Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 445 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 445 Being a Master in the 80s (51)

This is a fraudulent marriage.

After the old man of the Xi family found out, he regretted it a lot, but the Gui family was so powerful that the Xi family could not resist.

Fortunately, the Wei family promised not to hurt Xi Hongyi's life, otherwise the Xi family would protect Xi Hongyi desperately, and the Gui family would not be well. After all, the Xi family was responsible for opening the gate of ghosts, and the underworld was half of the Xi family's backing.

Speaking of which, Gui Mengtian and Xi Hongyi have never met each other, but this time when Gui Mengtian came to find him, the two knew each other.

Xi Hongyi and Gui Mengtian came out together, firstly because of the contract, and secondly because they wanted to find a chance to get rid of this contract.

There are still a few years before getting married, if there is really no other way, Xi Hongyi plans to come to a dead end.

He was very lucky this time and met Yuhua.


Not long ago, a bead suddenly shattered from the mahogany skewer in Xi Hongyi's hand, and he immediately knew that the contract between him and Gui Mengtian had been completely broken.

The shattered bead was the one that transplanted the contract. If the contract was still in his body, he would inevitably be injured.

This is the hegemony of the unequal contract. The party who dominated the contract, Gui Mengtian, died. Although he would not die together, he was bound to be injured.

Of course, if they agreed to die together, the Xi family would definitely not be willing.

Taozhu blocked the robbery for him.

"My substitute stayed in the hotel all day today, and I couldn't find Gui Mengtian's death." Xi Hongyi said, "The Gui family knows who Gui Mengtian is. No one can disobey her orders."

Although Gui Mengtian died in a fight with others, it is a fact that he came out with Gui Mengtian.

So Xi Hongyi made preparations in advance to give Gui's family an explanation.He could say that Gui Mengtian didn't let him follow, he didn't know about it.

Xi Hua even had evidence of her alibi.

She is not afraid of trouble, but it is best to have less trouble.

Xi Hongyi asked again, "Fellow Daoist Yao, are those three people dead?"

"There was one alive when I left, but, well, they should all be dead."

Before she left, she saw Wanying hesitate and enter the ghost gate.

Gui Mengtian's soul stood there blankly.

Xi Hua left behind spiritual power to watch.

Sure enough, he saw a change in Gui Mengtian's soul, and after the change, he looked like a madman and killed Pang Yuze.

After Xi Hua finished speaking, Xi Hongyi suddenly looked at the door, and there was an extra chain in his hand.

This chain is a soul chain specially designed for Yin Er, which can only be seen by the sky eye.

Although it is thinner than Heiwu's commonly used soul chain, it still has the regular atmosphere of the underworld.

The Xi family has four waist badges, which are not only an identity badge, but also a magic weapon. The soul chain is stored on the waist badge, and can be used according to the owner of the waist badge.

A new ghost rushes in through the door.

The appearance of the new ghost is very terrifying. There are large and small bite marks and holes all over his body. The bite marks are bruised and black blood is flowing from the holes.

Its abdomen is constantly changing, it bulges here and there, as if something is churning inside, trying to break through the soul body and come out.

Occasionally, the bulge would become so severe that the abdomen would protrude from Lao Gao's body, imprinting the outline of a face.

This is not the scariest place, the entire soul body is covered with cracks, dividing the soul body into plaques of different sizes.

The two eyes are located on different plaques. One of the two eyes is round and the other is long. They don't look like a pair no matter what.

One face is round and the other face is pointed and thin.

Two arms, one thick and one thin.

The entire soul body seemed to be stitched together.

Yu Hua knew who the ghost was, and said, "Is it calling you Gui Mengtian or what?"

She saw the change in Gui Mengtian with her own eyes, otherwise it would be hard to recognize it from the appearance.

It is easier to recognize it from the soul breath, and it is rare to see ghosts whose soul breath is so mixed and unpleasant.

The so-called divine body of the false gods of the Gui family is actually the soul mixed with divine power.

Divine power is transformed from the power of faith.

The power of belief is directional, and false gods intercept the power of belief of others, and the divine power does not fit well with the divine body of the false god, which will cause the divine body to become unstable.

The instability of the spirit means that the soul may loose yellow.

The solution to the Gui family's false gods is reincarnation.

Reincarnate into the fetus, and fuse with the soul of the fetus.

The reincarnated false god will recover his memory at the age of 25, and he can choose whether to live his life as a human or return directly to the heaven.

Gui Mengtian is a reincarnated false god.

She is not yet 25 years old, so she has always been Gui Mengtian.

Died early, the memory came back, and the soul changed back to the appearance of the false god.

It is stitched like this, which shows how many times it has been reincarnated.

Xi Hongyi has spiritual eyes, and also recognized that this ghost is the posthumous GUI Mengtian. He remembered the saying about the GUI family, saying that every generation of the GUI family has reincarnated people.

I used to hear it as a legend, but seeing Gui Mengtian's strange soul body, I knew that the legend was true.

His spiritual pupil has seen the living Gui Mengtian's soul, which is consistent with the body, and now it has become like this, which should be a mutation that occurred after death.

Gui Mengtian gritted his teeth with a mended face, as if he wanted to swallow Yu Hua and Xi Hongyi alive.

"Xi Hongyi, you dare to scheme against me! I want you to pay for your life!" Dancing with ten ghost claws more than half a meter long, grabbed Xi Hongyi.

The chain in Xi Hongyi's hand rattled and flung it towards Gui Mengtian.

Yincha's soul chain is the nemesis of ghosts, but it can pass through Gui Mengtian's soul body without locking it.

Xi Hongyi was taken aback for a moment, his soul chain could lock even a ghost, and a new ghost, Gui Mengtian, escaped.

"Hmph, you are not qualified to lock me up!" Gui Mengtian grabbed Xi Hongyi again.

Xi Hongyi was about to throw out the soul chain in his hand, when Gui Mengtian changed midway, and the person he was grabbing turned into Yuhua, "It's all you, it's all you, I'm going to tear you to pieces !"

At the same time, a black shadow flew out from GUI Mengtian's abdomen, and rushed towards Xi Hongyi.

The chain in Xi Hongyi's hand flew out, locking the shadow upright.

When the chain was tightened, it was clear that the black shadow was an evil spirit billowing with black energy, and this evil spirit was none other than Pang Yuze.

He was right, fellow Taoist Yao didn't need his help.

He didn't see what Taoist Yao did, but saw a black cage appear out of thin air, covering Gui Mengtian inside.

Although Xi Hongyi didn't know the specific name of the black cage, he could tell that the black cage was a thing from the underworld, and its level was higher than his soul chain.

He wasn't jealous, he was just glad once again that he met Daoyou Yao on the train, and he stood on the same side with him without much thought.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Gui Mengtian, it wasn't that she wanted to attack fellow daoist Yao, and he couldn't get to know fellow daoist Yao either.

With a move by Yu Hua, the black cage shrank to the size of a fist, and she held it in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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