Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 38: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 38 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Anyone who witnessed the basketball flying could only watch in horror as it happened.

Given their position, it was too late to run to save people, so they could only watch helplessly.

Seeing that the basketball is only a very short distance away from the back of the old man's head.

At this point, the old man seemed to be aware of it, and before he could turn around, he saw a girl who was walking across from him suddenly raised her fist and punched him.

As soon as the astonishment on the old man's face was expressed, the girl's fist brushed past her ear.

The wind blown by the fist hit his face, and he seemed to hear a slight explosion of air friction.

Then there was a crash.

The basketball suddenly turned and flew into the sky.

He was sent flying with a punch.

A foreseeable tragedy was undone in time.

Only now did someone on the basketball court yell out the word "Be careful!" followed by a shocked "Ah!"

Because everything happened so fast.

Everything reversed too quickly.

"my God!"

"Scared me to death. It's okay."

"A punch."

"I'm still a girl, are all girls so tough now?"

"Fuck! Look, look, the basketball is stuck on top of the torch."

The torch refers to an artistic sculpture standing next to it. The main body is three slender stainless steel pipes standing upright. The three pipes have a certain curvature, gather together at the top, and then spread out slightly, resembling a torch.

Few students will remember the name of the sculpture, they all call it the torch.

The flying basketball rushed into the sky for a while, and then fell, just at the top of the fire, where the three pipes gathered.

The sculpture is about ten meters high, and the height at which the basketball is thrown must be higher than it, which shows how powerful the flying basketball is.

"This girl is from the Department of Physical Education. With such great strength, I'm afraid she doesn't practice weightlifting..." Looking at Yuhua's slender figure, "Uh, she's practicing long-distance running?"

The white vest who was shooting the flying ball hurried over, first bowed to the old man a few times, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The voice was full of tears, and it was estimated that he hadn't fully recovered from being frightened, and the tall and big figure just bowed a little weakly.

Then he bowed to the girl who was playing basketball, "Thank you, junior, thank you, you saved my life."

He was almost scared out of his wits.

It's a real hit, and it's possible that his life is over.Losing money is not a big deal, if someone is killed, he will never feel at ease for the rest of his life.

Isn't it equivalent to saving his life?

The girl playing the flying basketball was Yu Hua. She walked across from the old man, saw the basketball flying towards her, and punched it out, sending the ball flying.

Xi Hua said, "It's nothing, it's just a matter of convenience."

When she saw the basketball flying over, she instantly judged that the basketball would hit the old man on the opposite side. If she didn't hide, the old man would just bring her down when he fell.

If she tried to hide, the old man's head would fall to the stone edge of the sidewalk. With the impact of the basketball, the old man might be seriously injured or even die.

She, the one who avoided, was afraid that she would be involved in this accident.

It only took a moment to judge the consequences, and she decisively punched the basketball, preventing the accident from happening.

After the old man knew what happened, he was very optimistic, not angry at all, instead he comforted the white vest with a smile, "It's okay, it's just an accident. Nothing happened to me.

I see, my luck is still very good, isn't it saved by someone?Don't worry, don't leave me a call, I'm fine. "

The old man smiled at Yu Hua again and said, "Thank you, little classmate, you can save my old man from being smashed."

"Teacher Fan, you're being polite." It's not that Xihua doesn't know social expressions, but it's just useless in school.

If she was polite to her classmates, the result would definitely be to distance the relationship instead of bringing it closer.It would be better to talk less.

It is very common for professors to be recognized by students they don't know. Fan Jingzhou didn't think it was strange, "I'm not being polite, thank you very much. Little classmate, what grade are you in?"

Although Yuhua looks young, there are not a few young college students in universities nowadays.

Students in the department who have attended his classes generally know that he likes to be called Teacher Fan by students, rather than Mr. Fan or Professor Fan, so Mr. Fan regards her as a student of his department.

This is a small misunderstanding, and unimportant information will not be stuffed into the memory, and she does not have the content of different names of university teachers in her memory, so she naturally calls him Teacher Fan.

But Yu Hua could tell that Mr. Fan had misunderstood, and said, "I'm not from the Department of Physics."

The players who played with the white vests also came.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Fan."

"Thank you, junior."

"Sister Xue is amazing."

"Is the junior girl a sports student? She has great strength. I don't think I can do it."

Bai Beixin felt sorry, "Junior girl, let me treat you to a meal."

Other students also said, "Yes, yes, this is also a kind of acquaintance, let's have a meal together."

After this accident, I couldn't hit the ball anymore, and it happened to be meal time, so it was the most appropriate to invite me to dinner.

Xi Hua declined.

The white vest demanded Yuhua's prestige, and a group of talents dispersed.

Yu Hua was about to leave, but was stopped by Mr. Fan, "Little classmate, you saved me, let me treat you to a meal."

Xi Hua thought about it and agreed.

She recognized the old man because there was a photo of the old man on the title page of a book that had just been copied in the library.

The old man's name is Fan Jingzhou, a professor in the Physics Department of Lingnan University, and a well-known physics master in China.

She only recognized it after she knocked the basketball into the air. After all, the photos are somewhat different from the real ones.

She has memorized nearly dozens of physics books today. Although she understands a lot, there are more things she doesn't understand.

She didn't expect to understand it now, but she met a powerful teacher, so she could just ask for advice.

When it comes to learning, Jianhua is serious.

She didn't have any embarrassing thoughts, so she asked for advice if she wanted to.If the other party is unwilling to teach her, that is the other party's business.

Elder Fan was a little proud, "Okay, I still have face." A bunch of handsome guys didn't move, so he did.

It's still buzzing around.

The basketball is still on top of the sculpture, and a group of people are looking up around the sculpture, trying to get the basketball down.

Someone tried to climb up, but the main pipe is made of stainless steel, which is relatively smooth and has no point of support, making it difficult to climb.

There was a strong man who climbed two or three meters and then came down again feeling the danger.

Take something to poke it down, there is no such long pole nearby.

There is no good way at the moment.

Yu Hua took a look, and left with Fan Lao.

Fan Lao asked Yu Hua, "What would you like to eat?"

Yu Hua said truthfully, "I will eat anything that is meat."

(End of this chapter)

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