Chapter 191 Rebirth 28 Times (45)

Due to technical limitations, the signal emitted by the large consortium's laboratory may not necessarily be able to send out the star system where the blue star is located.

But this matter is not absolute, and there is a possibility that it will be transmitted with the signal of the planar library.

The slightest possibility is also possible.

The other is the active back-up of the Qaesars.

The probe on the blue star suddenly lost contact, and the Gaisars will not stop there and give up the fat that is almost in their mouths.

They will send probes to the blue star to allow them to find wormholes.

It is also possible that other probes have already been dropped in order to ensure that the contact is not accidentally terminated.

The detector is an item between the virtual and the real, and can shuttle through any gap in space.

The chances of the new detector finding Fang Yuan and Allen are much higher than the chances of finding a stranger.

So Yuhua left the two of them unchanged, not even changing their memories.

Fang Yuan is making trouble here, and the big consortium behind Allen will not be silent.

She kept Alan seeing her.

In order not to be exposed to the public, the big consortia allow their families to secretly control the power of the country where they are located, and very little information about them is posted on the Internet.

Xi Hua failed to find out the actions of the big consortium.

Allen, who was always on the hot search before, has recently disappeared.

Yu Hua sensed it, and the date when the Gaisars found it has not changed.

In other words, the backhand that should have happened has already happened, and she can't reset the time before April 4, all she can do is wait, waiting for the backhand of the Gaesars to reach Blue Star.

She ignored them for now.

As for Fang Yuan.

If you dare to test her, you have to be conscious of paying the price.

Yu Hua anchored Fang Yuan's position along the network cable, and gave Fang Yuan a lightning strike.

Fang Yuan, who was far away in Haicheng, was suddenly struck by a bolt of lightning in his right hand.

He yelled and passed out.

After waking up, he found that his right hand could only be opened to a half-hold, and he could no longer straighten it.

Hacking?Slow hand speed becomes a snail, not a hacker.

Fang Yuan knew what was going on, and no matter how angry he was, he only dared to curse in his heart, and he had no intention of causing trouble.

After teaching Fang Yuan a lesson, Hua Hua once again sensed the future of the Lower Blue Star, but there is still no change, and the Gaisars will come in more than 200 years.

Xihua knows that the future is not static, and sometimes a small change will lead to subversive changes in the future.

When sensing the future, she somehow felt a sense of urgency.

She didn't ignore it.

Originally, she wanted to wait until three months before revealing the small world to the Special Bureau.

Because at that time this world was completely transformed into the cost world.

Plan ahead now.

After finishing what a fairy should do, You Wen's life must continue.

Xi Hua went to the company and went through the resignation procedures.

Wang Shiting quietly pulled her aside, "You Wen, is it because of family matters that you resigned?

Your father called the company, and I happened to answer both times. Your father said he was looking for you, but he couldn't get in touch with you.

The first time I said you didn't go to work, he hung up.I called again the next day, and I said you had resigned, and your dad scolded you before hanging up.Really, there are still such fathers. "

Xi Hua thanked Wang Shiting, and planned to settle You Guoping's matter ahead of time.

When You Guoping saw You Wen coming to the door, he was overjoyed and then panicked, fearing that You Wen would find out about the demolition of the old house.

He let Yu Hua into the house, and acted like a father, "Cough. Why can't you keep in touch with your child? I don't know how anxious the family is? I'm going to Jiangcheng to find you."

Yu Hua stretched out her finger and touched You Guoping's forehead.

You Guoping dodged subconsciously, but You Wen's hand was right in the middle of his forehead as if he could track it.


You Guoping passed out on the sofa.

Wang Li's absence saved her a little trouble.

Because of her grandmother's affection, You Wen just wanted to sever ties with You Guoping, and didn't want to hurt You Guoping to death.

Besides, if You Guoping has a disability, she will have to bear part of the responsibility both emotionally and rationally.

Who made You Guoping raise You Wen until she was 13 years old.

Xi Hua entered the bedroom, violently opened the drawer as before, and took You Wen's jade bracelet.

He opened the wooden box, poured out the contents, and left with the suitcase.

Not long after she left, You Guoping woke up, clutching his heart for a long time before recovering.

He actually had an extra memory.

In other words, he was reborn more than two months ago.

But this didn't surprise him much, because he knew clearly that this memory only appeared in his mind after You Wen tapped his forehead.

Think of the fairy thing now.

His daughter, who has never been scornful, has mastered fairy arts!
He was afraid of You Wen.

He was also full of regrets, if he hadn't provoked You Wen because of the demolition funds, and if You Wen had any adventures, he would be honored as a father.

But now, he has to be careful not to let You Wen bear any more grudges against him.


The sudden sound made You Guoping's heart skip a beat. When he saw that it was a text message notification, he clicked on it. It was from You Wen, "Cut off the relationship from now on. Otherwise..."

When You Guoping thought of You Wen's force value in memory, he completely stopped thinking.

You Wen was obviously thinking about the blood relationship, and showed mercy to his subordinates.

Showing him the memory is to let him stop doing the rumors in the previous life in this life.otherwise……

How could he dare to think about what happened after "otherwise".


Within two days, Gao Zhenjun, director of the Special Bureau, personally brought people to Jiangcheng.

The Special Affairs Bureau is not only in Jiangcheng, but also has five branches across the country.

It's just that the Jiangcheng branch was established first.

This has a lot to do with Yuhua being in Jiangcheng.

The branch director of Jiangcheng is Xu Guanlin who is in contact with Yuhua.

This time, Yuhua went to the branch office in Jiangcheng very readily.

The Jiangcheng branch office used to be a military garrison, and it was characterized by its large size, which was large enough to serve as a training location.

Gao Zhenjun greeted her out of the office building and extended his hand to her, "Ms. You Wen, I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time. It's just that there are too many new affairs in the bureau, and it has been delayed until now. I hope you don't take offense."

They have communicated a few times before, and they also used video to talk, and the two are not strangers.

You Wen's identity is the secular disciple of Immortal Yuhua, and also serves as the representative of Immortal in the secular world.

There is no important matter, and the immortal will not show up. The Bureau of Special Affairs can only find the immortal through You Wen.

Xi Hua lightly shook hands with Gao Zhenjun, and said, "Director Gao, you are welcome. Let me call you You Wen."

After a few polite words, I got straight to the point.

When Gao Zhenjun asked her if she had become a monk, Yuhua said "yes".

A formal monk is only one who enters the Qi training period, not from the beginning of cultivation.

During the video communication between the two, Yuhua only said that he had started to practice, and did not go into too much detail.

The main reason is that the spells performed through the video are not powerful enough, so she deliberately weakened this topic.

(End of this chapter)

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