Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 452 Becoming a Master in the Eighth Years

Chapter 452 Being a Master in the 80s (58)

Zhan Jiahe suddenly knelt down in front of Yuhua, he knelt down, and then softly shouted at Jiang Meixiang, "Hurry up and kneel down to the master."

Jiang Meixiang hastily followed and knelt down, imitating Zhan Jiahe and putting her palms together towards Yuhua.

Zhan Jiahe joined hands and bowed a few times, "Master, we are blind, please let us go, I am willing to compensate the master for all losses."

This is of no use to Yuhua.

From this, it can be seen that the two of them know a lot about the rules of Taoism.

The Daoist sect has a principle that it is not easy to attack ordinary people, but there is one rule, if ordinary people take the initiative to offend, the previous one does not count.

If ordinary people take the initiative to admit their mistakes and are willing to pay for what they have offended, Taoist people will have to think more about it before making a move.

People with greater abilities are subject to more restrictions. From this point of view, the rules of heaven are fairer.

Zhan Jiahe wants to take advantage of this to make Xi Hua feel scruples.

On the contrary, they got the true biography of their ancestors, they can bend and stretch, and they kneel quickly when they see the strong.

"It's not that I let you go, it depends on whether you let the Zhan family go."

With a wave of Yan Hua's hand, all the lights in the room were suddenly turned off, and then turned on again after a while, flickering on and off several times, and the lights on the roof made a "sizzling" sound, and when the lights stopped flickering, The whole room became dark.

A gray-black air mass appeared in the center of the room, rolling and expanding, exuding bone-piercing chill from the air mass, as if hiding a man-eating monster inside.

Zhan Jiahe and Jiang Meixiang felt a chill invade their heart, liver and lungs, and their whole body was cold, as if their hands and feet were almost not their own.

"Great, Master." Zhan Jiahe found that he could still make a sound, "Please let me go, I will promise anything you want, I will leave tomorrow, no, immediately, and I will never step here again in this life."

Jiang Meixiang didn't know whether it was from the cold or fear, she folded her arms and curled up, "Master, we dare not."

The gray-black air mass suddenly expanded outwards, revealing a gloomy black door.

"Guiguiguigui..." Jiang Meixiang was stunned, unable to say the word "door".

For some reason, she suddenly knew in her mind that this door was the door of ghosts.

The door opened silently, and a figure stepped out from inside.

For the first time, Zhan Jiahe felt that his good eyesight was a bad thing. He could see clearly that the people who came had dark and fierce faces. They were dressed in black linen robes and a tall black hat with four red words written on it. Big characters, "I'm catching you".

Under those dark and terrifying eyes, there seemed to be nothing to hide from what he was thinking.

"Wuwuwuwu..." Zhan Jiahe was the same as Jiang Meixiang.

Jiang Meixiang was so frightened that she didn't react at all. She stared straight at the four big bloody characters on Heiwuchang's hat, and hugged her arms tighter and tighter.

Yuhua saw that the expressions of the two were not quite right, they were looking up at Heiwuchang's head, but in her eyes, Heiwuchang was only wearing an official hat like a black gauze hat without wings, and the top of his head Nothing at all.

The image of Heiwuchang she saw was a handsome man, well-dressed, and he would never scare people like this.

She asked Heiwuchang in a secret way, "What happened to them."

It is easier for Hei Wuchang not to let other people hear what he said, and he solved the doubts for Yuhua, "When we show up in front of ordinary people, what do they think of us in their hearts? What do we look like in their eyes? .”

"They have ghosts in their hearts."

Hei Wuchang nodded slightly, agreeing with this statement.

The time for Heiwuchang to come up is limited, so Xihua hastened to get down to business, and said to Zhan Jiahe and the two, "I ask Wuchang Shenjun to bring someone for you to meet."

The chain in Heiwuchang's hand rattled, and a ghost was pulled out from behind him.

This ghost has the face of seventeen or eighteen years old, its soul and body are tattered, and it may be broken at any time. It is a miserable ghost.

"Father, mother." The miserable ghost yelled miserably at Zhan Jiahe and Jiang Meixiang.

"Zhixuan!" Jiang Meixiang recognized the wretched ghost first, and leaned forward without being afraid, "You are Zhixuan, why didn't you go to reincarnate, you..."

She originally wanted to say, "How are you doing down there?" Seeing that the miserable ghost was doing well, Jiang Meixiang's heart was wrenched, and her soreness surged upwards.

Zhan Jiahe saw his son who died five years ago, "Zhixuan, is it really you?" He rubbed his eyes vigorously, then looked again, and saw Zhan Zhixuan, the clothes he wore when he died appeared on his soul body.

Not his hallucinations.

"Hmph." Heiwuchang's voice made the room a bit colder.

The wretched ghost shivered, and got to the point, "Dad, Mom, I can only stay up there for a while, listen to me.

I didn't die from taking drugs||*drugs, my grandfather Zhan Renxin asked the master to do it, and borrowed my life limit to him. He should have died five years ago, after borrowing my life limit , I died for him.

He raised me on purpose. I caused three girls to abort and owed blood debts. Part of the evil debt and blood energy can be transferred to me.

The master who performed the method for him is Master Chang, the worshiper of the Zhan family.I'm not the first to have my life borrowed, my fifth uncle was also borrowed to death by Zhan Renxin.

Mom and Dad, if you still treat me as your son, help me avenge.In the past few years, I have to repay the debts of the wrong things I did before, and the debts owed by my ancestors in hell. I am very miserable. "

"My Zhixuan." Jiang Meixiang cried, "Mom will definitely avenge you." Out of fear of Hei Wuchang, she didn't dare to cry out.

"What you said is true?" Zhan Jiahe couldn't believe it. Who didn't know that the grandson of the head of the Zhan family was Zhan Zhixuan. Zhixuan died unexpectedly five years ago, and his father suffered a serious illness. The group of people who provided medicine for Xuan.

"It's true. Also, we are not the authentic descendants of the Zhan family, so don't worship their Zhan family's ancestors. If we don't worship their ancestors, we will have less evil blood."

Zhan Jiahe couldn't believe it, "What, Zhixuan, what are you talking about, why are we not descendants of the Zhan family?"

Hei Wuchang said, "150 years ago, Zhan Yuanbai had no children, so he instructed Qian Weitong to plant someone else, and gave birth to Zhan Yuanzhi as his parent."

Heiwuchang's voice was very obscure and cold to Zhan Jiahe and Jiang Meixiang, but convincing.

Zhan Jiahe had memorized the ancestral genealogy, and knew that Zhan Yuanbai was one of the famous ancestors of the Zhan family, and Qian Weitong was a well-known lady who married Zhan Yuanbai and his son Zhan Yuanzhi.

The miserable ghost wanted to say something, but just opened his mouth, Hei Wuchang pulled the chain, "It's time." He threw the miserable ghost back to the underworld.

Hei Wuchang coldly inspected the two of Zhan Jiahe and disappeared into the ghost gate.

The gray mist suddenly shrank, and the ghost gate disappeared.

"Zhixuan." Without the oppressive feeling brought by Hei Wuchang, Jiang Meixiang cried.

If it weren't for the chill in the room and the dim lights, Zhan Jiahe and Jiang Meixiang would have thought they were having a dream.

 Recently, Calvin dare not come out to speak.
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(End of this chapter)

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