Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 3: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 3 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

The so-called binding agreement between the system and the host seems to be voluntary and fair, but in fact the dominant power has always been in the hands of the system.

What the host doesn't know is that at the cost of the soul, not only the soul itself, but also the soul's original luck and merits have all returned to the system.

The system task given to the original owner is to become a movie queen, if the task is not completed, it will be obliterated.The original owner's soul collapsed unexpectedly, and the task must not be completed. It is not against the agreement for the system to eat the original owner's soul.

Yuhua can't guarantee that the system won't backfire on her, even if she isn't bound.

The system is right, since this is an ordinary person's body, she can't use mental power without limit, so she doesn't give the system a chance to speak, and kills it directly, saving time for using mental power.

A dead system is a safe system.

Yu Hua slapped the bead on her forehead, and the bead sank into her forehead without hindrance, and was decomposed and absorbed into her consciousness body.

With the integration of the law of space and the law of time, Yuhua's consciousness has visibly grown a little bit.

The law of space and the law of time are difficult to capture, and it is worthwhile for her to follow.

What is intercepted in the void is only the information carried on the surface of the system, and the amount of information inside the system is even greater.

Hey, at the cost of the soul, it is equivalent to giving the system a trace of the power of the original world of the soul, and the system can use this power of rules to anchor the original world of the host.

Some information was destroyed with the obliteration of the system's consciousness, so Yuhua didn't know what the system was used to anchor a world.

A bloody smell rose from her throat, rushing straight out, she touched the corner of her mouth, dispersed the space of mental power, and left here.


He Jianjun received a drop-in order, and the pick-up location was on the side of Liuzhong. There were few cars and pedestrians on that road, and the car drove comfortably. He drove there in a good mood.

When he was about to reach the place, he saw a girl wearing a high school uniform next to her, carrying her schoolbag from the shade on the side of the road to the side of the road, so he slowed down and walked over.

Seeing the girl's appearance clearly, He Jianjun was taken aback, "This, what's the matter."

The girl looked very embarrassed, her clothes were covered with grass clippings and mud, only the corners of her mouth and the back of her hand carrying her schoolbag were covered with blood, and some of her clothes were also stained.

Hearing the sound of a car approaching, the girl stopped and looked over, her figure swayed twice,
He Jianjun quickly pulled over, parked the car, opened the door and got out of the car, and asked the girl, "Are you short-tempered? What's wrong with you? You fell or were beaten, did you call the police?"

The text is short and long is the username of the original taxi-hailing software, Yu Hua nodded, "I am."

After confirming that he was going to pick up the customer, He Jianjun quickly went to pick up the schoolbag in Xi Hua's hand, opened the rear door, "Get in the car and sit down, be careful."

When Yu Hua sat in, He Jianjun put the schoolbag beside her, closed the rear door for her, turned to the front and sat in the driver's seat, and while pulling the seat belt, he turned around and asked, "Have you notified your family? Do you need me?" Call for you?"

Yu Hua shook her head, "Go to the hospital first."

She was not the original owner, and she was afraid of being found out when she was injured, so she didn't dare to go to the hospital, so she bought some medicine in private.

He Jianjun thought so too, the most important thing now is to send the person to the hospital, in case there is some kind of internal injury and concussion that delays the treatment, even though he has a driving recorder in his car, it will be troublesome if something happens.

He started the car and drove as fast as he could to the hospital.

Afraid of what might happen, halfway on the way, he saw in the rearview mirror that the eyes of the girl sitting in the back row were closed, and her head was tilted to one side.


Yu Hua did not respond to him.

Her conscious body was awake, but her body couldn't resist anymore.

It's not just the consequences of using mental power.

This body was kicked several times by the opponent before she took over.

How strong is the man, the four scumbags think that if they don't kick the vitals, they won't be killed, and they kick really hard regardless of the severity.

In addition, this physical fitness is already weak, and several factors add up, she can support it until now is not bad.

He Jianjun became short of breath. Fortunately, he had been mentally prepared and was still calm. He called the police, explained the situation, and drove to the hospital at a faster speed.


"Don't think too much, we will deal with it fairly." The policewoman patted Yu Hua's shoulder comfortingly, her eyes were soft, "Take a good rest, we adults have other matters to deal with."

Yuhua: "Yes."

She just finished taking notes.

This is her third day in the hospital.

When I moved in, I had multiple injuries on my body, accompanied by mild internal bleeding in multiple organs. I was in a coma for almost two days and two nights, and I just woke up this morning.

Her conscious body also entered a dormant state.

The human body is really weak, especially the brain, which needs a certain amount of sleep every day for self-cultivation.

Her conscious body does not need to sleep every day, but she has completely integrated with the body. The non-sleeping of the conscious body means that the brain is always working, which will cause irreversible damage to the body.
So she synchronized her conscious body with her brain, and slept with her body.

During the two days when the body was in a coma, the conscious body also slept for two days.

The ride-hailing driver called the police on the way to take her, so shortly after she woke up, two police officers rushed over and took notes for her.

She didn't exaggerate or hide, she told the truth.

The original owner in the previous life not only didn't call the police when he was beaten this time, even his mother didn't say anything.

It is normal to at least tell the parents if you are beaten or injured. Yuhua doesn't understand that the original owner chose to hide it and bear it on his own.

Instead, she found out from her memory what the original owner was thinking. She just felt that her mother worked very hard every day, and she didn't want to cause her mother any trouble.

Also, I feel that it is a shameful thing to be beaten and take pictures of me in distress, and I don't want more people to know about it.

Knowing the idea of ​​the original owner, but Yu Hua did not agree.

"Let's go first. You can call us if you need anything." The female police officer didn't mind Yuhua's expressionless face at all. A girl of sixteen or seventeen was beaten and scolded by four men for trivial matters. After suffering physical and psychological injuries, it is difficult to achieve emotional stability.

"Thank you." It was the elegant woman sitting on the other side of the hospital bed who spoke, and she stood up, "I'll see you off."

She is the original owner's mother, Cheng Qiuyun.

Cheng Qiuyun looked in her 30s, but she was actually in her 40s, and her haggard face couldn't conceal the beauty of her face. She had obviously just cried, and her eyes were slightly red and swollen.

The female police officer waved her hand, "No need to send it off. You should also rest more. Only when you have rested can you have the energy to take care of your daughter."

The two policemen left the ward.

Cheng Qiuyun didn't sit down again, and asked Yuhua, "Do you want to drink water?"

Yu Hua shook her head.

She was feeling the faint connection between her and Cheng Qiuyun.

This connection between bloodlines is also a rule.

She was a little hot-eyed and wanted to swallow.

(End of this chapter)

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