Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 28: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 28 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

It was Grandma Xiaoqing who spoke.

Huayangli Community has the advantages and common problems of the old community. The advantage is that the surrounding living facilities are mature, the market, schools, hospitals, etc. are complete, and life is convenient.

The common problem is that there are many idle people in the community.

Idlers like to gossip and break their mouths.

Grandma Xiaoqing is one of the idlers.

Kuang Hua thought for a while, nodded to her, and continued to run out.

When she came out yesterday, she also met Grandma Xiaoqing. Grandma Xiaoqing didn't mention her name, so she ignored it.

Then, when she ran over, she heard Grandma Xiaoqing say to people behind her, "Why is this child Wen Jin ignoring others, what happened at home? I asked her mother when I looked back, I haven't seen her before. It's too early. I heard that I was injured in the hospital some time ago..."

In order to have less things, she ignored Grandma Xiaoqing today.

"This child ran away without saying a word. Can you get enough sleep every day after getting up so early? I'll tell her mother later..."

Whether you ignore it or not, there is gossip, so Kuhua decides whether to ignore it or not if he encounters it tomorrow.

Under the intentional promotion of Zhao Qihai, the reconciliation between the two parties was quickly reached, and Cheng Qiuyun chose the compensation clause of [-]% off the purchase of the house unexpectedly.

Cheng Qiuyun signed the house purchase contract two days ago.

They won't be staying here for long, the neighbors will do what they like.

The house in Huayangli Community was bought by Cheng Qiuyun.

She didn't think much about it when she bought it. She just wanted to give her child a stable home. She bought this place because the houses here are relatively cheap, and the kindergartens and primary schools are very close.

Used up all her savings to make a down payment.Now it seems that she bought the right house, the house price has skyrocketed, and the house in Huayang has more than tenfolded, which is very valuable.

Just because the house in Huayangli was bought, Cheng Qiuyun had the confidence to see the house in Bihaiqingyuan, and wanted to buy a big one in one step.

Also because it is his own house, even though he is incompatible with the neighbors who are so idle, he has lived there for more than ten years.

After leaving the community and running eastward for more than ten minutes, we arrived at Yuanhu Lake.

Lingcheng is surrounded by mountains and rivers, the mountain is Lingxiang Mountain, and the water is Yuanhu Lake.

In order to protect the water quality of Yuan Lake, it is not allowed to build buildings near the lake, and the area along the lake is planned to be an open original ecological park. Yuan Lake has become a good place for Lingcheng people to relax.

Before dawn, there were few people by the Yuan Lake, but the open park was also a park with complete public facilities.

Kuan Hua didn't stop at his feet and ran along the Yuan Lake.

Running and running, she accelerated little by little until she stabilized the speed at her current limit.

If someone were to measure her speed on the side, she would find that her stable speed was very uniform, the same as the one set on the treadmill, and the time spent per kilometer was not bad.

Xi Hua didn't run for too long and stopped after 10 minutes.

She found a flat open area, took off her earphones, and practiced external skills.

The external skills in basic martial arts combine the strengths of various families, combining rigidity and softness, fast and slow, and just the right time to rise, fall, kick, hit, flip, retreat, shake, and turn.

Kuhua's movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, which is very beautiful.

After a while, it attracted many people who came here to practice early.

Mostly grandparents.

After Kuang Hua played a few laps, several more followed behind him.

She won't teach it specially, but whoever wants to follow along can follow along. She chooses to practice external exercises here. First, she needs a large space. There are too many people who get up early to exercise in the garden in the middle of the street. Learn to go.

Without the cooperation of internal power, external power can only play the role of exercising the body.

It is estimated that Kuhua will be more effective than the public fitness method. After all, it is the best martial arts book in the system market.

You can go to school later, Kuhua practiced more today.

By the time she ran home the same way, Cheng Qiuyun had already gone to work.

Cheng Qiuyun wanted to take a few days off to accompany her, but Kuhua refused.

Cheng Qiuyun's education method is loose, and she respects her daughter's own wishes. Kuhua said no, but Cheng Qiuyun was afraid that it would add psychological burden to her daughter and did not insist.

Of course, it was also confirmed that yesterday's incident did not leave a psychological shadow on Kuhua, so he gave up the plan to ask for leave.

There is a ready breakfast on the table, kept hot on a plate.

She went to take a shower, got dressed and came out, sat down at the dining table, and removed the upside-down plate.

Breakfast is very simple, purple rice porridge, fried eggs, steamed buns.

The steamed buns should have been bought at the bakery shop outside the community. They were about the size of an adult man's fist, and there were eight in total.

Purple rice porridge, two bowls.

Fried eggs, six.

It cannot be said that Cheng Qiuyun was not careful with her daughter. Although she went out early and returned late, she still found that the food intake of Kuhua was increasing.

After knowing that Kuhua was not feeling sick after eating a lot because of her martial arts training, she immediately increased the amount of breakfast she prepared every day.

Cheng Qiuyun gave her the greatest trust. She didn't ask who she learned martial arts from. After she went to the hospital for a review a few days ago and the result said that she was in very good health, she supported her even more.

When Kuang Hua was eating, he received a message.

It was sent by Jiang Yan.

Since getting to know her, Jiang Yan has often sent her messages. Although she will not reply to most of the messages, Jiang Yan is still the same.

Jiang Yan didn't understand why Jiang Yan was so interested in her, just like she wanted to study her own body.

Jiang Yan doesn't know that her body is Nebula. She is human now. If Jiang Yan is interested in people, shouldn't she study herself?Both females are biologically no different.

[Jiang Yan: Sister Jin, was it the kidnapped child you rescued yesterday?Are you okay? 】

Kuang Hua remembered that Jiang Yan had said that she was an intern at a TV station, and knew it was not surprising.

She sent a message back, [Cheng Wenjin: I'm fine.That child was not saved by me]

[Jiang Yan: Did you cut your hair?I look at you, but the hair is wrong]

[Jiang Yan: You saved the child by saving yourself]

[Jiang Yan: Are you really practicing martial arts? 】

[Jiang Yan: After I heard from my colleague, I really sweated for you.The colleague I'm talking about is Ding Yu, and we have a good relationship.I said Jinmei is smashed, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, don't be hard, just run away first.]

[Jiang Yan: By the way, the city bulletin at [-] o'clock will report this matter, don't worry, you will be marked on your face when it is broadcast]

Jiang Yan sent a series of messages in succession.

Kuang Hua returned a【Good】

She was prepared to be in the news.

Yesterday, reporter Ding Yu followed her to the police station and asked her a few questions.

The incident of losing the child was quite a big deal. The place of the incident was in a lively street garden, and there were many people talking. At that time, the enthusiastic people stabbed the TV station to help find the child. There are already stickers on it.

Fortunately, the other two accomplices were caught.

TV news is still in the mainstream now, and most people haven't developed the habit of swiping their scarfs to watch the news, otherwise the other two accomplices may really run away.

(End of this chapter)

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