Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 389 Who Moved My Research

Chapter 389 Who Moved My Research (52)

The misdiagnosis and improper operation of first aid are indispensable for Xi Hua.

If Yu Hua hadn't been fooled, the middle-aged woman and the man's accomplices would testify, and some pushers would place the charge of assaulting and escaping death on her.

She is the major shareholder of Fuxian Pharmaceutical, and just happened to drag Fuxian Pharmaceutical into the water.

Damage to a pharmaceutical company's reputation will damage its reputation.

Sen Ying is a well-known pharmaceutical giant in the world, and the drugs produced by Fuxian Pharmaceutical have taken Sen Ying's market.

Broad-spectrum antiviral drugs have a wide range of dosages and uses. The launch of Shuyao No. [-] made Senying feel threatened, because Shuyao No. [-] is so effective.

The dispute between western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine is essentially that capital wants to monopolize medical resources and control people's right to health. Capital uses this to gain benefits and power for generations.

Senying mainly relies on monopoly to obtain huge profits. Every new drug they release has an astonishingly high price.

Although there are some reasons for the high R&D investment, the most undeniable thing is that the drugs with high prices all involve monopoly.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been handed down by flower growers for thousands of years. The most difficult task of research and development was done by the ancestors, and the descendants enjoyed the benefits, so the price is very low.

The drug effect has been verified for thousands of years, so it is effective.

Low-priced medicines are effective, which capital cannot tolerate, so they want to oppose Chinese medicine and suppress Chinese medicine.

The traditional Chinese medicine produced by Fuxian Pharmaceutical has made several drugs that Senying almost monopolized the market no longer have monopoly, especially Shuyao No. [-], which has caused them more losses. Of course, they want to bring down Fuxian Pharmaceutical.

Mori Ying has shot against Fuxian Pharmaceutical not once or twice, but they were all unsuccessful.

They target not only businesses, but individuals as well.

Meng Shu is known as the overlord flower and is not easy to mess with. Shu Zhiyuan stays in the laboratory every day and does not go out.

Probably because she was going out again and was easy to provoke, so I targeted her first.

Xi Hua knew about Mori Ying's plan a long time ago. In order to allow them to implement the plan smoothly, she also specially developed a habit of liking this lo-mei restaurant, and always came to buy it every two or three days.

Not disappointing her, they implemented a planting scheme against her.

Since Hou Guanglai wanted to die, he should die.

She will let Hou Guanglai know that death is not a one-and-done thing, if Hou Guanglai is ignorant of practical affairs, she has another way.

Hou Guang came to understand practice and save her trouble.

"Who said he was dead?" Yu Hua said.

This world has less restrictions on her, and she stuffed Hou Guanglai's soul back into his body.

The middle-aged woman stretched out her hand to test the old man's nose, "I'm out of breath. Ouch, he died so unjustly that even a doctor can't save him."

The man next to him was furious, and pointed at Yu Hua, "Do you have medical ethics? If you refuse to save yourself, even the Fuxian Pharmaceutical Company standing behind you will not be able to save you. As a reporter, I will definitely report this matter."

The goal was revealed, to get involved in Fuxian Pharmaceutical.

As soon as someone died, more people gathered around.

"A few days ago, the TV station also reported that there was a doctor who saved a person at the train station. The doctor is so great, why is this doctor Han so cold-blooded, he has no intention of helping him at all."

"Yeah, it's too cold-blooded, just standing here, not even doing a CPR."

"This doctor is from Fuxian Pharmaceutical, no wonder, if he is rich, he will stop being a doctor at worst. What medical ethics are he talking about?"

"You can't say that. Didn't Dr. Renhan just say that if it's a stroke and fractures, there will be problems if you don't move."

"No matter what you say, this person is dead. Dr. Han must take some responsibility."

Passers-by's sense of justice is the worst.

Xi Hua ignored it.

The old man on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "I quit, I don't want to die!"

"Fake corpse!" The middle-aged woman closest to him blurted out, and sat down on the ground in fright.

Hou Guanglai sat up abruptly, staring at the middle-aged woman, "Wang Xiu, I don't want to touch Dr. Cihan anymore. I don't want the 50 that Sen Ying gave me."

He grabbed the man who was with the middle-aged woman again and shouted, "Xiong Gang, give me the antidote quickly! The doctor said I can live for two months, I don't want to die!"

The man Xiong Gang was also frightened by Hou Guanglai's resurrection, so he couldn't run away in time, but Hou Guanglai tightly grabbed his clothes.

"What antidote, I don't know what you are talking about." Xiong Gang just wanted to get away quickly, and pushed Hou Guanglai vigorously.

He didn't know why Hou Guanglai didn't die, but the development of the situation was not in any of the situations they expected, so he had to run away quickly.

But he exerted a lot of strength, but he couldn't push Hou Guanglai away.

Hou Guanglai found that the strength of his hands had become very strong, and he dared not try his best. He held on to Xiong Gang's clothes tightly, "The medicine you gave me said that I would get sick after taking it, and I would die soon. If you don’t want to die, give me the antidote.”

Seeing Wang Xiu shrinking back, Hou Guanglai grabbed Wang Xiu's ankle with one hand, "Don't even try to run away. You built the bridge for Senying Company in the middle. If I die, I won't let you go." over you."

Wang Xiu felt a bone-chilling chill rushing from her ankles to her whole body, and the places where it passed were as painful as being bitten by a poisonous snake.

Thinking back to the fact that she couldn't detect a breath before, old man Hou suddenly came back to life. This is the upper body of a ghost!

"Ah! Don't come to me! I just use money to do things, it has nothing to do with me. The person who gave me the poison is Director Liang, you go to him!"

At this moment, the people around all figured out that these three people came here specially to touch Ci, Dr. Han.

The old man also took some bad medicine, and now he regrets it.

"Call the police, this is extortion, we are all witnesses."

"Who is this Dr. Han offending? He even risked his life."

"I know that Dr. Han Jing is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine from Yunxia Hospital. Her medical skills are very high. It's hard to hang up her account."

"Yeah, I really can't see it, so young."

"Don't let them get away, the police will be here soon."

"Can't run."

"Doctor Han, don't worry, we will all testify for you."

"Yes, I took pictures with my mobile phone, and this is all evidence."

Neither Xiong Gang nor Wang Xiu could escape, and some passers-by followed to the police station.

There is a camera installed in Xihua's car, which takes a clear picture of the whole process.

There are also videos taken by passers-by.

Hou Guanglai died shortly after being sent to the hospital, because he said before that he had taken drugs, and the forensic doctor conducted a special test on him, and finally detected the drug that caused his death.

It is a new type of drug that is only available abroad, and it will make the person who takes it appear to have died suddenly. The drug will soon decay in the body, and it will not be detected after five or six hours.

(End of this chapter)

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