Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 42: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 42 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Zhang Zixin felt that he had suffered a great loss, how could he not retaliate.

After losing the love brain filter for Qin Muyan, she posted Qin Muyan's mutated appearance on the school website, and she instigated many people who went to Class 2 to "visit" Qin Muyan.

She took a sigh of relief. If it weren't for the Qin family's energy, she might have gone too far.

Huang Fangying couldn't let it go.

The reason Zhang Zixin gave herself: Who told Huang Fangying to lie to her original owner for plastic surgery and money worship? If she hadn't misunderstood the original owner, how could she target the original owner.

Zhang Zixin still used the same tricks when dealing with people she didn't like, taking the lead in isolating and humiliating Huang Fangying.There is conclusive evidence for the commanding heights this time, Huang Fangying lied to her.

As long as Zhang Zixin's money is sprinkled, those cowards will follow, not to mention Huang Fangying is someone they can bully.

Because the school is now strict about this aspect, and they dare not go too far in school, Huang Fangying was marginalized less than the original owner.

But Zhang Zixin didn't let out all her anger, can she swallow it?Therefore, Zhang Zixin did to Huang Fangying what the original owner did to Huang Fangying before she had time—find gangsters outside the school to surround her.

I don't care much about her, just follow her every day to and from school, and say some nasty things, making people think that Huang Fangying is with them.

In this way, no one in the school dared to get close to Huang Fangying.

Huang Fangying seemed to have broken the jar, and looked at Yan Hua with the viciousness of a red beetroot in her eyes, "Cheng Wenjin, you made me like this, you are very proud. See how many people praise you on the Internet, what kind of photos are you?" Ball girl, what kind of expert sister, why don't you go to heaven."

How could Xihua spend time with such a person, so she pulled Huang Fangying aside and walked over.

Hearing Huang Fangying's scream behind her, "You forced me to die!"

Yuhua turned around.

There was no expression on Yuhua's face, she just looked at her quietly, but Huang Fangying was scared for no reason, and she involuntarily took two steps back.

Then she felt that this was the street, and Yu Hua would not do anything to her, so she straightened her bent waist, "If you don't make it easy for me, I won't make it easy for you either. If I die, you won't die either." Had a bad time.

I'm relieved that you are miserable.The higher you hold, the harder you fall. I'm waiting to see how you will be "beautiful". "

The word "scenery" seems to be said through gritted teeth.

Xi Hua unleashed her mental power and observed abnormal fluctuations in Huang Fangying's brain waves.

It turned out that the brain circuit was abnormal.

This is a real hammer, Huang Fangying wants the original owner to die because she is jealous of the original owner, and even does things to force the original owner to die, she is naturally crazy.

Laughing people don't hate others, and they are talking about people like Huang Fangying, who hate others more than she has around her.

If Xihua has been living well and Huang Fangying is stimulated, Huang Fangying is likely to do crazy actions, such as pretending to commit suicide, and will arrange a good plan to buckle the shit basin on Xihua.

But this real hammer can only be seen by Hua Hua.

If Huang Fangying did it, she is [-]% sure that she will frame her by pretending to commit suicide, and if she can't be framed, she can be discredited.

Even if it turns out that it has nothing to do with her, the world generally sympathizes with the weak, let alone a weak person who commits suicide, the public opinion is likely to turn against Huang Fangying.

Otherwise, it wouldn't happen that the female teacher was forced to jump off the building by public opinion because she was harassed by a boy in the swimming pool.

The Butterfly Effect.

In the original owner's life, Huang Fangying and the original owner later restored contact, and the two got along at least on the surface.

When it was Xihua's turn, Huang Fangying broke with her completely.

The difference is that the original owner never had a good time in school, was beaten and scolded, and dropped out of school soon after, and was black and red when he entered the entertainment circle, and was always scolded.

The original owner couldn't clarify, and felt sad and panicked, but in order to make money, he could only bite the bullet and stay in the circle.

Huang Fangying was very relieved, and she took the initiative to contact the original owner in order to get a closer look at how uncomfortable the original owner would be.

However, Yuhua's life is getting better and better, and Huang Fangying can't stand it anymore.

Xihua can make Huang Fangying disappear forever without being able to find her head. For example, the impact of mental power on the brain can turn Huang Fangying into an idiot.

But she won't do this, what she cares about is this way of heaven.

System 4531 can devour souls without signing an agreement with people, but it must have reasons unknown to Yuhua for not doing so.

Xihua didn't want to talk to Huang Fangying, so she turned around and left again.


"Hurry up and rinse the bowl."

"Wash clothes separately, wash them separately, look at this white shirt, it's all stained, it's a mess for me. How many times have I said it, you just can't remember.

Why do you go to high school with this kind of brain, and you are not happy to let you go to a vocational high school. I see what kind of university you can be admitted to. "

"Don't treat yourself as the eldest lady, hurry up, cut a fruit plate for your brother and send it over."

"Is there a need to cut it? Just wash and eat. I'm going to do my homework." Huang Fangying hurried into her room, closed the door, and buckled the latch.

Living in such a family is enough for her.

【Ding! 】

Huang Fangying shook her head violently, was she hallucinating?

【Ding!I am the actress development system 4531, is it bound? 】

Was it her hallucination?There was really a voice ringing in her head.

system?It can't be what she thinks!

Huang Fangying was ecstatic immediately.

【Ding!Is it bound?If there is no response after ten seconds, the binding will be abandoned by default. 8, 7, 6]

Huang Fangying hurriedly shouted, "I am bound."

【Ding!Binding is complete. 】

A panel appeared in front of Huang Fangying.

It lists her name, gender, charm value, appearance value, task points and other items.

Huang Fangying fainted from happiness.

She is blessed by God!
【Ding!Novice task: Please enter the entertainment circle as soon as possible. 】

Huang Fangying suppressed her ecstasy and asked, "Is there any gift package for beginners?"

【Ding!No.There will be rewards after completing novice missions. 】

Huang Fangying was a little disappointed, but thinking of such a great opportunity, her self-confidence soared.

Cheng Wenjin, it's amazing to be beautiful.

Zhang Zixin, being powerful and rich is amazing.

Wu Jingyan, Xueba is amazing.

Just wait and see who will stand tallest in the future!
Huang Fangying asked the system, "How can I enter the entertainment industry without giving any gifts." She has self-knowledge and knows what she looks like.

【Ding!Side task: The host goes to a special training class for acting.There will be rewards after successful registration]

Huang Fangying's eyes lit up.


After receiving the feedback, Yuhua knew that Huang Fangying had already signed up for an acting class.

Yes, the system was given to Huang Fangying by Hua Hua.

The system lacks the rules of time and space, but the ability to travel through time and space is lost, and the basic functions are still there.

She didn't decompose and absorb all the system, because she was afraid that there would be backhands left by the creators in the rules that constitute the system. Her absorption was equivalent to putting the backhands into her own consciousness.

The system itself ran out of energy and it was easy to handle. She returned some of the energy absorbed from the system, and the system started.

 Sorry to everyone, a chapter was missed when uploading yesterday, so yesterday's chapter 41 should be chapter 42, it has been changed, and the one with the (repair) mark is revised

(End of this chapter)

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