Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 18: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 18 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

"Cough, cough, cough." Guan Shan choked on drinking water, "Still spitting out truth water... Is there any difference between truth truth potion and truth truth water?"

Lu Yang, who had a low laugh, slapped the table and laughed again.He knew he would have fun following Cheng Wenjin.

The other three laughed too.

No one would believe what Xi Hua said was the truth.There are many kinds of things in the dimensional space left by the system, and the real water is one of them.

Spitting true water is not real water, but just like water droplets, it can amplify people's obsession and emotions, and make people have a strong desire to vomit.

Xihua's questioning was the introduction, which aroused Huang Fangying's obsession with her because of jealousy and resentment, that is, malice towards her.

It was also because she wanted to know if someone would believe her when she told the truth. It was similar to what she thought, no one would believe her, and they all took her words as a joke.

She had some things in mind.

Although everyone likes to watch fantasy novels, movies, etc., no one really believes that things such as rebirth and time travel will happen in the real world. What is generally believed is science.

So as long as she uses the things in the dimension space not too much, as long as there is a scientific explanation, she is safe.

Like Huang Fangying's outburst in the cafeteria, it can be interpreted as a more extreme personality, and she impulsively speaks out what is in her heart when she is provoked.


"Is this Huang Fangying mentally ill?"

After lunch time, some people in the administration building also asked questions like this.

It was Principal Fang who said this, and he didn't expect someone to answer, "If you dare to do something in public, what kind of rumors do you have if you have the consciousness, really."

When the incident in the cafeteria was reported to the school leadership, the people had already dispersed, so the school did not come forward to deal with it.

The big and small things that happen in the school are rarely hidden from the school leadership. The difference lies in the time when they know it and whether it reaches the point of management.

This is not a big matter, but it is connected with Zhao Yu's matter before, and it may have a bad impact on the school if it is not handled properly.

I thought Zhao Yu's incident was an independent incident, but who knew it was a series of incidents.

Yu Yuanzhi felt that his hair was bald again. He held the mobile phone in one hand, and pointed to the campus post displayed on the mobile phone with the other, "Look at it, what do you think about when you don't study hard as a student? As an adult, I still play with my partner."

The door opened and two people walked in.

One of them is Liu Cunming, an old class in Class 8, Grade [-].

"Mr. Li, Mr. Liu is here, you all know what happened in the cafeteria, right?"

The gray-haired teacher Li put her hands behind her back and said solemnly, "Understood. I will call Huang Fangying's parents over in the afternoon and ask them to educate them more. If the education is not good, take them home."

"It's not up to the point of taking it home." Principal Fang hurriedly stopped him, "Students do something wrong and still focus on teaching. Teacher Li, do you know that Cheng Wenjin was rumored?"

Li Chunsheng is the head teacher of Class 4 in the second year of high school. The rumors began to spread in the second year of high school. Of course, you have to ask him about this matter.

Disgust flashed in Li Chunsheng's eyes, "I can't slap a slap, Cheng Wenjin is a smart person, and many conflicts in the class are related to her.

If others trouble her, if she is really innocent, why doesn't she ask the teacher and the parents?It's not that I am also at fault and dare not say it.

These girls don't study hard as soon as they enter high school. It's better to go home and get married, so as not to waste money and time here, and affect other students who study hard. "

Principal Fang understood, so don't ask any more questions. Teacher Li knew about the rumors a long time ago. Not only did he not stop it in time, but he also developed a dislike for Cheng Wenjin. To a certain extent, he allowed other students in the class to exclude Cheng Wenjin.

Although he has only been transferred to No. [-] Middle School for more than three years, he also knows that Li Chunsheng's ideas are outdated, and he always thinks that girls are not as smart as boys. He didn't expect him to belittle girls so much.

Originally, Li Chunsheng retired this summer, and according to the agreed practice, he should be rehired. After all, Li Chunsheng's teaching level is relatively high. Looking at it now, let's forget it. The missing teacher should be selected from among the graduates.


Teacher Liu slapped the table with a slap, making everyone jump.

"Liu Cunming, what are you doing?" Yu Yuanzhi glared at him.

The two have a good relationship, otherwise he wouldn't dare to force Cheng Wenjin into Class 8, because the other classes don't want a student who will slow down.

Liu Cunming smiled, "I'll try to see if a slap can make a sound."

Obviously challenged Li Chunsheng.

Liu Cunming didn't have any opinion on Cheng Wenjin herself. In the past, he didn't care what she was like, only how she behaved in his class.

Through his class in the morning, he could see that Cheng Wenjin was studying very seriously.

Having been a teacher for many years, he can tell at a glance whether Cheng Wenjin is really serious by listening to the class seriously or pretending to be serious.

Not to mention the grades in the future, he will recognize the students who really study hard.

"It's okay, just don't say a few words." Principal Fang saw that Li Chun was so angry that his lips began to tremble, and he spoke softly, "I called you here to tell you about the school's handling opinions."

The treatment opinion is cold treatment.

Because everything did not happen now, it has been half a year since Qin Muyan confessed, and the rumors about Cheng Wenjin have been clarified.

It's better to be still than to move.

Before the parties involved can find teachers and schools, don't be in a hurry to talk to them.

Now that the information is spreading fast, talking to students and parents may magnify the situation and have a bad impact on the students involved.

The purpose of bringing in two class teachers is to let them pay more attention to the class, and to nip out any signs of accidents first, and report to the school immediately if they can't deal with it.

Nor do nothing.

After all, things have happened. After two days, things have cooled down, and the class teachers will talk to the students in private, and try not to make trouble with the parents if they can be resolved with the students.

Because once everything comes up to the parent level, it is very likely that it will be out of control.

Posts on the campus network should be deleted, anyway, the heat cannot be allowed to ferment.

By the way, reprint a few celebrity gossip posts to divert the students' attention.

Principal Fang is very grateful to the current star, who can do it, and the hot searches are one after another, and there are things available at any time.

There is no way to do this. The college entrance examination is about to begin. This is the school's top priority. It is necessary to create a relatively quiet campus environment for senior high school students.


After all this, after eating and returning to the class, Xi Hua was quickly accepted by the students in Class 8.

"Cheng Wenjin, good job, you have to confront those kind of people face to face!"

"Yes, good nèng."

Yang Yifan: "Come on, come on, Cheng Wenjin joins class 8. If you have something to say, let's talk about it in the group."

Yu Hua: "I added it."

Yang Yifan: "You added the group number given to you by the old class, right? That's the official group of our class, also called the Ming group. There is also a dark group in our class. There is no god like the teacher."

Yu Hua took out her phone and joined the group.

(End of this chapter)

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