Chapter 198 Rebirth 28 Times (52)

There are five military transport vehicles lined up in a row, machinery and labor are added to the vehicles, respectively.

"This has to be carried separately."

"These boxes cannot be stacked for fear of being crushed."

Several people in white coats who looked like researchers directed.

When the five cars were full, a researcher sat in the cab of the first car. He opened the window, waved and smiled at the other researchers, "I'll see you tomorrow in the next world."

The few people under the car responded with a laugh, "It should be said that I will see you in the next world in ten days."

The time ratios of the two worlds are different, which is an enduring joke.

"Qian Ming, did you forget to bring the key?"

The researcher sitting in the car pulled out an ID envelope from his white coat and showed it to several people, "Of course I won't forget it."

There is a key-shaped jade piece in the envelope, which is the door key.

The biggest function of the key is identity authentication, in order to prevent the creatures in the small world from smuggling here.

Not to mention a powerful demon cultivator coming over, even a bug coming over may bring a lot of trouble to the main world.

Only creatures with the key can pass through the space door.

The door key is DNA to identify the owner, and you can't pass through with someone else's door key. You must be one with the door key.

Due to various considerations, the space gate is not activated all the time.

It is not urgently needed. It is turned on once a day at regular intervals, so people who get in and out of the car say they will see you tomorrow.

If there is an urgent need, there will be a signal from the opposite side, and the door will be opened after receiving the signal here.

Seeing that the time was up, Chen Wen opened the space door in front of the console beside the gate.

The door was lit.

Chen Wen gestured to the five cars lined up in front of the gate, "You can pass."

Qian Ming hurriedly closed the window.

The car started, and the five cars drove towards the gate one by one.

A fantasy scene appeared, the car drove into the silver gate and disappeared through the gate little by little.

But the people in the house have long since seen the strangeness. Some people even took a look at it, and more people looked at the work in their hands.

When the screen of the console displayed the icon of all passing, Chen Wen closed the space door according to the procedure.

After today's routine start-up, Chen Wen checked that everything was normal, and was about to leave when he saw the silver door suddenly light up again.

"What's going on? Didn't the door close properly?" Chen Wen glanced at the console, but nothing changed. His operating procedures were correct, and the space door was closed at this time. "I didn't receive the signal from the opposite side to open it."

There is a situation on the opposite side that requires opening, and there will be a display on the console.

This will display nothing on the console.

But when the light comes on, it means the space door is open.

When Chen Wen was thinking about whether to report, a woman came out from the empty gate.

Chen Wen didn't suspect that he had done something wrong, because the woman who came out was Consultant You from the bureau.

She has a special identity, she is the disciple of the immortal.

Yuyang Small World was given to the country by her.

If it were her, she would indeed be able to freely enter and exit the space door, because the space door was built by her master.

Chen Wen is very envious, but he has no spiritual roots, so he can only practice martial arts.

He joined the Special Bureau later, he recognized You Wen, but You Wen didn't recognize him.

Because Chen Wen looked at her for a long time, Yu Hua nodded to him and left.

Now the car does not need to be put into the space, it is placed in the garage.

When she came outside, Yu Hua sensed that her current cultivation base in the foundation-building stage was able to exert five or six points of her strength in the main world.

The concentration of aura has not changed much from before she entered the small world.

This shows that the process of spiritual recovery has stabilized.

Good thing for the world.

She revived the spiritual energy in advance and accelerated the evolution of the world, but the energy that the spiritual core can attract and transform has a certain limit, and there is bound to be a decline after the acceleration.

We are now in a slow period of spiritual recovery.

After this slow period, there will be a long period of time in the future, and the recovery of the world's aura will continue in a state of a small and steady increase.

This shows the importance of the small world.

With a small world, there is no need to worry about cultivation.

"Consultant You."

Everyone in the Special Bureau knows You Wen.

Even though she knew her, she checked her documents and fingerprints according to the regulations, and after everything was correct, her car was let go.

Yuyang Mountain has a more straightforward name called Yuyang Base.

In terms of time ratio, although the Yuyang base was built earlier than the 001 base, there are still places that are still under construction.

Xi Hua drove back to the city.

Urban traffic is as busy as ever, with a constant flow of vehicles.

Businesses on both sides of the road are still competing with each other, with advertisements and leaflets distributed to attract customers.

Some pedestrians, whether in a hurry or leisurely, walked out of an arc while avoiding the leaflets.

The daily life in the city is ordinary and dynamic.

It's not that social life has not been affected at all by the events of immortals and aura recovery, it's just that people have accepted the fact that this world is changing in a fantasy direction.

Life still has to go on.

This is the result Xi Hua wanted to see.

There will always be surprises in the ordinary.

Xi Hua passed by a business district and saw a long queue, and they all went outside the business district.

Very noisy.

There is a sign around it that says "Holographic Helmet On-Site Sales Point".

In order to enter the foundation building stage as soon as possible, Yu Hua's retreat time is a bit long this time.

After leaving the customs, she left the small world directly from the retreat location, and didn't go to the 001 base. She didn't know that the holographic network technology had been put into use.

Back at the residence, Yuhua looked through the Internet.

The holographic online launch was announced ten days ago.

Because there are certain restrictions on helmet users, not everyone can use it, so the method of selling is adopted, and on-site testing must be carried out first.

Only those who pass the test can be qualified for purchase. If you choose to purchase, DNA binding needs to be performed on the spot and cannot be transferred.

So many restrictions have made the public more enthusiastic about buying helmets.

There are protests abroad, saying that Huaguo should share holographic technology with the whole world, and should not engage in monopoly, technology monopoly does not conform to international practice.

The people of Huaguo backhanded a piece of evidence and threw it in the past, which is the tangible evidence of foreign countries' technology blockade against Huaguo for a hundred years.

It's so cool to slap in the face.

Now the direction of foreign public opinion has shifted to demand that Huaguo open the holographic network to foreigners, so that they are eligible to buy helmets.

Hua Guo kicked the ball back and said that it wasn't that Hua Guo didn't want to sell them helmets, but that their country didn't allow HoloNet to enter.

Then, these people turned the finger of protest against the rulers of their own countries.

Chinese people eat melons from other countries and use their own holographic network.

After reading the recent hot news, Yu Hua checked the movements of some people she paid special attention to.

Big consortia are buying rare earth metals through an obscure company.

(End of this chapter)

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