Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 44: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 44 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Although Fan Lao's Lingda Physics Journal is a new journal, it already has some influence because of its high starting point.

She knew it would be faster.

This is the signal of being introduced into the professional circle by Fan Lao.If she can enter the professional circle earlier, she will be able to get more and deeper sources of professional information earlier.

"How did you do in the exam this time? Could you pass [-] in physics?" Elder Fan asked her.

Many of Xihua's failing monthly exam results were posted online, and Mr. Fan also saw it.

Because of this, he didn't give up the idea of ​​cultivating Yuhua as a good seedling.

In terms of learning, there are some who are enlightened early and some who are late. In his opinion, Yuhua is the late one. It was only after the second year of high school that he realized that his favorite was science, and he began to work hard in this area.

But grades are the standard for measuring a student's learning outcomes. If Xie Hua can't even pass the college entrance examination, his training will be out of the question.

He is still very concerned about Xi Hua's performance.

"Physics should have a full score, except for Chinese, the other subjects are okay." Yu Hua didn't know what modesty was, how to estimate it.

She focused on studying physics, and had Fan Lao, a master in physics, to ask for advice. Her physics progress was rapid.

Composition is too difficult. For her, it will be impossible to overcome it in a short time.

She can only use opportunistic tricks, inserting words according to the formula for writing essays, citing a lot of classics, and some clichés that no one who writes them will be regarded as plagiarism.

The only thing that can't estimate the score is Chinese.

Elder Fan was delighted to hear that, "Jin Wazi, you got full marks in the physics test, and I'll treat you to meat."

After leaving Fan Lao's place, Xi Hua went to the library as usual.

Jiang Yan has already graduated, so there is no way to lend her a card.

The library of Lingnan University is also open to people outside the school, but according to the regulations, it must be guaranteed by the teachers of the school.

The library card she is using now is handled by Mr. Fan for her. It is easier to use than the campus card of ordinary students, and can borrow twenty books at a time.

When Jiang Yan found out, she said directly that she was hugging Jin's thigh now.


At this time, Jiang Yan, who said that Xihua was hugging the golden thigh, was arguing with her family.

Jiang Yan stood up sullenly, "I disagree. Fang Zi belongs to Jin Meizi, and no one can take it for himself, including me."

Jiang Yan didn't expect that the phrase 'businessmen value profit over friendship' would be reflected in her family.

The cause of the incident was that after Jiang Yan had practiced Yun Sheng Kung Fu for half a month, she had a big surprise. She might completely get rid of her frail body.

In fact, after starting to practice on the first day, she fell asleep quickly at night, and she faintly felt that it should be the benefits brought by the exercises.

But it may also be the result of self-psychological suggestion.

As her physical condition improved day by day, she could no longer say it was because of her own psychological suggestion.

The changes are obvious.

First of all, the amount of food has increased. In the first few days, she was afraid that if she ate too much, she would not be able to digest her stomach and would have trouble with her stomach, so she didn't dare to eat more, but she was hungry, so she had to increase the amount.

After eating, I found that my stomach didn't come out to make trouble, so I let nature take its course.

After eating a lot, I feel stronger.Let alone running, if you walk fast for a while, you will be out of breath.Now, you can run for a while.

The physical changes for the better are very obvious.

Jiang Yan was ecstatic.

She had a lot of faith in the things in Yunsheng Gong, so she copied out a prescription that was suitable for a naturally weak person like her, and showed it to the master of traditional Chinese medicine that she had made friends with at home. After repeated consideration, the master of traditional Chinese medicine said, It is said to be a good prescription for replenishing qi and blood.

The medicinal properties of the prescription are soothing, you can eat and see.

After taking it for two weeks, her physical condition has improved, and even her family can see it at a glance.

This caused the family to pay more attention to the prescription in Jiang Yan's hand.

The Jiang family is a big family with their own business, and they are very sensitive to business opportunities. They have seen that the benefits brought by Fang Zi may be huge.

There is no pharmaceutical factory to talk about. It is nothing to the Jiang family to buy a ready-made one or build a new one.

Jiang Yan has no problem with opening a pharmaceutical factory at home. The medicine is made, which is a good thing for Fuze Dazhong.

But it won't work to exclude Cheng Wenjin.

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang's father also put on a straight face, "Jiang Yan, why are you talking to the elders? What does it mean to take possession of yourself? Did she research Fangzi herself? Since Fangzi itself does not belong to her, what is it called?" Occupy it for yourself? Can you guarantee that Fang Zi was obtained by her through legitimate channels, can't you?"

"Yanyan, don't worry, brother, don't get angry." Jiang Yan's second uncle tried to smooth things over, "Yanyan, it's not like we didn't say we won't give the girl money. We have to approve it first. If it can be approved Come down and give.

Besides, where can we find people like our family who have already received the prescription and gave money back to others? "

"Is our family short of money?" Jiang Yan stretched out her hand and pointed around the house.

The place where she stood was the living room on the first floor of a three-story villa.

The living room does not look luxurious, taking into account the classic dignity and modern comfort, but when you look closely, there is nothing that is not a boutique, and some are even more valuable. Even the flower stand with a pot of orchids next to the sofa is yellow. Antiquities of Huali.

Of course, a home with such a living room will not be short of money.

"If you are short of money, sell this villa, it can always be sold for [-] million yuan." Jiang Yan said.

Second Uncle Jiang laughed, "Yanyan is just kidding, when did our family run out of money?"

"There is no shortage of money, is it appropriate to give one hundred thousand for a prescription?"

Someone on the stairs answered first, "I don't think it's appropriate."

All three turned their heads towards the stairs.

The Jiang brothers stood up and called out "Dad" in unison.

Uncle Jiang said, "Dad, we really didn't pay less. We investigated the purchase price of folk prescriptions before, and it was a lot more than 30. Isn't this discussing with Yanyan? If Yanyan feels that it is too little, just add more. Or a recipe of twenty, not [-]."

Mr. Jiang walked down the stairs, Jiang Yan smiled and stepped forward to take his arm, coquettishly, "Grandpa, look at your sons have changed, they only love money."

Mr. Jiang patted Jiang Yan's hand holding his arm, and his sharp eyes swept back and forth on the faces of the Jiang family brothers, "You don't have to give a cent, as long as you don't use it to make money. What people give is Yanyan, the purpose is Let Yanyan get better.

Since you want to use it to make money, follow the rules of making money.Don't mention what other people's purchase price is.Let me ask you, how much is the prescription of Yunnan Baiyao, is it within the scope of your investigation. "

Father Jiang said, "Dad, how can these prescriptions compare with Yunnan Baiyao."

Uncle Jiang also said, "Yes, Dad, this prescription is at best a tonic prescription, and it can't compare with Baiyao."

Mr. Jiang snorted coldly, and said to Jiang's father, "You are not qualified to say whether you can compare. You don't know how good Yanyan's health is? Calculate how much Yanyan's life is, and then talk about how much Fangzi pays." .”

Father Jiang fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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