Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 33: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 33 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

The shift to the factory is usually four months, and it is said that there is still one month to expire.

Cheng Qiuyun said, "I've been transferred with someone, and I'm staying at the company in the city to work."

She was willing to go to the factory because there were generous subsidies for going to the factory. She wanted to earn more money in exchange for a better living environment. After her daughter's accident, she reflected on herself and felt that it was too early to let go of her daughter completely. She should give her more some concern.

If it wasn't for the psychiatrist's suggestion not to change the routine of life too quickly, she would have been transferred with someone else.

Breakfast is very simple, milk, red bean porridge, tomato scrambled eggs, steamed buns bought yesterday, served with some side dishes.

The two of them couldn't eat without talking.

After eating, Xi Hua washed the dishes, and Cheng Qiuyun went downstairs to drive first.

There are few parking spaces in the Huayangli community, far away from the building.

When Xi Hua went downstairs with her schoolbag on her back, Cheng Qiuyun hadn't brought the car over yet.

I met Grandma Xiaoqing again.

"Hey, Wen Jin is going to school, where's your mother?"

Yu Hua pointed backwards.

Cheng Qiuyun came back late, and the car stopped at the end of the community.

Xihua didn't say anything and failed to send her away, but Grandma Xiaoqing came over instead, "Did your mother tell you about that? Let me tell you, what is there to consider? The conditions over there are good, and she promised to raise her." You, what a wonderful thing, your mother has to think about it.

I know that Wenjin is a good person. Please advise your mother to think more for herself, and don't wait until she is old and has nothing to rely on.If you become a family, you will be more personal, right? "

Yu Hua didn't understand, "What's the matter?"

"Hey! You kid, why are you pretending to be confused? It's your mother looking for it again."

Cheng Qiuyun drove over with the window open, and was hearing Grandma Xiaoqing's words.

She stuck her head out of the car window, her voice was gentle but firm, "Aunt Zhang, I remember that I rejected you last time, and I never said that I would consider it."

Grandma Xiaoqing was not ashamed to get her daughter caught behind her back, so she turned to Cheng Qiuyun and said, "Xiao Cheng, you should think about this matter again. Xiao Wu said that she is willing to treat Wen Jin as her own daughter." Treat it the same way.”

Cheng Qiuyun took a deep breath, tried her best to stop her nausea, and said, "Don't worry about it, Aunt Zhang. I raise my own daughter by myself, and I don't plan to remarry."

Yuhua understood. It turned out that she was introducing a partner to Cheng Qiuyun, but Cheng Qiuyun refused. Grandma Xiaoqing still wanted to match her up, so she turned her idea on her.

She walked to the car, and when she missed Grandma Xiaoqing, she condensed her voice into Grandma Xiaoqing's ears, imitating the harsh words of the gangsters around her, "Whoever dares to provoke my mother, I will kill him! Anyway, I didn't adult!"

Cheng Qiuyun probably took into account that she was a neighbor and would not offend her, so her attitude of refusal was a little milder, which actually made these people cling to her.

The only way to deal with this kind of nosy person is to use force.

The sound that poured into the ears made my brain ache and my teeth trembled from the cold. Grandma Xiaoqing staggered in fright and gasped a few times.

Yu Hua got into the car, smiled at Grandma Xiaoqing, Grandma Xiaoqing suddenly felt anxious, she couldn't think of anything and just wanted to run home.

A pair of splayed feet are quite slippery.

It's all right, grandma Xiaoqing should not stick to her anymore.

After the car left the community, Cheng Qiuyun looked at Yuhua several times in the rearview mirror before saying, "Xiaojin, I won't remarry."

Yuhua: "I know."

The original owner was a posthumous child, if Cheng Qiuyun had the intention of remarrying, she would not have waited until now. She really thought that if she remarried, the original owner might not be born.

Yuhua understands, but the resentment in her body is gone.

Resentment itself has no consciousness and will explode when stimulated at the root.Like now, when Cheng Qiuyun said that she would not remarry, her resentment erupted and roiled in her body.

Some of the original owner's resentment dissipated, but a lot still remained in his body.

Xi Hua stared at Cheng Qiuyun's face in the rearview mirror for a while.

Cheng Qiuyun found out, thought there was something wrong with her face, and asked, "Is there something on my face?"

Yu Hua was comparing the similarities between Cheng Wenjin and Cheng Qiuyun's looks. Among the [-]% similarities, temperament is the most similar. In terms of facial features, only the eyes are exactly the same, and it is very likely that other parts have followed the father's side.

The rumor of the illegitimate daughter in the previous life caused the original owner to accumulate a lot of resentment, and the original owner once suspected the reason why Qi Cheng Qiuyun never remarried.

Yu Hua asked on behalf of the original owner, "Why did I take your last name? What is my father like?"

What the original owner knew from an early age was that her father died unexpectedly before she was born, and her grandma's family cut off contact with their mother and daughter.

Although the grandma's family has not been in contact with each other, they have almost no contact. It is normal not to have a phone call in a year. The original owner vaguely remembers only going to the grandma's house once before elementary school.

This is the original owner's impression, maybe Cheng Qiuyun contacted her grandma and didn't tell her.

The original owner had very little contact with grandma's house.

As for why this happened, Cheng Qiuyun never told the original owner, the original owner asked if she didn't remember when she was very young.

But as long as she can remember, she was afraid that mentioning her father would make her mother sad. She was sensible and never asked.

Cheng Qiuyun had already passed away when the rumors about her illegitimate daughter broke out, she had nowhere to ask, and she had a question in her heart.

Coincidentally, she is somewhat similar to the chairman of a wealthy family that was exposed.

The photo album of the original owner's house contained the wedding photos of her parents, but the edited studio-style photos were very distorted, and it was impossible to judge whether she looked like her father or not from this.

Moreover, there are no photos of her parents' life together, or even photos of her father's single life.

Things that she didn't even know made her indisputable, and it was also one of the factors that caused her to collapse.

Xi Hua asked for the original owner.

Cheng Qiuyun was a little surprised, "You want to know?"

Yuhua: "Shouldn't I know?"

Cheng Qiuyun didn't answer, but looked at the time on the dashboard, felt that it was too late, turned to a small road on the right, walked for a while, and stopped on the side of the road.

Only then did Yu Hua answer: "No. You never asked, I thought you didn't want to know. It's not a pleasant thing. I originally planned to tell you after you graduated from high school and became an adult."

That's right, in the previous life, something happened to Cheng Qiuyun before the original owner graduated from high school. Not only was she physically disabled, she was in a coma for three months and after waking up, her mind became much duller.

Cheng Qiuyun failed to tell the original owner as originally planned.

Seeing Cheng Qiuyun's calm expression, there is a good chance that the rumor of the nine illegitimate daughters is not true, and she said, "I want to know. How did you get married, how did he die, and does he have any relatives there? "

Cheng Qiuyun said "OK" without any reluctance.

She looked at Yuhua in the rearview mirror and said, "There are a lot of things to talk about. There is not much time in this meeting. Let me briefly talk about it. If there is anything you want to know more about, I will tell you in detail when I get back from school."

(End of this chapter)

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