Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 412 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 412 Being a Master in the 80s (18)

Yuhua did not interfere with the body's biological clock, and woke up early the next day.

Hearing voices in the yard, it was Yao Shufang who got up to go to morning self-study.

The body has already rested, and Yuhua didn't go back to sleep. After getting up, she went to the space to wash up.

Looking through the glasses, the original red pimples on the forehead have shrunk a lot, and the color has become lighter.

After leaving the room, he saw Hu Di was squatting in the corner busy sorting out the wheat straws. He had already pulled out the wheat stalks inside and picked out the ones of similar thickness and length and put them away separately.

Shen Yinghe was also there, holding a red umbrella, standing outside Yao Shuli's door.

She bowed slightly to Yuhua and greeted her.

Xi Hua went to the kitchen.

After Yao Shuwei's cleaning yesterday, there were several holes in the pot and two bowls.

There was a large oil stain on the cement stove, and correspondingly, a small half of the oil was missing from the oil bottle.

The food left for Yao Shufang yesterday is gone.

It seems that Yao Shufang has figured out Lu Jianyong's purpose for asking He Yongchao to trick her away.

According to Yao Shufang's temper, the more Lu Jianyong wanted her to leave, the more she would not leave home.

No matter what kind of thoughts Yao Shufang has, as long as he can study step by step before he becomes an adult, it will be fine.

According to memory, Yuhua cooked porridge, boiled a few eggs, and took out half a plate of homemade noodle sauce.

Woke up Yao Shuwei in the past, "Get up, go to the cafeteria to get dinner."

Yao Shuwei's three views have long been biased, and he has to use strong medicine to forcibly correct it.

Start with the housework first.

Yao Shuwei muttered dissatisfiedly in the room for a while.

"Get up. Don't make me say it a third time."

Yao Shuwei got up after a while.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he reluctantly asked, "What to buy."

"You can buy whatever you want, but don't buy too much. If you have too much left, you can eat it at noon or evening."

After hearing that he was asked to buy whatever he wanted, Yao Shuwei was not so reluctant, and ran away with the lunch box and steamed bun basket.

Yuhua also admitted that she didn't want to cook.

She will raise Yao Shufang's three siblings to adulthood, but she will not involve herself in housework.

The washing machine can be put on the agenda.

As for cleaning...

Xi Hua took out a cleansing talisman, activated it with her soul power, and the talisman paper ignited, and the wind and dust in the yard moved, and it looked brand new in an instant. In the garbage basket in the yard, there was an extra cleansing talisman made of dust, fallen leaves and other waste. Trash.

Yao Shuwei bought beef fried buns and minced meat pancakes according to his preferences.

Yao Shuli also got up.

Yao Shufang had breakfast at school, so she didn't have to wait for her.

Before eating, Yuhua gave the two jade buckles one by one for them to wear. The excuse was given by their grandmother back then, and told them not to show it to others easily, and not to take it off.

Both of them were very happy. After putting it on, they pulled it under their eyes and looked at it for a while before stuffing it into the collar.

The rope of the jade buckle was engraved with a warning symbol by Yuhua, and once it was artificially damaged, Yuhua would know.

During the meal, the Lu family was noisy again.

Yu Hua said to the two, "Remember, the Yao family has nothing to do with the Lu family from now on. If Lu Liang's grandma seeks you, you should ignore her and stay away from him.

Especially you, Yao Shuwei, don't take anything from Grandma Lu Liang, if I know you have, even if it's a candy, I won't let you go. "

Yao Shuwei has a criminal record and is easily seduced by food and play.

Diao Xiuju's character is unreliable, and Yu Hua first vaccinated the two of them.It would be best for Diao Xiuju not to hit the two of them.

Regardless of whether they listened or not, they both nodded.

As soon as Yao Shuwei finished eating, he quickly ran away with his schoolbag on his back, because he was afraid that he would be asked to do the dishes.

Yao Shuli carried her schoolbag and faced Yu Hua for a while without calling out the word "big sister". Finally, she said "I'm going to school" and left the house in a panic.

Shen Yinghe followed Yao Shuli under an umbrella.

There was constant crying and noise from next door.

It seems that the three Lu Liang brothers have asked for leave and are at home.

Xi Hua used a cleaner on the dishes on the table, and the dishes were cleaner than washing them with water.

Xi Hua knows what she must do every day, Hua Fu.

She cleaned up the things on the dining table, took out the talisman paper and cinnabar, and started drawing again.

Sanitizers will be used the most in the future, so you need to reserve more.

At noon, someone from the police station came, saying that Lu Jianyong had been arrested, and Yu Hua followed him to the police station.

Along the way, she received more advice than yesterday.

After she left, discussions started in the family courtyard.

"Is this also arresting Yao Qin?"

"How can it be, it's nothing wrong with being tied up, you should go to the police station to explain the situation. It's fine if you can't say it once for such a big matter."

"Yao Qin is really ruthless. She even brought the evidence and sued her. Her reputation will be ruined if she does this."

"That's right. Since they've all got the certificates, just make do with it. How can a family be so clearly divided? Who hasn't spent their entire lives in quarrels. This has killed both families.

If Lu Jianyong was sentenced, how would his three children and one mother live?I used to look at Yao Qin as an honest person, but I didn't expect her heart to be so poisonous. "

"Lu Jianyong is the most ruthless. He didn't leave a cent of the money to the old Yao's family, but got it all into his own hands. The money was exchanged by Yao Daqing and his wife with their lives, so we are not afraid of the couple coming to them."

"The matter of occupying the house is true. Lu Jianyong went to the logistics to register two days ago. He took the marriage certificate and household registration book and said that Yao Qin agreed to register the house under his name, and he paid for it.

Lu Jianyong raises a mother and three children by himself. How did he get so much money? "

Hu Di wrote down what people said and what they said, waiting to report to Yuhua.


After Lu Jianyong was arrested, he refused to admit it.

But the evidence is all there, and it doesn't matter if Lu Jian never admits it.

Diao Xiuju confessed everything about him, including the fact that he and Tian Erdong stole raw materials from the factory and resold them.

Lu Jianyong said that he borrowed 3000 yuan from Yao Qin to find out. It was not that Lu Jianyong hit the person, but that he pregnant his sister. In order not to let the other party sue him, he paid the other party 2000 yuan for abortion.

After Lu Jianyong's daughter-in-law died of dystocia, he planned to remarry, but he had three sons. Who would be willing to be a stepmother to three sons if he had some qualifications?

Lu Jianyong, who has poor conditions, is still unwilling to marry.

In this way, Lu Jianyong has never been able to get married.

But he also has physical needs.

Lu Jianyong often went to neighboring cities to get raw materials, so he found a good friend there.

There is no problem with the identity of the woman, and the widow lives with a child.

After marrying Yao Qin, Lu Jianyong did not break up with him, but the other party became pregnant and said that he would marry him. Now it was revealed that he had remarried.

Lu Jianyong had no choice but to pay for compensation.

The disgusting thing is that Lu Jianyong got 3000 yuan from Yao Qin, lost 2000 yuan to the other party, and made 1000 yuan himself.

As soon as this matter was found out, Lu Jianyong's crime of being a gangster was confirmed.

(End of this chapter)

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