Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 448 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 448 Being a Master in the 80s (54)

Whether it is ski jackets or electronic watches that Yu Hua bought, they are currently the most sought-after, and the quality and style of the goods she bought are very good, better than those bought by other stores.

This could sell short quickly if put on the table.

All the stores wanted to take advantage of this period of time before the year to sell more money, rushing to ask for goods, and it was unlikely that they would all be distributed.

Although purchasing from Xihua is more expensive than purchasing by yourself, one is the time cost and the other is the freight cost, which is not much more expensive after calculation, and it saves trouble, and it is too late for them to purchase in person.

Xi Hua had a capital of 2 yuan, and she made more than 3 yuan in this handover. Adding the capital, she has more than 5 yuan in her hands.

It can be said to be a huge profit.

But in a blink of an eye, several stores added four or five times the retail price to the wholesale price she gave.

It is even more profitable.

Xi Hua knows that this period of easy profiteering will continue for some time.

When there is a stock market, that is the real era of huge profits.

It is also an era when capital quietly enters all walks of life, and even goes deeper.

When I got home, no one was there.

The three siblings were really stunned at Tashan Temple.

Before Yuhua left, she threw the three siblings to Daoist Ming Ze, but she did not force the three siblings to live in the temple.

Hu Di came out from the corner, "Master, you are back."

No one in the house is not safe, there are guards.

"What happened at home, are the three of them coming back?"

"There is nothing at home. The three of them came back once, and they went to Guanli not long after they took their things." Hu Di talked about all the things at home in the past few days, including some things that happened in the family courtyard. I also picked up the important ones.

"An investor surnamed Zhan?" After hearing this, Hua Hua asked Hu Di, "Do you know what he is doing at the towel factory?"

"I just heard from people in the family courtyard that an investor visited the factory four days ago and said they wanted to discuss a joint venture."

Xi Hua searched the memory of the original owner, but found no relevant information.Either the original owner didn't know, or it was changed due to her arrival.

Regardless of whether there were investors visiting the factory in the previous life, the towel factory did not enter into a joint venture, but after a few years, the profitability was not good and the factory closed down.

A few years later, the factory was sold to private individuals at a low price, and an electronics factory was established. Later, the electronics factory closed down, and finally it was developed into a residential building in the hands of real estate developers.

The investor's surname is Zhan, so he had to let Yuhua think about it.

"Ask other wandering souls about Zhan's investor."

As soon as he heard that there was work to do, Hu Di cheered up, "You can handle it." Putting on his precious straw hat, he went out to inquire.

Yu Hua spent the night resting at home and went to Tashan the next day.

Entering the temple, I first saw Yao Shuli and Yao Shuwei, each sweeping snow with a big broom in the courtyard of the front hall.

The two were also sweeping snow, playing, and having fun.

Seeing Yu Hua, Yao Shuli dragged a big broom to meet her, "Sister, you are back."

Yao Shuwei also stopped sweeping the snow, and stood on the sidelines without approaching. Seeing Yuhua looking at him, he twisted his body and called out, "Eldest sister."

"En." Yu Hua responded to the two, admiring the teaching level of Taoist Ming Ze.

Yao Shuli was relatively close to the original owner earlier, but Yao Shuli instinctively disliked Lu Jianyong's family, and even alienated him from the original owner.

After Xihua came, after a period of running-in, Yao Shuli gained trust in Yuhua, and calling her big sister was a matter of course.

Yao Shuwei hadn't called the original owner's big sister since he was five or six years old. After staying with Taoist Ming Ze for a few days, he was able to call out "big sister", which has changed a lot.

Yu Hua asked the two of them, "Are you used to living here?"

The two responded one after another, "Get used to it."

Yao Shuli's eyes were full of jumping light, "The mountain is very interesting. There are wild rabbits and many squirrels. I fed them peanuts, and they all came to the house with me."

Yao Shuwei couldn't help breaking the stage, "I came with you, I went to your house to steal peanuts."

"I just came with me." Yao Shuli retorted, "Song Xiaojin even dared to squat in front of my shoes, why didn't he come with me?" Then he explained to Yuhua, "Song Xiaojin is the biggest squirrel inside, and his tail is The golden one is so pretty, I named it."

Yao Shuwei broke the stage again, "It didn't recognize the name, how could it agree to you calling it?"

"I promised."

Yu Hua interrupted the argument between the two, and gave two of the bags in her hand to the two respectively, "Gifts for you."

When they heard that it was a gift, they both dropped the broom in their hands. Yao Shuli got it first and said, "Thank you, big sister."

Yao Shuwei ran over, glanced at Yuhua, took the bag, quickly said "Thank you big sister" in a low voice, took the bag and ran to the backyard, probably going back to the house to look at the presents.

Xi Hua said to Yao Shuli, "It's cold outside, go inside and open it."

"Yeah!" Yao Shuli followed Yao Shuwei and ran back to the backyard.

Shen Yinghe and Ni Qiu were also there.

Yuhua asked the two about the situation of the Yao family's third sibling in Tashan Temple.

Both told the truth.

Yu Hua could tell whether she was telling the truth or not, and she gave them each a little soul power for their wages for the next period of time.

Yao Shufang was doing homework in the room, and Yuhua gave her a gift.

That's when I went to find Daoist Ming Ze.

Daoist Ming Ze put on a tiger face on purpose, "Are you still a member of our Tashan Temple? You didn't tell me such an important matter first, so that Gu Jing was very proud on the phone."

Yu Hua knew that he was talking about talisman seals, "I haven't seen the talisman drawn by other people before."

The first time she saw the talisman of this world with her own eyes was on the train, and it was held by Gui Mengtian at that time.

The inheritance of Tashan Temple is based on geomancy and calculation, and Ming Ze Taoist master simply does not know how to draw talismans, so in the process of communicating with Yu Hua, the aspect of talisman drawing was not involved.

Yuhua had seen a few talisman patterns in the classics of Tashan Temple, but they were different from the ones she drew. She only copied the classics and didn't pay much attention to them at the time.

Because the drawing method of talismans in each world is different, she found that the talismans drawn before can be used in this world, and seeing that the patterns of talismans in this world are more complicated, she didn't plan to learn it. She didn't want to learn so she didn't care too much .

She gave Taoist Master Ming Ze a copy of the materials she had prepared for the new talisman seal painting method.

Ming Zedao put on a tiger's face just to put on a show, and after receiving this gift from Yu Hua, he couldn't put on a show anymore, with a smile on his face, "That's good.

I said that when I learned to draw talismans in the early years, I couldn't draw a successful one no matter how I drew. It turned out that the problem was with the talismans, not with me.Now I can draw symbols. "

Regarding the matter of Gui's family, Taoist Gu Jing told Taoist Ming Ze on the phone, and Yuhua didn't need to start from the beginning.

Daoist Ming Ze sighed, "It turned out to be the Gui family. Our Taoist sect has been blamed for hundreds of years, and the relationship with the ghosts of the underworld has never been good."

(End of this chapter)

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