Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 440 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 440 Being a Master in the 80s (46)

"From ancient times to the present, dynasties have changed, and the dragon spirit has become stronger and stronger. Whether a dynasty is strong or declining has little effect on the dragon spirit.

Only when aliens invade, the dragon energy will be weakened.You admit it. "

Not long after Yuhua came to this world, she discovered something special about this land: the realization of civilization.

Dragon Qi is the embodiment of the civilization formed in this land.

The civilization continues, and the dragon spirit is immortal.

Man's transition from savagery to civilization is the process from indulging beastliness to restraining beastliness.

The civilized man is wise and restrained.

Sometimes it is unavoidable to be too gentle.

It makes people feel deceitful.

Being invaded by alien races is essentially the invasion of civilization by barbaric cultures that have not formed civilization.

The civilization of Indy was wiped out by the barbaric culture of the outside world.

Let's talk about the land.

There have been many alien invasions, but in the end the invaders were either driven out or assimilated by the dragon spirit civilization and became a part of the dragon spirit civilization.

The foreign invasion hundreds of years ago was the biggest disaster that Longqi suffered.

Aliens try to replace Longqi's civilization with their own.

They created a blood dragon, not because they didn't know the meaning of the dragon, but because they were too ambitious and wanted to make the dragon their own. I remember it was created by the royal family of Da Zhuo Dynasty.

For this reason, they forcibly destroyed and tampered with a large number of historical materials, belittled and vilified the former dynasty.

It's just that their poor culture can't match their huge ambitions. The blood dragon is destined to not last long since its birth.

So the blood dragon was finally assimilated by the dragon energy.

The foreign race is no longer a foreign race, they have all assimilated into a part of the Dragon Qi civilization.

What Xihua can see clearly, the guardian of Longqi can only see more clearly than her.

"I know." Daoist Gu Jing is very familiar with dragon qi, "In the eyes of Taoists, dragon qi represents the destiny of the country."

"It's the Gui family who want the dragon spirit."

"The Gui family..." Daoist Gu Jing immediately thought of something.

"Hundreds of years ago, the Gui family was involved, and the method of creating blood dragons to suppress dragon spirit was provided by the Gui family."

Daoist Gu Jing said, "The Daoist sect has suspected this for a long time, but there is no evidence to make assumptions out of thin air. On the other hand, the Gui family is the oldest handed down family of the Daoist sect, and has received the most protection from the dragon qi, saying that they attack the dragon qi. It doesn't make sense."

"I want to say that all of the Gui family have become gods."

"How could it be?" What Yuhua said was so outrageous that Daoist Gu Jing couldn't believe it.

"The existing talismans have been tampered with by the Gui family." Yuhua took out a piece of paper talisman and handed it to Daoist Gu Jing, "This is the fire talisman I drew, using ancient methods."

Daoist Gu Jing's expression changed when he saw it, he hurriedly got up and took out a fire talisman drawn by him from the room.

Putting the two fire talismans together, it can be seen that there is a big difference, and only half of the runes on the two talismans are the same.

"Look, these runes." Yuhua pointed to a part of the one drawn by Daoist Gu Jing, "It doesn't have any effect on casting fire, it's the imprint of a certain god.

When you cast talismans, you need to recite incantations. The incantations are used to worship a certain god, and the incantations are marked with the gods. The process of casting talismans is the process of offering your power of faith to the gods. "

Yu Hua pointed to the one she drew again, "The one I drew doesn't have the imprint of God, and the extra lines of runes mean that it's enough to use soul power as a guide."

It's useless to talk, or seeing is believing.

It's not easy to put the fire talisman in the house, Taoist Gu Jing took Yuhua to the sea cliff behind the Taoist temple, where a large area is full of bare rocks, and it is very secluded.

Daoist Gu Jing called all three disciples of Yunrui Yunyang Yunnian.

"Master, let me cast it." Yunyang volunteered.

"You, you like to be the first to do anything." Simply casting a talisman is a simple matter, Daoist Gu Jing said strangely, and gave the fire talisman to Yunyang in his hand, "Don't be careless."

"Don't worry, master." Yunyang took the paper talisman and stood in the distance.

He held a paper talisman in one hand, and made a seal in the other hand, chanting, "...Zhu Rong is your honor, and be as urgent as a law. The fire is on."

The paper talisman did not respond.

Yunyang came again, "...Zhu Rong is respected, hurry like a law. The fire is on."

He looked back at Daoist Gu Jing, "Master, don't blame me, it may be that Vulcan is not at home."

Daoist Gu Jing had some guesses, and called Yun Rui, "Yun Rui, come here."

"Yes, Master."

Yunyang was also straightforward, and gave the fire talisman to Yunrui.

Yun Rui chanted the same incantation, "...Zhu Rong is respected, be as anxious as a law. Fire up."

The fire talisman flew out, and a fireball ignited in the air.

Without the support of flammable objects, the fireball dissipated quickly.

Xi Hua thought for a while, and gave Yun Rui the fireball talisman in her hand, "You can cast this one too, just use your soul power as a guide, just throw it out."

Because Yun Rui was not used to not reciting mantras, he held it in his hand for a while before throwing it out.

As soon as the fire talisman was released, a fireball that was half the size of the previous one was ignited, and it quickly dissipated.

Yun Rui thought about it, he only used a little soul power just now, so the fireball he cast was small? "Fellow Daoist Yao, can you give me another one for comparison?"


Yun Rui used twice as much soul power this time.

What a big fireball.

"Yunrui, you want to roast me like a pig!" Yunyang, who got a little closer, ran away with his head in his arms.

There is no need to verify more, it can explain the problem.

"The so-called God of Zhu Rong is not the real God of Fire, Zhu Rong, but a counterfeit of the Gui family. They practice Shinto, and they need the power of faith to practice and achieve the goal of longevity.

It takes time, effort and money to create a god position from scratch, so they counterfeit the existing god position to steal the original god's belief.They built a false heaven. "

The gods who come by faith, more precisely, should be called spirits.

A mountain is worshiped by people, and people assume that the mountain is controlled by a mountain god. After a long time, a mountain god may really be derived.

If there is a person or soul before the mountain god is derived, acting as the mountain god to respond to the believers, the power of faith from these believers will fall on this person or soul.

Originally, there was no god on this mountain, but over time, this person or soul became the mountain god.

The GUI family has no patience over time, they steal the existing gods, Zhu Rong, Dragon King, Lei Gong, etc., even pretend to be the Jade Emperor, as long as there are enough followers of this god.

Therefore, black and white impermanence said that the GUI family is not under their control.After the death of the GUI family, they don't go to the underworld, they all go to the fake heaven, so naturally they don't belong to them.

Daoist Gu Jing looked at the sea with his hands behind his back, and was silent for a while.

It is not easy for anyone to accept something that has been learned all his life and be told that it is fake and that he made a wedding dress for others.

In comparison, Yunrui and the three accepted it faster.

(End of this chapter)

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