Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 431 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 431 Being a Master in the 80s (37)

When talking about the end of the blood dragon, Daoist Ming Ze was in a good mood, and his words were also grounded, "What is fake is fake, and it is fake to look like a dragon, and it cannot become a real dragon.

After Da Zhuo Dynasty was over, there was no residue left of the blood dragon dissipating.Becoming a blood dragon and defeating a blood dragon, the blood dragon suppressed the dragon's aura, but they forgot where the dragon came from.

If they turn the blood dragon into a blood loach, maybe the blood dragon can survive for a few more years, but they want to swallow this place even by its roots and make it into a dragon shape.The blood dragon can suppress the dragon energy, and the dragon energy can use the dragon shape as a guide to devour the blood dragon.

They think that guarding the dragon is to protect the dragon's energy from being completely wiped out, right or wrong.The function of guarding the dragon land is mainly to eliminate resentment and blood energy, so as to add some assistance to the assimilation of dragon energy and blood dragon.

Haha, they originally wanted the blood dragon to replace the dragon energy, but in the end they just added some nutrients to the dragon energy for nothing. "

Resentment and blood energy are the foundation of the blood dragon, and eliminating resentment and blood energy is to weaken the blood dragon from the foundation.

At the same time, with less resentment and blood energy, the suppression of dragon energy will be weakened. After the dragon energy with a strong foundation is respite, it can in turn assimilate the blood dragon.

"Come on, Xiao Yao, this matter deserves another drink." Daoist Ming Ze poured a glass of wine for Yu Hua.

This is the green plum wine that Taoist Master Ming Ze brought from Wuhai Temple. Seeing that Yuhua was coming, he specially warmed up a small jar for her to taste.

It's really a small altar, a small clay pot, which can hold four taels of wine at most.

The green plum wine is not high in alcohol and tastes good.What is rare is that there is a hint of aura in it.

In this low-spirited world, this wine can be called spiritual wine, enough to see that Taoist Ming Ze treats Yuhua as a distinguished guest
Xi Hua drank a cup and tasted the aura characteristics inside.

There are slight differences in the aura of each world. The aura of this world is a bit inert, and it is biased towards the earth attribute aura of some cultivation side worlds, which is not strong in nourishing the body.

Xi Hua asked, "Who are the identities of those foreign businessmen?"

Ming Ze said with contempt on his face, "What foreign businessmen, they are just a group of remnants of blood and blood who carry the debts of generations.

Back then, taking advantage of the chaotic situation, they smuggled the treasures of our ancestors abroad, and took advantage of these national treasures to enjoy themselves there.

Now seeing the recovery of the country, he transformed himself into a foreign businessman who came here to pick ready-made peaches.Hmph, the blood dragons are already dead, and they are still dreaming of taking power. "

Those who bear the blood of evil debts include all vested interests who benefit from the blood dragon.

Hua Hua asked, "Since the dragon energy has recovered and the blood dragons have already perished, why do some people want to destroy the dragon guarding place?"

Daoist Ming Ze said, "This is something I can't figure out. After the blood dragon has disappeared, the Shoulong Land has completed the duty of guardianship for generations, but as a branch of the Taoist sect, the inheritance of Tashan Temple still needs to be passed on from generation to generation. continue.

Wu Haiguan did the same.The rule of our two generations watching each other has also been followed.

Without the duty of guardianship, Tashan Monastery has only accepted one or two disciples in recent generations, while Wuhai Monastery has slightly more, usually three to five disciples.

Even if our two views are destroyed, the blood dragon will not be brought back to life.I then contacted some old friends, but I couldn't find out their real purpose.

I don't really believe the news from those people that they want to destroy Shoulong and vent their hatred.

In any case, the news that they want to destroy the Dragon Guard this time has spread throughout the Taoist sect, and they will not dare to attack us so blatantly again. "

Yu Hua didn't agree with Taoist Ming Ze's idea that this matter was over, but she would not make a judgment based on the memory of her previous life.

From the moment she came to this world, the future has changed. Ming is safe and sound, but the other party's thinking may change, which will bring about changes in practice.

So she didn't raise an objection.Besides, she didn't have any evidence, and she said it like a wild guess.

"Daozhang, I want you to do me a favor."

Daoist Ming Ze was very happy, but he was worried about not being able to repay Xi Hua's love, "I will definitely help Xiao Yao."


Yu Hua came over for three days in a row and helped Taoist Ming Ze cure his leg disease.

The problem with Ming Zedao's long legs is not serious, it was caused by not receiving timely treatment after the injury.

Xihua originally planned to use the treatment methods available in this world, but didn't she want Taoist Master Mingze to help, so she secretly used a repair agent for Taoist Master Mingze, shortening the course of treatment.

In this scientific side world, restoratives can be used.

Three days later, if Daoist Ming Ze didn't walk too fast, he couldn't see that his legs and feet were having trouble.

On the fourth day, Yuhua took the people who needed help up the mountain.

Daoist Ming Ze looked at Yao Shufang's three siblings, "Not bad, not bad, they are three good seedlings."

Yao Shufang's three sisters and younger brothers all looked at Daoist Ming Ze with a fairy-like appearance in novelty.

Tashan Temple has been closed for the past few decades, but the Taoist priest Ming Ze returned to the vulgar on the bright side, and did not even live in the temple, but lived at the foot of Tashan Temple.

This year he completed all the formalities, became a monk again, and lived in Tashan Temple.

So the three of them have never been to Tashan Temple.

After coming up, the three of them were curious about everything.

I feel novelty about the view of Tashan.

I feel novelty about the statue hall in the temple.

Daoist Ming is a novelty.

The most surprising thing about the three of them is the attitude of Taoist Ming Ze towards their seemingly ordinary eldest sister, who is familiar and respectful.

Before they knew that the elder sister would come to Tashan temple often, saying that she came to Tashan temple to help. They all knew that grandma used to be a temple priest. They thought that the elder sister was influenced by her grandmother and became a believer in the temple, so she came to the temple to help clean up.

It doesn't look like this.

"Master Ming Ze just let go and teach." Yu Hua looked at Yao Shufang and the three of them and smiled, "Whoever is disobedient follows the old rules."

The three of Yao Shufang only felt a gust of cold wind blowing, making them shiver.

Yu Hua asked Taoist Ming Ze to help teach Yao Shufang and the three of them to practice martial arts.

It is convenient for her to teach by herself, but she has a provenance in Taoism, but has no provenance in martial arts, and any excuses are false.

It happens that there is a ready-made Ming Ze Dao.

People in the Taoist school all practice martial arts to strengthen their bodies, and the Taoist master will naturally do it too.

She said that she wanted to make up for her previous mistakes, and letting the three of them practice martial arts was a way to make up for it.

She has stayed in so many worlds, and this is the first time she made a mistake.

This made her intolerable.

Making up for the three of them is also making up for herself, trying to turn her mistakes into a better side.

No matter in which era, it is always beneficial to have a high personal force value.

Yao Shufang is in puberty, and she is good-looking, so she is easy to be targeted by people with malicious intentions. Yao Shuli, who is getting more and more beautiful, also needs to take more precautions in terms of safety.

As for Yao Shuwei, he had to learn to resist those who bullied him, learn to resist with confidence, and be able to beat him.With her suppressing him, Yao Shuwei couldn't bully others.

However, this is also based on the consent of the three of them, and if the three of them disagree, she will not force them.

(End of this chapter)

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