Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 379 Who Moved My Research

Chapter 379 Who Moved My Research (42)

So Meng Shu tried his best to take over all the public affairs and let people focus on her.

Now, it means that she and Han Jing had an adventure together, and she can talk about something.

Xi Hua took out a bunch of jade bottles and glass bottles from the shoulder bag she was carrying, "Gene repair agent can improve physical fitness. Peiyuan Dan can quickly cultivate internal strength. Repair agent can repair the scars on your face."

Hearing the name of the medicine, Meng Shu was sure that Han Jing had an adventure.But Han Jing didn't take the initiative to say that she would not ask where these miraculous things came from.

Han Jing didn't trust her enough to give her these things.

It feels good to be trusted.

Meng Shu returned the potion for repairing the appearance to Yu Hua, "This is useless. If my face recovers soon, it will be suspicious. Moreover, the scars on my face are also evidence, and I can't destroy the evidence. .”

After being a Bawanghua for more than five years, Meng Shu didn't care much about her appearance.Having strength and ability is fundamental.

She looks like a yaksha, as long as she sits in the position of the president of Fuxian Pharmaceutical, those who want to buy special medicine can still praise her as a flower.

She didn't know how big Han Jing's adventure was, but it was limited, so saving a little was a little bit.She got enough out of it.

Yu Hua was willing to benefit a principled person like Meng Shu, but she didn't take it back, "You don't need to keep it first, the repair potion can not only repair the appearance, but also repair other injuries."

Meng Shu thought of his father Shu Zhiyuan's hands, nodded, "OK."

Yu Hua gave Meng Shu another big bag, "I'll give you the evidence, and you can get some good lawyers to clear Shu Zhiyuan's name."

All the evidences are real, or real, some were collected by System 01, and some were copied and restored by her from the information transmitted by Tiandao.

Meng Shu quickly opened the bank records of two large sums of money received in the account of the uncle with the female assistant. In the past few years, most of the money has been transferred to the female assistant.

The source of the money transferred to the account of the female assistant's uncle was a secretary of the Zheng family. After several transfers, it was finally transferred to the female assistant's uncle on the grounds of payment for goods.

There is the original version of the fake surveillance video.

There is also something related to Meng Shu's parents.

The most evidence is related to 'Meng Shu', because 'Meng Shu' suffered more injuries than can be counted.

Meng Shu put the evidence back into the bag one by one, looked at Yu Hua's voice hoarse, "You are so powerful, I can't do without you."

"Well. You and Dr. Shu will still work for me in the future, and I won't let you leave."

"It's so realistic, Miss Han." Meng Shu had already seen that Miss Han had some obstacles in expressing her feelings, so she didn't expect too much response, so she had to keep her gratitude in her stomach.

"Dr. Shu will be released from prison tomorrow, I will pick him up. You practice at home."

'Meng Shu' Over the past few years, while trying to find the other party's evidence, he was tired of avoiding the other party's harassment. He did not receive news of Shu Zhiyuan's early release from prison, so Meng Shu didn't know either.

"Okay." Meng Shu was not worried when Han Jing went to pick her up.


Meng Shu was embarrassed, it was her stomach.

After she came here, she only wanted to get her physical fitness up quickly, and she didn't eat much. After practicing for a while, she exhausted the food in her stomach, and her stomach growled.

She laughed at herself to resolve the embarrassment, "It's because my five internal organs temple lacks offerings."

Xi Hua thought for a while, then took out a small bunch of lychees from the space with her backpack, and gave them to Meng Shu, "Eat four lychees a day, it will be good for you."

Only she knew that it was her fault. When she was protecting Meng Shu's soul, Meng Shu's soul became stronger by chance.

Physical fitness can't keep up with the strength of soul for a while, so it's easy to get hungry.

After the lychee tree mutated into a spiritual plant, the lychees produced had the effect of nourishing the soul, which was just right for Meng Shu.

"Thank you, it smells delicious." Meng Shu's words were definitely not polite. The lychees looked unusual, and the smell made her salivate.

After explaining the matter, Yuhua came and left in a hurry.

What she didn't say was that someone would attack Shu Zhiyuan tomorrow.

She had to rush to save Shu Zhiyuan's life.

Shu Zhiyuan is a key figure related to the direction of the world.

In the first life, Zheng Ziyue only lived until this year, and did not see the future direction of the world.

Eight years after Zheng Ziyue's death, Shu Zhiyuan developed a broad-spectrum antiviral drug, Shuyao No. [-]. This drug extracted from natural herbs is not easy for the human body to develop drug resistance, and has received widespread attention. .

Another two years later, an infectious disease broke out all over the world, which not only caused a high mortality rate, but also caused irreversible genetic lesions in the human body, one of which was loss of fertility.

When countries were at a loss, someone discovered the obvious curbing effect of Shuyao No. [-] on the virus.

Shu Zhiyuan was urgently recruited to the National Research Center, and asked him to develop a specific drug for infectious diseases on the basis of Shu Yao No. [-].

Shu Zhiyuan lived up to expectations and led a team of experts to develop the specific drug in two months.

Let mankind avoid a devastating crisis.

Although human beings know that the outbreak of this infectious disease is a world-class disaster, they don't know that it will be a disaster that will lead to the destruction of human beings if no specific medicine is developed in time.

Zheng Ziyue did all kinds of evil things for her own selfishness.

Many people's lives were maliciously tampered with by her, including Shu Zhiyuan's life.

Zheng Ziyue sent the innocent Shu Zhiyuan to prison in order to prevent Meng Shu from having a bright future, and crippled his hand, making Shu Yao No. [-] no chance of being alive.

Her intervention turned that future crisis into a catastrophe, and humanity has struggled for decades before going to ruin.

The consciousness of Heavenly Dao cannot pass on the method of making Shuyao No. [-] to other people, because it will shake the most basic rules of fairness and causality in the rules of Heavenly Dao.

As soon as the basic rules are shaken, without the need for outsiders to do anything, the consciousness of heaven will kill itself.

As long as Shu Zhiyuan is alive, the future of this world may return to its original direction, that is, special medicines are developed in time to prevent human beings from being destroyed.

According to the fragments of the future peeped by Tiandao consciousness, when Shu Zhiyuan is released from prison tomorrow, he will be taken away with Meng Shu's excuses, and then he will be taken to the lake and forced to jump into the lake.

The lakeside has been arranged so that no one will see it, and there are no surveillance cameras around, so Shu Zhiyuan will commit suicide and die.

It was still Zheng Ziyue who did it.

Zheng Ziyue is more ruthless than in her previous life, and she believes in cutting weeds to get rid of the roots, so she doesn't let Shu Zhiyuan have any chance of turning over.She knew how much money the Dong family made from Shu Zhiyuan's patents in the previous life.

Shu Zhiyuan's hand is disabled, but his brain is still there, and he has the ability to turn things around.

This is absolutely not allowed by Zheng Ziyue.

(End of this chapter)

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