yuan gritted his teeth.

He was sure that it must be this so-called immortal who took away his plane trader.

What Chinese guardian, shit!

Stealing his golden finger, hateful!

Wait a minute, could this immortal have crossed over from the plane of comprehension?

In the plane trader, the one who contacted him in the plane of comprehension was Daoist Long Qing.

Fang Yuan intentionally forgot his previous doubts about the plane trader.

In fact, he had an intuition in his heart, maybe this guardian appeared because of the existence of the plane trader.

The extermination of the world mentioned by the immortal has something to do with the transactions he made.

However, he couldn't trust his instincts.

He can't be wrong, the one who is wrong is that fairy!
Maybe it was because his plane trader was taken away that he couldn't carry out the planned transaction, which annoyed the alien civilization, so they invaded.

(End of this chapter)

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