Chapter 196 Rebirth 28 Times (50)

Both of them use the ubiquitous space nodes to carry out space shuttle.

The directions of the two applications are different.

The substance transfer chamber can only transfer non-living objects.

Teleportation people can travel through space with objects, but objects cannot teleport by themselves without following people.

Xi Hua intercepted the mathematical rules of the stability of the material transmission chamber to the space channel, transformed it into a symbolic expression of the spiritual talisman, and carved the symbol into the gate.

The material of the silver gate is actually a kind of stone from the small world.

It does not matter.

A space door that can be opened and closed at any time has been built.

The purpose of making the space channel into a controllable space gate is to delay the time limit for the small world to approach the time flow of the main world.

After establishing a stable space channel, the connection between the small world and the main world is closer.

But in this way, the time flow rate of the small world is greatly affected by the main world, and the time ratio will converge faster.

If the space channel is always open, the impact will increase day by day.

It is only turned on for a limited time, which will delay the convergence of time flow.

During the 20 days of retreat in the small world, she didn't practice all the time, but spent most of the time studying how to let ordinary people control the switch of the space channel.

In the end, it borrowed the technology of the material transfer chamber to transform the space channel that originally required monks to control into a space door that ordinary people can control.

The entrance and exit of the small world are located in the plain area she is optimistic about.

It was also built into a silver controllable space door.

Because the place still belongs to the Lu family, Yuhua hid the space door.

You Wen shouldn't be able to build the space door, so she can only build it quietly, and people will think it is the handiwork of a fairy.

The national team took over the Lujia Yuyangshan villa project in two days from negotiation to finalization.

Finally realized the project that was about to fall into their hands. The second and third generations of the Lu family were not happy for a long time, but they were called to the hospital bed by Mr. Lu and scolded bloody.

Mr. Lu has a wide network of contacts. After knowing that he is the successor, he will be the national team.

He scolded these children and grandchildren for being too short-sighted. If they don't figure it out, they just want to settle down and don't take advantage of this opportunity to rely on the national team.

Thinking about it with your toes, the country took over without much bargaining, and it must be that there are unknown secrets in that place.

If it were him, he would donate it to the country for free. Although the land and construction money for the idea is quite a lot, the Lu family can afford it.

Naturally, the country will not lose the benefits of the Lu family.

These unworthy descendants are good, although they don't ask for sky-high prices, but the price they ask for is not low.

Will they think of the Lu family when the country needs people like them in the future?

Old man Lu's body, which had just improved a bit, was so angry that he was bedridden again.

There was another burst of chaos in the Lu family.

After the state took over, the Yuyangshan villa area was transformed into a military area.

The villas built in the east have not been demolished, but have been remodeled and decorated.

The villas that were not built in other places were bulldozed, and rows of temporary barracks were built.

A tall house in the shape of a warehouse was built in a place against the mountain.

This tall house was built in one day to cover up the existence of the space passage.

Since the appearance of immortals in China, other countries have been looking forward to the appearance of their own gods, but they didn't.

While they envied and hated Hua Guo, they used all kinds of means to inquire about related news, both openly and secretly.

The confidential work that should be done must be done.

Because of the different speed of time, after five days in the main world, a modern camp was built in the small world of Yuyang.

One of the large areas is various laboratories.

The name of the camp is simple and straightforward: Base 001.

Divided into administrative area, living area, practice area, scientific research area.

Anyone who enters the small world for the first time is always conquered by this strange world.

Especially those who are engaged in scientific research, they are almost crazy with joy.

The things I saw when I came in were all new, even the species outside, which grew and lived in a small world, were very different from the outside.

A blade of grass, a leaf, and a small bug here make them very excited, and they want to take it to the laboratory for research when they encounter it.

Fortunately, I received special training before, and I can't touch anything outside the 001 base, and I can't leave the base at will.

That purple ribbon-like blade of grass is a carnivorous monster plant. Once it touches it, the ribbon will turn into a rope, wrap around the person and tighten it. If you don't get out in time, you will be strangled to death.

Small bugs should not be touched casually, too many monster bugs, one can kill a person.

What's more, these bugs are in groups.

They will not seek death on their own. If they want to study and need to use something, they will report it to the above.

"Reaching out to ask for it" is not a derogatory term here, it is a procedure that must be implemented, and it is strictly forbidden to leave the base without authorization.

There is an enchantment around the 001 base, which was set up by the other two disciples of the immortal, an eagle demon and a tiger demon.

After the research fanatics knew about it, the first thing they thought of was whether they were afraid or not, and wanted to study the eagle demon and the tiger demon.

Someone really asked someone from the Special Bureau like this.

It's not that they are overthinking their capabilities, it's really itchy, and it's not like slicing, it's just that they want to be tested by individuals.

It was rejected at the level of the special bureau.

The eagle demon and the tiger demon seem to be very easy to communicate with now, but when they first came in, they had seen the eagle demon and the tiger demon show their power.

The 001 base can be built so quickly and smoothly, it all depends on them.

Roaring a few times deterred most of the monsters and insects from running away.

Those who didn't run away, the tiger demon raised its front paws, and this area with a radius of ten miles became a sea of ​​thunder, and all the living creatures were not left behind.

The ground was not level, and it was easy to handle. The eagle demon's wings flattened the ground.

The scene was very shocking.

It's helping and demonstrating.

Those who don't know are fearless.

They must not help these researchers to smooth out the tiger's whiskers.

Fortunately, there are too many things to study here. The few who proposed to conduct a physical examination on an eagle and a tiger were not obsessed with being rejected at all, and went to study a rabbit that can levitate.

Xi Hua handed over the assistance in building the base to Jin Yu and Lei Huang, and went to work on the space gate by herself.

Only after the console was made, she could hand over the space door to the Special Bureau.

Now she is still manipulating the space door.

In the first batch of more than 280 practitioners, only a few entered the first level of Qi training, and they had to practice for at least a year and a half before the third level of Qi training needed to control the space door.

The space gate must not be handed over to the demon cultivators of the small world, what if they take the opportunity to run to the main world.

The console has never been manufactured, so she has no way to hand it over.

The control method of the space gate is temporarily controlled by spiritual power.

Spiritual power control or spiritual control can only be operated by people with spiritual roots.

This will invisibly elevate the status of monks.

(End of this chapter)

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