Chapter 237 Who is she? (18)

But it is also beneficial to the layout of the emperor.

So the dark guard in black simply told him that the dark guard in gray belonged to Luoyue Palace.

"Wait a minute." Yu Hua said to the dark guard in black.

The black-clothed dark guard didn't leave immediately out of embarrassment.

Xi Hua went back to the house and took out two floating fairy fruits from the cage.This box cage is a very useful item box, and everything can be easily taken out from it.

The floating fairy fruit is similar to the big green jujube in appearance, milky white in color, because it is a spiritual fruit, the outer skin has a layer of brilliance.

She handed a floating fairy fruit to the dark guard in black, "Eat it to increase internal strength."

She ate a meal to satisfy her hunger before, and after two more fights with the imperial guards, she found that she had developed internal strength.

The rules of this world are interesting. Spiritual energy entering the body can be directly converted into internal energy and stored in the dantian.

She wanted to see if it was because she was special, or if the Aboriginal people here had that quality too.

Moreover, after the aura was transformed into internal force, the rules of this world were shaken.

The dark guard in black has internal strength, and it is most suitable to use him to verify.

The black-clothed dark guard saw that the fruit was unusual, but there are so many strange fruits in the world, the fruit in his hand is very special, he doesn't know if it is poisonous or not, how dare he eat it?
"Don't believe me?" Yuhua ate the one in her hand, and that's why she took out two, just because she was also hungry.

As soon as he bit it open, the fragrance of the Floating Fairy Fruit and some spiritual energy diffused out. After the black-clothed dark guard passively inhaled into his body, the trace of spiritual energy went straight to his dantian.

Not Fango!The dark guard in black looked eagerly at the floating fairy fruit in his hand.

He already had a decision in his heart, put the fruit in his mouth and bit it open.

A warm current entered the dantian through his meridians.

"Thank you." The dark guard in black clasped his fists at Yu Hua and left invisibly.

The changes in the black-clothed dark guard's dantian were all under the attention of Yuhua.

At the same time, Yu Hua sensed a fluctuation in the spatial rules of this world.

It was her not playing the cards according to the identity of the original owner that finally had an effect.

Now it's a bit of a clue, the space rules of this world are weird, complicated, rigid, and closed.

Then she continued to punch, making the rules of this world smoother.

Guard A knocked on the door, Yu Hua closed the window and said, "Come in."

Guard A came over with a bowl, "Miss Yuxi, drink some fish soup. It's too late to go to the kitchen to search for it. Now I caught some fish and made some soup."

"Put it on the table." Yu Hua asked the imperial guard, "Is the palace gate leading to Jingfang Palace closed at night?"

There are high walls and gatehouses everywhere in the palace. This way of construction can quickly isolate one place from other places.

In the west corner of Jingfang Palace, there is only one road leading here. Once the palace gate at the other end of the road is closed, this lake and Jingfang Palace will become independent areas.

First Guard put the bowl on the table and replied, "Yes."

Back and forth.

They brought a bowl of fish soup, and Yu Hua returned a bunch of floating fairy fruits, "Here, one for each of you. After you eat it, punch it to see if it can be transformed into internal strength."

Since the rules of this world take this trick, then she will continue to feed.

There is a tree of floating fairy fruits in her space, and there are many of them.

It's no wonder that the imperial guard Jiaxin thought it was some uneaten fruit, and went back to find his colleagues with a cloth bag.

It's time for the colleagues to finish the fish soup, and he will have to tie the rope later.

Guard A went to Room A first.

Chang Xiaowei finished his last sip of soup and put down the bowl, "It doesn't matter if you are full with soup. When you go out tomorrow morning, go to Guangde Building for a meal first."

Peng Hu salivated, "Lieutenant Chang, our brother will grow up with you?"

Chang Xiaowei scolded with a smile, "I am addicted to eating what you eat. It's alright, let's go together."

Guard A opened the cloth pocket, and first showed it to Captain Chang, "The fruit given by Miss Yuxi, let each person have one."

"Let me see what kind of fruit it is." Captain Chang reached into his cloth pocket and took out one, which he had never seen before. "This fruit is quite nice." After smelling it, "What kind of fruit is this?"

Guard A: "Miss Yuxi didn't say anything, she just said that this fruit can be transformed into internal energy after eating it."

Chang Xiaowei didn't believe it, but he smelled that the fruit was edible, and Miss Yuxi didn't need to poison them, so he bit into it and ate it.

Eloquent and fragrant.

The smell together aroused the gluttons of other people, and they each stepped forward to take one out of their cloth pockets and ate it.

"It's delicious, I've never eaten such a delicious fruit."

Chang Xiaowei has a lot of knowledge, and the abnormality in his body after eating made him believe in Yuxi's words, and asked the imperial guard, "How does Yuxi say that it is transformed into internal strength?"

Guard A: "It is said to be a punch."

"Leave a space." Chang Xiaowei stood in the middle of the room and started to practice the routine.

Captain Chang did this, and the others followed suit.

Fortunately, the room was not small and empty, and five or six people could barely open it by punching on the spot.

An hour after Guard A left, Yu Hua sensed the fluctuation of the space rules of this world again.

She used her mental strength to look towards Room A and Room C, and saw that six or seven people had gathered internal energy in their dantians.

This proved that the aura in the spiritual fruit can be automatically transformed into internal force when it enters the body.

A very strange rule.

The bad thing is that as soon as she released her mental power, the rules squeezed her even more, and she had the momentum to crush her to death.

Yu Hua was not afraid of this, she took advantage of the loopholes in the space rules due to fluctuations, and put a little of her rule power into it.

She wants to see what kind of world this is.


The night was deeper.

Outside the cold palace, three black shadows flashed past.

It was a real black figure, wearing a black tight-fitting dress, with a black cloth covering his face, only two eyes were exposed.

They walked and jumped between the palace walls and trees, their figures erratic like ghosts.

Soon he stepped on the palace wall of Qiusi Palace.

There was no one in the courtyard of Qiusi Temple, not even a night watchman.

The only brightly lit place in the front yard is the pavilion in the middle of the yard.

The scene inside can be seen clearly through the hollow panes without window paper.

On the couch inside lay a court lady reclining, and the maid slept with her clothes on.

The black shadow in the middle of the palace wall, after carefully identifying the maid in the lower pavilion, nodded slightly.

The other two received the signal, and the three of them stretched out their arms in unison, revealing the crossbow machine tied to their forearms, pointed the mouth of the crossbow machine at the people in the pavilion, and pulled down the machine.

Three slight cracking wind sounds sounded one after another.

Crossbow || The speed of the arrow shot by the machine is very fast, and when the sound of breaking wind reaches the human ear, the arrow has already reached the target.

The three believed that this time would be no exception.

To be on the safe side, they immediately shot their second arrows.

When the wind broke, three arrows had passed through the pane and flew straight to the couch.

A hand stretched out from the couch, and the three arrows seemed to have been pulled by something, slightly changed direction, and were held in that hand.

(End of this chapter)

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