Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 404 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 404 Being a Master in the 80s (10)

As soon as Yuhua called him, he immediately jumped up, nodded and bowed to Yuhua, "Master, if you have anything to say, just tell me. My name is Hu Di, and I belong to Tudi."

"How did Chen Weiquan do it?"

After she took out the soul crystal, Chen Weiquan was not the only one who instinctively wanted to snatch it. Hu Di was also attracted to him. He had stronger self-control, so he didn't dare to snatch it right away, and only secretly watched in the yard.

Yu Hua knew why he stayed here, to get soul power from her.

Whether he can get it depends on what he can do for her.

Hu Di was secretly happy, and explained how Chen Weiquan turned into Yao Qin, how he lured Diao Xiuju to chase him, what Chen Weiquan said, what Diao Xiuju said, everything.

Seeing that Yu Hua's expression didn't change a bit, he thought to himself that the master deserved to be a master, with an even and stable demeanor.

"Master, what else can I order?"

Yu Hua remembered one thing, "Is there any unowned spring or well near here?"

She won't let her go to the public bath.

There is plenty of tap water, and if she draws too much in a short period of time, it will attract attention.

Well water in urban areas is either in public places or in other people's yards, so it is inconvenient to draw.

Compared with converting the water in the space into ordinary water, it is more convenient to get some ordinary water into the space.

"Master just asked. There is a spring in Tashan. It's hard to find that place. After the spring comes out, it flows underground. Not many people know about it."

Tashan is a small hill whose highest point is less than [-] meters. It is on the west side of the city, not far from the towel factory.

Yu Hua waved her hand, "It's okay, you can go."

"Hey, I'm waiting here, master, call me if you have something to do." Hu Di consciously went back to the corner and squatted.

Hearing the knock on the door, someone shouted outside, "Yao Qin, are you home?"


The door was pushed open, and two women entered.

The one Xihua knew was Xu Feng, the vice chairman of the labor union in the factory, who knew Song Juan very well.

Xu Feng said with a smile on his face, "Yao Qin, let me introduce you. This is the permanent director of our Women's Federation."

"Hello, two leaders."

"Xiao Yao, on behalf of the Women's Federation, I came to see you."

Xu Feng used to come back to Yao's house quite a few times to help Yu Hua greet Director Chang, "Let's sit in the house together."

Just as Yu Hua thought, the two of them came here to do ideological work for her.

After all, she had the act of jumping into the river, what if she had something to worry about.

The two comforted her for an hour, and they left after feeling that Yuhua was really convinced that she would stop doing stupid things.

Yuhua didn't have to go to work in the afternoon, and the factory gave her three days off.

Chen Weiquan came back early and stood by the side waiting.

After the visitor left, Chen Weiquan came to report, "Yao Shufang entered the police station, I dare not follow in, waited outside for 10 minutes, Yao Shufang came out, it seemed that she had cried, and then went back to school directly.

I saw her come back after entering the school gate. "

Yu Hua nodded slightly, and then asked him, "I asked you to pretend to be Yao Qin to lure Diao Xiuju out, what did you say?"

Chen Weiquan's soul trembled immediately, but he didn't dare not answer, "Yes, it means that he will change into Yao Qin's appearance in 10 minutes, and after Diao Xiuju wakes up, tell her that I am going to sue the police, and sue Lu Jianyong for cheating money and cheating. I want Lu Jianyong to eat the wooden warehouse and let her run after me."

Chen Weiquan raised his hands, his soul pressed against the wall, "Master, I didn't do it on purpose, I wanted to be a gangster so that Lu Jianyong could eat the wooden warehouse, so as to stimulate Diao Xiuju."

"So, it's still my fault." Yu Hua gave him a faint glance.

Even if Yuhua produced evidence to prove that Lu Jianyong defrauded her of 2 yuan, because Yao Qin and Lu Jianyong were legally husband and wife, and the money matter happened after the evidence was pulled, the most likely result would be for Lu Jianyong to return the money. Lu Jianyong got a critical education.

The house has not actually fallen into the name of Lu Jianyong, and at most the ownership of the house has been taken back, and Lu Jianyong will not be punished as he should.

That's why Yuhua wants Lu Jianyong to pay the price he should pay for the crime of hooliganism.

Xi Hua only intends to sue Lu Jianyong for assaulting Yao Qin, and does not want to publicize the matter. She no longer cares about fame, but if she can not be pointed out, she will not seek advice.

She only asked Chen Weiquan to guide Diao Xiuju to tell about the money and the house, and Chen Weiquan made it his own to let Diao Xiuju tell the story.

From what Xu Feng said to Director Chang just now, this matter has been spread.

Xi Hua swung open the Yin-Yang Realm Gate.

A green and black door appeared in the air, Chen Weiquan instinctively knew what it was, knelt down and begged for mercy, "Master, please forgive me this time, I won't dare again. I don't want to reincarnate..."

Isn't it quite clear what I did wrong?

Yu Hua urged Hun Jing to take back the soul power given to Chen Weiquan, forget what has been used, and take back the rest.

After that, a gust of wind came out from the door, and Chen Weiquan was sucked into the door, and the Yin-Yang Realm Gate was closed immediately.

Chen Weiquan, who has been in the crowd all year round, doesn't know how much harm this kind of reputation brings to women?

He still used it to test her bottom line.

She will try her best to act according to the rules of this world, but she will not allow a wandering soul to be disrespectful to her.

The soul lingering in the world will become a wandering soul if it does not dissipate. The wandering soul is neither a person nor a ghost in the true sense. It is a new kind of soul.

Wandering souls are rarely willing to go to the underworld, because in order to stay in the yang world or not to dissipate, wandering souls basically secretly suck the vitality of people and other small activities, and they will be liquidated when they arrive in the underworld.

There is a hell in this world.

Chen Weiquan didn't have any big debts in his soul and body, but he had many small debts, so of course he didn't want to reincarnate.

Hu Di crouched in the corner, his whole body froze, fearing that the master would send him to the underworld too.

Seeing that the Yin-Yang Realm Gate was closed, his soul slowly relaxed.

I also decided that I must follow the instructions of the master and never play on my own.Chen Weiquan was smart but was misled by his cleverness, thinking that he was a master of little tricks and couldn't see through.

He felt that this master was lenient enough, he didn't break up Chen Weiquan's soul and body, but sent Chen Weiquan to the underworld.

And did not vent his anger on him.

Seeing that it was still early, Yuhua left a note for Yao Shufang's three siblings, saying that she was out on errands and asked them to cook their own dinner, and if they didn't want to do it, they could go to the cafeteria to buy it.

She will not raise the three siblings like Yao Qin in a big package, and they also have to do housework.

"Let's go to Tashan."

"Hey, okay, I'll lead the way."

Yu Hua thought it would be troublesome to be questioned if she went out through the gate of the family courtyard, so she jumped out of the backyard wall.

The west wall of Yao's courtyard is the courtyard wall of the family courtyard, and it is very convenient to climb over the wall.

It happens that Tashan is in the direction of the west and north of the family courtyard, which saves a lot of road than passing through the entrance of the family courtyard.

Behind the courtyard wall is a relatively secluded dirt road, and you can reach Tashan by walking west along the road.

(End of this chapter)

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