Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 414 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 414 Being a Master in the 80s (20)

In order to please Yuhua, Chen Weiquan told Yuhua how the IOU was lost.

Yao Shuwei's money theft was discovered by Lu Jianyong. Lu Jianyong said he would hide it for him, but he had to do a little favor and asked him to take out the wallet, saying that he would put money in it to surprise Yao Qin.

Yao Qin was not too defensive, and let Lu Jianyong know that the homemade wallet was for her to store important documents.

Yao Shuwei trusted Lu Jianyong very much at this time, took out the wallet, and handed it to Lu Jianyong in the past.

Lu Jianyong avoided Yao Shuwei and took away the IOU, put two [-]-yuan notes in front of Yao Shuwei, and gave Yao Shuwei the "reward" of two comic books, and asked Yao Shuwei to put them back.

Yao Shuwei opened the wallet and saw that there were some papers in it, and even opened an IOU to read, but he didn't have much defense in his heart, and was distracted by the little book Lu Jianyong gave him, thinking that Lu Jianyong put money in it .

Yao Shuli pointed at Yao Shuwei in surprise, "Third brother really showed it."

Yao Shuwei held the corner of the calendar wallet with his hand, and withdrew from the gap in the drawer.

It was not easy, the gap was only one finger wide, and Yao Shuwei's knuckles on the back of his hand were scratched and turned red.

Yao Shufang raised her hand angrily, and finally turned to pointing at Yao Shuwei's forehead, "What about your brain, listen to what Lu Jianyong says. It's clever when you steal money, but it's a mess at other times."

Yao Shuli didn't fully understand what she heard, but she did understand that Yao Shuwei stole the family's money. She didn't know what to say or do for a while, so she stared blankly.

Yu Hua put the middle drawer back and said, "Go, let's all go out, and continue to distribute the money."

Yao Shufang snorted coldly at Yu Hua, "Could you stop being limp? That's what Yao Shuwei did? Back then, you insisted on my fault, so let it be Yao Shuwei's turn? Do you deserve to be the eldest sister?"

Without waiting for Yu Hua to answer, she turned around and went out.

Yu Hua was not angry at all, and said to Yao Shuli who was looking at her, "Go out."

Yao Shuli followed Yu Hua out of the inner room.

Yao Shuwei was still holding the wallet in his hand, neither putting it nor holding it, and finally threw it on the table like a sweet potato, and rushed out in two steps.

Seeing that Yao Shufang had gone to get the money on the table, Yuhua said, "Shufang, don't rush to get the money, just listen to me."

Yao Shufang threw the wad of money in his hand onto the table, "Go ahead."

Yu Hua walked over and divided the money on the table into four parts. The 1000 yuan was bundled into one stack, and one stack was five stacks. thousand.

But Yao Shuwei made a big mistake and almost made it impossible to get the money back, so he had to deduct [-] of the money. "

Xi Hua said and took out a wad from the money.

Just as Yao Shuwei was about to be impatient, Xi Hua glanced over and exerted some mental power. Yao Shuwei's speed faltered.

"I also made a big mistake, and I have to be fined for the same thing, with a thousand deducted." Yuhua took out a wad of money from another share, "The money deducted from me and Yao Shuwei will be compensated to those who were implicated. Yao Shufang, Yao Shuli."

Xihua put a wad of money into two 5000 yuan coins respectively, "Yao Shufang and Yao Shuli each get [-] yuan, and Yao Shuwei and I each get [-] yuan, that is, Yao Shufang and Yao Shuli each get three shares of money, and Yao Shuwei and I each get two shares." .

What my parents left behind is not only money, but also a house. The money is not only the pension of 2 yuan, but also the deposits that my parents have saved before.These things will be followed in the future..."

Xihua pointed to herself, "Two for me." Pointing to Yao Shufang, "Three." Then pointing to Yao Shuwei, "Two." Finally pointing to Yao Shuli, "Three. All according to this ratio."

"I promised my parents to raise you up and make you promising, and I will do it."

"You are all adults, so I will still hold the money. Whoever has been admitted to university, or who has not been admitted to university and reaches the age of 20, can ask to take his share of the money away."

"The family needs money for food, drink, spending, buying a house, and going to school. Of course, the family's money will be used. Because I am your supporter, all the money I earned during this period will go to the family's money. Until Yao Shuli until adulthood."

"Calculate together at the end of each year to see how much property the family has and how much each of you can share."

"The penny ratio is not static. If anyone makes another big mistake that damages the interests of the family, the ratio will be adjusted."

"I hold the money. To make you feel at ease, come on, let's sign a property distribution agreement, and the brothers and sisters must settle accounts clearly. It states that if I hide the money privately, you can sue me."

Xi Hua took out the prepared agreement and distributed it to Yao Shufang's three siblings.

She has signed all four copies and pressed her fingerprints.

What Yuhua said before was already novel to the three of them, and it was even more novel after receiving the agreement.

The agreement has two pages. The content on the first page is roughly what Yu Hua said, and the second page is a list of the family's property.

Yao Shufang looked carefully.

Mostly out of curiosity, Yao Shuwei and Yao Shuli followed Yao Shufang's example.

In addition to the four people in the room, there are two wandering spirits.

Hu Di squatted at the door, braiding a straw hat with straw while listening to the corner.

Shen Yinghe entered the room generously, closed the red oil umbrella, the tip of the umbrella was stuck on the ground as a walking stick, and watched the Yao family's production division meeting attentively.

The general terms of the agreement are similar to what Xi Hua said, only a little more detailed.

Yao Shufang finished reading it in a while, and said, "I have no objection, let's divide it like this."

After all, he picked up the pen on the table, signed his own name on the column of his own name, and signed on Yuhua's share.

She turned her head and said, "You two, take it here."

Yao Shuli quickly handed the agreement in her hand to Yao Shufang.

Yao Shufang reached out to Yao Shuwei, and Yao Shuwei had no choice but to give it.

Yao Shufang signed the four copies and put her fingerprint on them.

Yao Shuli followed suit.

Yao Shuwei finally signed and pressed his fingerprints under the watchful eyes of the three people.

"One for each person. Keep everything. If you lose it, you will be fined. If you tell outsiders about this, you will also be fined." When Yuhua spoke, she looked at Yao Shuwei, "The family meeting is over, what should I do? Bar."

As soon as he heard that he could go, Yao Shuwei took the agreement and ran away.

Yao Shufang and Yao Shuli each took their own and went out.

Xi Hua took the money on the table back into the space temporarily.

No space is safe anywhere.

After closing the door, Yu Hua took out all the cinnabar talisman papers, and wanted to draw a more complicated town house talisman today.

But someone didn't want her to be at peace.

The door was knocked.

Hu Di ran out the door to look, and then came back and said, "It was the person next door, Lu Yao Lu Guang who patted the door."

(End of this chapter)

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