Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 427 Becoming a Master in the 8th Generation

Chapter 427 Being a Master in the Eighties (33)

Simple things.

Crying is a baby's survival instinct and a way for babies to express their needs. When they are hungry, thirsty, urinated, or uncomfortable, they are all expressed by crying.

It's normal for the Xing family's little treasure to cry.

When Fu Lili was at home on vacation, Xing Yuhua only needed to do the cooking and cleaning, and Fu Lili basically did the coaxing of the children.

When Fu Lili went to work, Xing Yuhua took care of all the children by herself.

After leaving the familiar mother, the child lost his sense of security and cried more than before, but it was within the normal range.

Xing Yuhua tried her best to coax her in the first two days, but her patience was limited, and she was annoyed when the child cried.

She didn't dare to beat the child, for fear of getting hurt, and if someone found out, she would be sent back to her hometown.

As soon as the child cried, she hugged the child fiercely and shook it vigorously.

Shake the baby to stop crying.

As soon as the child fell asleep, Xing Yuhua could rest.

Xing Yuhua saw that this trick worked, and every time the child cried, she would shake it vigorously.

"...She just shakes my good grandson like playing a monkey with sifting sand." The old lady followed Xing Yuhua's way of shaking the child, shaking her hands from side to side, up and down, and twisting her body.

"My dear grandson is not asleep, but he was fainted by the shaking. The little baby's brain is so delicate, it would be foolish not to be shaken..."

Seeing Xing Yuhua abuse the child, the old lady was in a hurry, but she couldn't tell the Xing family. Later, she found that the child could see her, so she thought of using the child to attract the attention of the Xing family.

The child was too young to communicate, so she had no choice but to make ghost faces to scare the child and make him cry.

She couldn't come out during the day, and the Xing family happened to be there at night, so the child cried when it got dark.

The old lady didn't expect the Xing family to see that the child didn't cry during the day, and thought that Xing Yuhua took good care of it, but she was so angry that the child cried even more in the past two days.

"Slap!" Fu Lili stepped forward and slapped Xing Yuhua, "Why are you so vicious!"

A mother who suffers from childbirth can empathize with her child more than other blood relatives. Thinking of the harm the child has suffered, Fu Lili wishes she could bear it for her child.

When she gave birth and was hospitalized in the hospital, the doctor said that she must not shake the child too hard, as it will damage the child's brain and nerves, may affect the child's intelligence, and may cause blindness, paralysis, and even death .

Sometimes she came back to nurse, seeing the baby sleeping deeply, she thought it was Xing Yuhua who took good care of her, but it turned out that the baby was dizzy from the shaking.

She regretted so much, if only she could think of people in a bad way at that time.

How could she have imagined that a girl of seventeen or eighteen would be so cruel that she would lay hands on a baby.

Xing Weiguo stepped forward and kicked Xing Yuhua, "I'm sorry for that, but I'm not asking you to work for nothing, and I will give you 15 yuan a month for food, housing, and clothing.

At that time, it was agreed to come to see the child, and the child was too annoying to cry, why did you come!We didn't ask you to come. "

"You don't know, I don't know." Xing Yuhua shook her head desperately, "I don't know that it's not good for the child. I haven't seen the child before."

"You don't understand! Fuck you!" Fu Lili was furious when she heard that.

A slap is not enough.

Fu Lili handed the child to Xing Weiguo, "I'm in a hurry with whoever is blocking me."

Xing Yuhua is a relative of the Xing family's hometown, no matter how Xing's father Xing Weiguo handles, she will vent her anger first.



Fu Lili stepped forward and grabbed Xing Yuhua's hair, and gave her a series of slaps.

"You don't understand! Did I tell you that when you coax the child, you should be gentle and don't shake it too hard!"

"I think you understand very well! Why are you at ease!"

"Kill you bastard! If there is something wrong with my little treasure, I will pay you for his life!"

"Ah bah! The life of a dog like you is worthless. I curse you to beg for food for the rest of your life. If you die, you will go to the eighteenth floor of hell!"

Xing Yuhua was beaten so loudly.

"You still have the face to howl!" Fu Lili stopped Xing Yuhua from howling.

She had had enough beating, and asked Xing's father, Xing Weiguo, "What are you going to do with her? Will you send her to the police?"

Xing's father thought that Xing Yuhua was the daughter of his brother, "Forget it. Little Treasure didn't have any serious problems, and there is no evidence that she abused her. The police can't lock her up for a few days. Send her back to her hometown tomorrow."

He didn't let go of his anger after only being locked up for a few days, and he aroused the hatred of the old family for nothing.If you send them back, explain the matter clearly in your hometown, Xing Yuhua is the one who spit on Xingzi, and a woman with a bad reputation will not be able to eat good fruit in her hometown.

Fu Lili thought that Father Xing had to say that.

She didn't argue with Father Xing.

It's also because the child is fine, so I went to several hospitals for checkups, and they all said that the child's health is fine, only that the food in this period is not enough to keep up with the nutrition.

The old lady was very relieved to see Xing Yuhua being beaten, "Hurry up and send her away tomorrow."

He blamed Fu Lili again, "Daughter-in-law, look at how you are a mother, you don't even know your child is being bullied, so don't go to work in the future, just stay at home and watch your child."

Father Xing nodded, "Mother is right. Lily will ask for leave tomorrow, and the old Liu family is planning to buy a job index for his daughter, so they can sell Lily's job to the old Liu family."

Xing Weiguo also agreed, "Yes, it's the mother who takes care of the children the most. Lily, your work is also very tiring, so you just quit this meeting.

After two years, the child will grow up, and you will be able to relax at home. You usually do housework, and I will be the one to earn money. You can enjoy yourself at home. "

Fu Lili was very regretful at first, thinking why she didn't find out about this earlier, the child's brain would be so disturbed that he would sleep all the time, why didn't she think about it.

When the old lady said this, she felt a little uncomfortable, but thinking that she was also at fault, the old lady was dead, so she didn't say a word.

Hearing what Father Xing said to Xing Weiguo, Fu Lili's mind turned around.What's the matter, it's all her fault that the co-authored child was abused?
He also thought about not letting her go to work, and also wanted to sell her job, which was obtained by her parents.

She quit.

She asked the old lady, "Why am I a mother? Why don't you say how Xing Weiguo became a father? I can give birth to a child by myself? I almost lost my life to give birth to this child. I don't know how many years I have lived short." .”

Yan Hua, who had been watching from the wall for a while, said, "Yes. Having a child will shorten your life by 11 years."

"Really?" Fu Lili said it casually, but she didn't expect Xie Hua to say that.

"Really." Yu Hua didn't say it casually.

This is scientifically based. The longer the telomere at the end of a human chromosome, the longer the lifespan. Having a child will shorten the telomere of a woman and reduce her life expectancy by about 11 years.

It can also be proved from the aspect of cell division that pregnancy will cause a large number of mitosis in the maternal cells, which will damage the cells and accelerate the aging of the human body.

 The saying that having a child will reduce your life expectancy by [-] is from Baidu

(End of this chapter)

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