Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 26: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 26 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Seeing that they were about to collide, Yu Hua dodged at a very fast speed, because the speed of the car was so fast that the people on the motorcycle had no time to turn and passed by Yu Hua.

Yu Hua didn't give him a chance to turn around and hit him again, half of the brick in his hand hit the rear wheel of the motorcycle.

Xi Hua was confident in her aim, so she didn't even use her mental strength.

One hit.

The motorcycle fell to the ground and rubbed against the ground with a loud noise.

Due to the high speed, the person on the motorcycle was thrown far away and landed in the middle of the road, motionless, and it seemed that the fall was not light.

The fallen motorcycle slid out for a certain distance due to inertia, and then hit a wall on one side and stopped.

Hearing the siren sound from far to near, Yu Hua stood still and did not move.

After a while, a police car drove in.

Seeing the situation in the street, the police car stopped.

One of the policewomen who got out of the car recognized Yu Hua, "Cheng Wenjin? You called the police?"

"It's me." Yuhua also recognized the policewoman as Officer Xia who came to the hospital to take notes for her.

On the other side, several policemen went to check on the three people who were lying on the ground one or two distances away, and called an emergency call.

Police officer Xia has a good impression of Yuhua. Women who dare to resist someone stronger than themselves when they are hurt deserve her respect, even if Yuhua is just an underage girl.

She asked with concern, "Are you hurt?"

Yu Hua shook her head, "No."


A black commercial vehicle slammed to a stop behind the police car.

There is a line of conspicuous words sprayed on the front cover of the commercial vehicle: Lingcheng TV Station.

As soon as the car stopped, the door opened, and several people came down quickly. The young woman in the front was holding a microphone, and the one behind was holding different camera equipment, following behind the young woman.

Officer Xia stopped the group of people, "The scene is being processed, you can't go there."

The group stopped cooperatively. The young woman smiled professionally and said into the microphone, "Hello, I'm Ding Yu, a reporter from the City News of the City TV Station. What happened here? Was it a car accident?"

After the Dingyu reporter finished speaking, he turned the microphone towards Officer Xia.

Officer Xia frowned, "How did you get here?"

Ding Yu explained, "We received a report that a child was missing in a garden in the middle of the street nearby. We rushed here and saw our police car driving here. We thought the child had been found, so we followed. "

Officer Xia's brows loosened. It's not as good as the news leaked from their side. He said to Ding Yu, "The investigation has just started, and there is no comment yet. If there is any information that can be made public, we will contact our friends in the media in time. .”

Yu Hua pointed to the van in the distance and said, "There is a child in the van."

She called the police and said that two strangers wanted to arrest her, but she countered.

Although it was basically determined that the man and the woman were human traffickers, she only thought that the two men saw her walking alone on the road and deliberately attacked her temporarily, and she couldn't be sure whether the children in the car belonged to two people.

After hearing Ding Yu's words, she made some guesses and released her mental power. She saw that the child was placed on the ground in the back seat of the van, and was covered with a towel pulled down from the back seat. She did not remove the towel There was no way to tell that there was a child hiding in it.

After the beginning of summer, the weather is still a little hot after five o'clock in the afternoon, so stuffiness will make children sick.

Your own will not be treated like this.

This street is next to the park in the middle of the street, and she guessed that this child is most likely the lost child that Ding Yu said.

Ding Yu asked Yu Hua in surprise, "How old is the child? Is it about two years old?"

Xi Hua nodded.

"Stay here and don't wander around." Officer Xia told Xi Hua, and immediately ran to the van.

Ding Yu didn't care to wait for Yu Hua's answer, and winked at the colleagues behind him, and the group followed Officer Xia.

Soon, Officer Xia took a child out of the van, but the child was still asleep while sweating, which was obviously abnormal.

It was very close to the No. 10 Hospital of the City, and an ambulance arrived within [-] minutes, pulling away three, three, one, and four unconscious people.

Yu Hua went to the police station in a police car.


When Liu Cunming received a call from the police station, saying that a student in his class had an accident and asked him to go to the police station, he almost lost his temper.

Throwing down his chopsticks and rushing to the police station, seeing that Cheng Wenjin was fine, his heart was relieved.

Cheng Wenjin's mother, Cheng Qiuyun, is currently in a suburban county, and she won't be able to come back for a while, so after consulting Cheng Qiuyun's opinion, he was notified that the head teacher came to accompany Cheng Wenjin to take notes.

After finding out what happened, Liu Cunming's heart skipped a beat several times.

When Cheng Wenjin came home from school and walked to Huayangli East Street, he met two human traffickers, a man and a woman.

When two traffickers tried to take her away, she fought back and subdued them.She not only saved herself, but also saved a child who was abducted by two traffickers.

The identity of the child has been ascertained, and it is the child who was abducted from the garden in the middle of the street.He was being treated in the hospital because he was given sleeping pills.

Trafficking in human beings is a big case, and the police acted very quickly.

A man and a woman were just fainted. There were only scratches and bruises on their bodies. There were no major injuries. They woke up shortly after being sent to the hospital.

After treatment in the hospital, the two have been escorted to the bureau.

Knowing that they couldn't deny it, the two confessed quickly.

The man's name was Sun Yong, and the woman's name was Tian Li. There were four of them in a group, and the other two did not leave with them.

They abducted the child premeditatedly, and arrested Cheng Wenjin on a whim.

The group of them has been watching the child for several days. Every day at this time, the child's grandmother will take the child to the garden next to the street.

A less crowded entrance and exit of the garden in the middle of the street faces the West Street entrance of Huayang North [-]th Street, so they parked their car in the quiet North [-]th Street.

Sun Yong was waiting in the car, while Tian Li and two others went to kidnap the child.

Today, the three of Tian Li looked at an opportunity. The child's grandmother took the child to buy balloons, and many people gathered in front of the balloon stand.

The three squeezed past, taking advantage of the time when the child's grandma was paying and not looking at the child, the other two covered up, and Tian Li took the child away.

Tian Li stuffed a lollipop into the child's mouth. The child was too young and refused to accept life, so he didn't cry or fuss with the candy in his mouth.

The lollipop was wrapped with medicine, and the child fell asleep after eating it for a while.

The two people who were covering stayed where they were and misled the child's grandmother, Tian Li carried the child back to the car.

She was supposed to drive out of the city right away, but Tian Li saw Cheng Wenjin, a good-looking female student, who was alone, and became greedy, thinking that if she was captured, she could sell it for a good price.

When they arrived in the car, they discussed with Sun Yong, and the two decided to make a quick vote and take the female student away in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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