Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 355 Who Moved My Research

Chapter 355 Who Moved My Research (18)

Yu Hua said, "About Mr. Dong."

Meng Shu was obviously surprised, then turned around and said a few words to the woman next to her. The woman nodded and left.

Meng Shu asked Yu Hua, "What happened to him?"

"If you want to know, come with me." Then Yuhua turned around and left.

Meng Shu stood there hesitating for a while, took out her mobile phone and made a call, but no one answered, and no one answered when she called again.

She was a little anxious.

After thinking about it, he chased after him, "Hey, Miss Han, wait a minute."

Yu Hua had already walked to her car and opened the door, "If you want to know what's going on, get in the car."

Meng Shu saw Yu Hua's car, looked at her carefully again, and remembered, "You are... You came here with that Miss Zheng that day, right?"

She remembered that the other party wore a thick hairstyle that day, standing beside the glamorous Miss Zheng, very inconspicuous.

This Miss Han was wearing a gray-green skirt with a decadent color scheme. It was too ugly, so I remembered it.

Today was like a different person, she only connected the two of them when she saw this car.The eye-catching yellow off-road vehicle is easy to remember.

"Yes." The original owner and Zheng Ziyue came here to reserve a dress for their engagement.

Zheng Ziyue didn't need her to come to the bridal shop to order a dress in person, she was doing it for Meng Shu.

When Yuhua passed by this bridal shop before, she remembered this incident.

The marriage between the Zheng family and the Dong family will naturally carry out various investigations on Dong Chenglin, and his emotional experience is the key point.

After this investigation, it was found that Dong Chenglin had a secret girlfriend.

Meng Shu was born in an ordinary family and met Dong Chenglin when she was in college in Fengshi. The two have been in love for nearly three years.

Meng Shu graduated this year and stayed in Fengshi to design wedding dresses in this bridal dress shop.

The Dong family would definitely not agree to Dong Chenglin's marriage to Meng Shu. Dong Chenglin knew this very well. He didn't know what he told Meng Shu. Their relationship was in an underground state.

After Zheng Ziyue found out, she came up with an idea to punish Meng Shu, and planned to give Meng Shu a big "surprise".

She asked Meng Shu to design and make an engagement dress for her, and then invited Meng Shu to attend her engagement wedding, and she would send someone to pick her up in case Meng Shu would not go.

In order to achieve a better "surprise" effect, Zheng Ziyue made a request to Zheng and Dong, saying that the news of the engagement should not be leaked to the media before the engagement.

The reason why Meng Shu is not being attacked now is because she and Dong Chenglin have not yet made an agreement before the engagement, and if she makes a fuss, it is easy to mess up the marriage.

The Dong family needs capital injection from the Zheng family, and the Zheng family also needs the overseas background of the Dong family to expand overseas business.If she dared to disrupt the cooperation between the two families, she would definitely be punished by her family.

Dong Chenglin's ability and appearance are first-class, and he used to be honest with Zheng Ziyue, which also aroused Zheng Ziyue's desire to conquer. Zheng Ziyue played a big role in the marriage between the Zheng family and the Dong family.

The fact that the engagement can be held as scheduled means that the cooperation between the two companies has been finalized, and Dong Chenglin can't even go back on his word.

Xi Hua remembered this, so why not give Zheng Ziyue the "surprise".

She looked down on people like Dong Chenglin the most, and it was also to give Meng Shu a chance to recognize Dong Chenglin's true face.

It depends on whether Meng Shu will be wise when he finds out.

"Miss Han, do you mean Dong Chenglin by Mr. Dong? Do you know him?"


"Did something happen to Dong Chenglin? Did he ask you to come?"

"Something happened, and it's related to you." Yuhua said, "Get in the car?"

After speaking, she got into the driver's seat first.

Standing under the car, Meng Shu saw that the car was starting, so she hurriedly opened the rear door and sat in.

"Host, why did she come up so quickly? Are you afraid that you will kidnap her?"

"If she cares, she will be in chaos." Yuhua asked System 01 to block the signal from Meng Shu's phone. Meng Shu couldn't get through to Dong Chenglin's call, so she was naturally impatient, and her IQ would easily drop when she was in a hurry.

"Host, it's like you haven't experienced social beatings. It's too easy to trust people. Fortunately, it's the host."

"Well, let her go through it today."

When the car drove out of the commercial street, Meng Shu began to regret why she got into a stranger's car.

If she wants to find someone, she can take a taxi by herself, so she won't need to take the car of this Miss Han whom she only sees once.

She seemed to vaguely remember that this Miss Han was not surnamed Han?

"Miss Han, can you stop the car, I want to go down."

Yu Hua glanced at Meng Shu from the rearview mirror, "No."

Meng Shuke was so frightened that her legs trembled, "Han, Miss Han..."

Yu Hua thought it would be bad to scare people too much, and said, "Let you go to a show. You can call back to the company and report my car number, but there is no need to call Mr. Dong."

Meng Shu felt less frightened, but her hands were still trembling uncontrollably. Instead of calling, she sent a few messages.

Seeing that Miss Han didn't stop her from using the phone at all, my heart sank a little, and a lot of curiosity arose out of thin air.

Seeing the car driving into the medical school and outside a laboratory building, Meng Shu was strangely less afraid.

The timing was just right, and after a while, Du Hongchen was seen walking out of the laboratory building.

Du Hongchen's character is not good, but he is a real academic master. This is one aspect that the original owner likes Du Hongchen.

Yu Hua said to Meng Shu, "You will be seated in the co-pilot in a while."

Then the car rushed to Du Hongchen and stopped with a sudden brake.

Du Hongchen was taken aback.

Gu Jing's car was so recognizable that Du Hongchen recognized it at a glance.

Who didn't know that Gu Jing was kicked out by the Gu family, and he looked down on Gu Jing even more.Now it is obvious that they came to look for him, and Du Hongchen was bored to the core, "Gu Jing, what do you want to do?"

The door of the back seat opened, and a girl got out of it, but it wasn't Gu Jing.

Hearing that Du Hongchen called Gu Jing, Meng Shuquan remembered that Han Jing's surname was Gu when she came with Miss Zheng last time.

She only glanced at Du Hongchen, quickly opened the passenger door and sat in, then closed the door.

Meng Shu couldn't tell what was going on, maybe she was curious, maybe she didn't feel that Han Jing had any ill intentions towards her, so she gave up the idea of ​​running away, and wanted to follow Han Jing to see what would happen.

Interrupted by Meng Shu, Du Hongchen's words were like giving air,
Over there, Yu Hua had already got out of the car and came around.

When Du Hongchen saw Yu Hua, he couldn't help being amazed.

He is very aware of Gu Jing's liking for him, and it is precisely because of his knowledge that he stimulates Zheng Ziyue with an ambiguous attitude towards Gu Jing.

He picked up what he said just now, "Gu Jing, I told you, I told you..."

Yu Hua ignored him and started directly.

She stepped forward and removed Du Hongchen's two arms.

She is now a journeyman in unloading arms.

(End of this chapter)

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