Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 387 Who Moved My Research

Chapter 387 Who Moved My Research (50)

As long as they have the idea of ​​leaving Feng City, they will definitely not be able to leave the house that day. Either the car breaks down or they fall while walking. If they insist on going out, the final destination must be in the hospital.

It's okay if you don't go back to the villa, and if you don't come back, the home for the night is also the hospital.

They thought about calling the police, but what did the police say?Gu Jing broke Du Hongchen's leg?But they have no evidence that Gu Jing hit him.If Gu Jing is said to be a ghost or evil spirit, they will only be criticized and educated.

The master invited him twice, but every time the master was scared away, and then they were punished at night.They didn't dare to have the idea of ​​resistance at all.

Coupled with the fact that the company had major problems, Du's father and Du's mother had no choice but to focus on keeping the company.

The Du family went out every day during the day and came back obediently at night.

Although they don't provoke the ghosts, and the ghosts won't let them taste the taste of unloading their joints, but the atmosphere of fear in the villa makes them live in trepidation.

The Du family still failed to keep the company and went bankrupt and liquidated. Fortunately, they left some property after the liquidation, but the villa could not be kept.

One day, the Du family suddenly felt that the villa was much quieter.

The ghosts are generally quiet when they are around, and they will only leave the room unless they have something to do or want to eat something.

But it will be different.

"Dad! That seems to be gone." Du Hongruo whispered in Du's father's ear.

They dare not say that she is a ghost, and they know that she is not the real Gu Jing. "That" is what the Du family refers to as a ghost.

Father Du didn't feel much easier. Going bankrupt was worse than having a ghost at home.

He blamed Du Hongchen in his heart, if it wasn't for his domestic violence against Gu Jing, how could he attract this powerful ghost, and if he didn't attract this ghost, the Du family would never fall.

"Where's your brother?"

"My brother is still the same. Dad, that, did you let my brother go, can you send him to the hospital?"

Father Du's eyes flickered, "Let's have a look again. Don't just give that away and give it back."

He knew that his son was useless, not only because of his leg problem, but also because of his mental breakdown.It is possible that that place is also abandoned.

A useless son, he has to stop losses in time.

Du Hongruo shivered reflexively, "Yes, no."

Is it important?Are you important?Of course you are important.


After the resentment in Gu Jing's body dissipated, Xi Hua left Du's house.

Following the host back to the place where he traveled to this world, System 01 asked, "Is the host going to re-establish the Fuxian Pharmaceutical Industry?"

Xi Hua said, "You don't need to do it all over again, just go back to the original world."

"Ah? Can I really go back? Didn't it mean that the parallel world is gone?"

"It's still possible." After Xi Hua understood the derivation rules of the parallel world, he found a way to bring the parallel world back.

Take advantage of reset rules.

Yu Hua left her body.

She first set up a space enchantment protection system 01, "You stay inside and don't come out."

System 01 understands that the host is going to do something important again, "Okay, I promise not to move." The host is fine, always thinking about protecting it.

Xihua's consciousness body entered the torrent of time, found the time point when the consciousness of heaven merged the world with the parallel world, and set the reset rules.

This time, she acted together with the consciousness of heaven, allowing the parallel world to cover this world.

After the two worlds merged, only a new original world remained.

After an extremely long and extremely short time, the torrent of time receded.

The place where Xihua Station was changed from a meadow under the hillside to a large laboratory.

Xihua removed the space protecting System 01, and the flat cat face of System 01 jumped up and down in the air, "Wow, host, we are back. I really like this world, host, I'm going to patrol."

System 01 hastily ran away to inspect its territory.

Xi Hua looked at the direction where System 01 was flying away and thought for a while, wondering if she had misled System 01 at some point and made it have a sense of occupying territory.

The door of the laboratory opened, and Meng Shu walked in.

"You developed it so quickly." Meng Shu stood in front of the instrument that looked like an upright MRI device, looked around for a while, looked at Yu Hua with raised eyebrows, and said, "What else do you know that you don't know?" Well, let’s hear it.”

Xi Hua said, "Stand up."

The test on Meng Shu has not been completed yet, just continue.

"Yes, Miss Han." Meng Shulai was helping with the test, and she stood in the meridian imaging device.

After Meng Shu stood up, blue light waves poured down, scanning Meng Shu from top to bottom.

Almost at the same time, a translucent three-dimensional figure of Meng Shu's height appeared on the imaging platform next to him.

Now Hua Hua is not very satisfied with the effect of this instrument.

Because this image fails to show muscles and organs, it is inconvenient to adjust the method and depth of acupuncture in a timely manner according to the condition during acupuncture treatment.

Everyone is a unique individual, there are individual differences, and the same treatment method has different effects on different people.

Timely fine-tuning according to the changes reflected on the meridians can achieve the best therapeutic effect.

Testing is still going on.

"You raise your internal force, slow down, and lift it to your right hand."

"You follow the practice, first run a week."


Meng Shu followed suit one by one.

After Meng Shu finished the test, Xi Hua read the test results and gave them to Meng Shu.

Meng Shu looked up.

When she misunderstood, she saw that Yan Hua started to disassemble the instrument.

"Why is it dismantled again? Isn't it successfully developed?"

Yu Hua squatted on the ground and did not look up, "I have a new idea, I can modify it to make the displayed image more perfect."

Meng Shu shook his head helplessly, "One and two are both research freaks, then you should be busy, I'll go first."

When she was almost at the door, she suddenly swayed.

After a while, she turned around, looked around, and smiled happily, "Miss Han, I'm back."

Although she took revenge in that world, she almost lost everything, was expelled from university, and her face was disfigured.

Mom and Dad’s stable jobs are gone, especially Dad, who never drank alcohol, he fell in love with drinking to relieve his worries after being dismissed by the hospital. Although she restored his father’s reputation, after seven years, Dad’s hands can no longer do it. After the operation, I can only regret to reject the invitation of the hospital.

Mom is the same, can't go back.

Father's hand has recovered, but building a new laboratory is not something that can be done in a year or two.

She has an intuition that it's not that she has traveled back, but that the whole world has changed back.

"Yeah." Yuhua was not surprised. Meng Shu ate a lot of lychees from her. Now his soul is several times stronger than that of ordinary people. It is possible to restore the memory of this world by himself.

There was no comfort from Miss Han, so Meng Shu went to find another research freak.

She had to see with her own eyes that her father was all right before she could rest assured.

After a while, I have to call my parents.

(End of this chapter)

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