Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 35: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 35 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

The results of the monthly exam came out very quickly.

"Look at the students in your class. If you don't write the composition for me, you will get zero points." The Chinese teacher approached Liu Cunming with all the momentum, "It's because they have opinions on me as a teacher."

The amount of questions in the monthly exam is not very large, and the time for writing essays is enough.

If you write an essay, you will get points. Those who want to rank low in the bottom will not leave their essays empty, at most, they will not write enough words.

"Teacher Gao calm down, I will criticize him later. The children are like this, just criticize him." Liu Cunming smiled, "By the way, Teacher Gao, which student is so bold."

Teacher Gao didn't have much air at first, but when Liu Cunming smiled, she lost her air and showed Liu Cunming the paper, "Here, it's Cheng Wenjin who just transferred to your class.

I have read the papers she did in Class 4, and the composition is pretty good, at least 40 points for a 54-point composition, and [-] points for the best one. "

No wonder the Chinese teacher would be angry. In the past, other teachers could get high marks in the composition of the exam, but when it was her turn to teach the exam, she just stopped writing.

Is it because she doesn't teach well?

Liu Cunming read Cheng Wenjin's Chinese paper and failed.

He explained to Teacher Gao, "Cheng Wenjin had an accident a few days ago, and it may have affected his mentality, so he failed to perform well in the exam."

After being reminded by Liu Cunming, Teacher Gao remembered, "Cheng Wenjin is the girl who met a trafficker and rescued a child?"

Liu Cunming only reported this matter to the school leaders, but the school leaders still took a cold deal. Therefore, most teachers have heard about this matter but don't know which student it is.

"It's her." Liu Cunming confirmed.

"It's no wonder." Teacher Gao said, took back the paper, looked at it again and said, "I think her basic knowledge is quite solid, and there is nothing wrong with it, but there is a deviation in the understanding of the meaning of the text. Wait until tomorrow After class, I would recommend a few exercise books to her to strengthen her training in this area."

"Then I'll trouble Mr. Gao to pay more attention."

"Miss Liu, you are being polite. She is also my student, isn't she?" Teacher Gao left calmly.

Liu Cunming rubbed his face with his hands a few times.

A few days ago, he praised Cheng Wenjin for having memorized all the textbooks of all subjects, which was a compliment to his loneliness.

Cheng Wenjin's highest score in the test was English, with a total score of 150 and [-] points in the test.

I failed in mathematics, chemistry, and biology.

Physics gave him a lot of face, he passed the test, and got 78 points out of [-].

Because Cheng Wenjin was a new transfer, he paid more attention and read her other papers.

Although there were many blank places on the test paper, he also noticed that Cheng Wenjin had done all the basic questions well.

There is also a phenomenon that in the math papers, all the questions she did are correct, and there is no wrong one.

Even if he is a top student, the questions he can solve may not necessarily be correct, and Cheng Wenjin can do it with certainty.

In this case, she is not considered a real scumbag. A real scumbag writes on the test paper even if it is a bit of a scumbag. It doesn't matter whether it is right or not.

He rubbed his face a few more times, "It's okay, if you have a good foundation, you may catch up." Fortunately, I am now a sophomore in high school, and there is a year to catch up before the college entrance examination.

When the papers are handed out, some people like it and others worry about it.

Yu Hua looked at her several failed papers without changing her expression.

The score was about the same as she estimated.

The original owner's English is not bad, and she memorized a lot of vocabulary and all the textbooks, and the papers were done relatively smoothly.

Physics studies the laws of matter, and these laws belong to laws. Hua is no longer familiar with laws. The content of physics is just described in another way, which is easy for her to understand.

So these two exams are the best.

The school will not publish a ranking list for the monthly examination results, but there are rankings in the class.

The old class will miss the opportunity to create a sense of learning tension for the students. The answer is, no.

After each monthly exam, the class performance ranking table will be printed out on a piece of A4 paper and pasted next to the blackboard for students to check at any time.

The pressure of the class list is not much less than that of the school list.

Dark horses are rare, and the class rankings in the monthly exams generally do not change much, and Cheng Wenjin was immediately revealed.

She was ranked third from last.

"Thank you, ha, let my ranking go up a step."

In this exam, Cheng Wenjin, who was at the bottom of the exam, was added, and Chen Fei, who was not in the middle, was missing. Many rankings moved up a step.

It was Zhao Kai who said this, last time he was the third from last, and this time he became the fifth from last.

He didn't mean to laugh at Yu Hua, it was purely teasing and self-deprecating.

The students in the class did not comment on the bottom ranking of Yuhua. After all, Yuhua just transferred from the liberal arts class, and it is normal to do poorly in the test. It would be surprising if the test was in the top three.

Just looking at her English test is not bad, and physics, this time the physics questions are very biased, even those who can score [-] are not bad.

"Admiration, admiration, you dare not to write essays for the exam. If you offend Boss Gao, you can ask for blessings." The Chinese teacher has always been demanding and has a strong aura. The students privately call her Boss Gao.

Generally, in such a situation, Boss Gao will be overwhelmed by the insiders.

To the astonishment of the students, Boss Gao's inaction (article) towards Xihua can be described as gentle and gentle, and he also recommended several sets of reference books and exercise sets to her after class.

It's so lemony.

Good looks can make Boss Gao hold his hand high?Can't compare.

It was another class break, and Zhou Yanyan suddenly jumped up like a chicken blood, "Ah, ah, hurry up and go to the campus network, Qin Muyan's latest amazing photos! Guaranteed to be a big melon! Hands are fast and hands are slow."

It was in the middle of the afternoon, and the sun was still shining desperately. The first class in the afternoon had just finished, and the students were a little listless.

This sentence made the students refreshed, and they were quick to use the Internet in seconds.

The topic of the post on the top of the forum was written in eye-catching fonts [Desperate to upload the hidden face of Qin Xiaocao! ! ! (This post may be deleted soon, see if I am right)]

The photo of Qin Muyan posted by the host should be a candid photo, but when Qin Muyan discovered it, Qin Muyan became angry and stared at the person who took the photo secretly.

But that's not the point, the point is Qin Muyan's eyes, with tears in his eyes, like weeping and complaining, originally Qin Muyan was angry, but with these eyes, it mutated into anger and resentment.

Also, Qin Muyan's lips seemed to be parted, from which one could see a little bit of the tip of the tongue, an indescribable charm.

The follow up below is crazy.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! !What does it mean that I see pity, this is that I see pity! ! ! 】

【So you are such Qin Muyan [wretched]】

【Male God Turns into Goddess~~~Stimulation~~~】

[Wall Crack recommends Qin Xiaocao to transform into a boss in women's clothing]

[Ah ah ah! ! ! ! !I am too!Ladies can do it]

[Nimma, a shemale, disgusting! ! 】

[Is this nature exposed?Then what he did before, I'm afraid it's not to cover up...]

(End of this chapter)

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