Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 466 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 466 Master Is Not Online (1)

After leaving the space channel, Yu Hua sensed a strong aura.

This is the plane of comprehension where Pei Xing is.

She had wanted to come and have a look, but hadn't been able to.

It was a coincidence this time, as soon as she left the world of Dragon Qi, she sensed a slightly familiar aura from a random spatial fluctuation point.

The random spatial fluctuation points appear temporarily. Given the size of the void, they will basically only appear once in one place. Of course, she will not let go of this opportunity, and come over after tearing open the space.

As soon as Xi Hua came over, she encountered a fight.

One side is a male cultivator in a white Taoist robe, and the other side is a monster.

She is invisible, and neither party can see her existence.

She saw the golden core in the male cultivator's dantian, this is a golden core monk.

Nanxiu controlled a flying sword as quickly as a shooting star, and the light of the sword poured down like a waterfall, touching people's hearts.

What he was fighting against was a ten-foot-long snake-like monster, with dangerous green light oozing from its miserable green pupils, and bursts of poisonous black mist continuously spewing out from its bloody mouth.

The scales around it are like protective armor, blocking the damage from Jianguang.

The two sides had been fighting for a long time, but they were both powerless. The snake's body was cut several times by the flying sword. The male cultivator's face turned green, obviously poisoned, and he was struggling to support.

Nanxiu knew that he couldn't go on like this, so he found an opportunity to throw a panacea into his mouth, his spiritual power surged, and he controlled the flying sword to slash down at the snake monster.

The snake demon also used its trump card, and the scales on its body came out, like pieces of a flywheel spinning towards the male cultivator.

Xi Hua looked at it for a while and then walked away.

She had to find a host as soon as possible.

This place belongs to one of the worlds in the big plane, and the rules of the plane apply, which is not much different from her rules, and the squeeze on her consciousness is stronger.

She finally came to a world on the side of self-cultivation, isn't it a waste of time to be rejected?

I haven't found a suitable person to cultivate my body for a long time.

Only the body of a snake-like monster was still alive, and its soul did not know where it went.

It was only tens of miles away from the scene of the fight just now. Judging from the sword wounds left on the snake, this snake was killed by that male cultivator.

This snake is only about ten feet long, and it may be the younger brother of the big snake. It is a different species, so it will not be an offspring.

She had no choice but to see that the snake was in the growth stage and could be cultivated into a great monster in the future, thinking that being a monster would be good, so she entered the corpse.


When she made a regular connection between the consciousness and the body, she failed.

She sensed that she didn't fit well enough with this body.

The world of comprehension has its own set of rules, and physical fitness is one.

She didn't make a forced connection, so as not to pit herself.

It is possible to temporarily use the body without making a regular connection.

Xi Hua found a cultivation-side healing medicine from the space and swallowed it. The body of the snake is relatively large, so she swallowed two more pills for fear that one medicine would not be effective enough, and swallowed a few more vitality-supplementing pills.

The wounds gradually healed, the vitality of the body no longer leaked out, and it was basically a usable body.

She had never entered the body of a creature other than human beings, and the feeling of Yuhua was very novel. She twisted her body and felt a silky feeling.

She twisted left and right, and after a while, she basically controlled the way snakes walked. She was able to stretch forward and walk in a straight line.

She prefers to meander forward, quite silky.

The most urgent thing right now is to find a suitable body that matches her consciousness before the snake body completely loses its vitality.

There is nothing wrong with her experiencing how to make a snake. When she was gliding happily, she was interrupted by someone.

Several earth thorns protruded from the ground, if she hadn't been quick, she would have been pierced into a snake string.

"Huh." The other party was also surprised that he couldn't kill her with one move.

Xi Hua stared at it with a pair of yellow pupils, it was a young male cultivator.

The male cultivator quickly made another tactic, and the ground where Yan Hua was suddenly softened, and her body sank.

Because there was no regular connection, Yu Hua couldn't use the snake's own spells, so he could only use his mental power. When a mental power pierced through, the male cultivator felt a pain in his head and passed out immediately.

Yuhua slid over, read Nanxiu's memory, turned and left.

She sensed that this male cultivator's body didn't fit her, and it was useless to kill him.

This also reminded her that she is now a monster, and she is not of the same race as humans, so she must be careful not to be seen by Xiu easily.

But you can't avoid people, otherwise how can you find a suitable host.

From Nanxiu's memory, I know that this is Zilong Realm.

Zilong Realm is a small world of cultivating immortals, and the cultivation levels are divided into Qi training, foundation building, Jindan, Yuanying, and Huashen.

Huashen is the highest level of cultivation in Zilong Realm, and Huashen will be ascended to the upper realm after successfully surviving the Ascension Tribulation.

The place where she is now is called Yuhai Secret Realm, which will be opened every 30 years, and it is the place where monks below Jindan practice their experience.

The Jade Sea Secret Realm belongs to the Xuanyun Sect, so the people who come in to practice are basically the disciples of the Xuanyun Sect.

The male cultivator whose memory was read by her is Xu Yan, who is also a disciple of Xuanyunzong.

Xuanyunzong also allows other sects to come in with casual cultivators, but there is a limit on the number of places, and a certain fee is also required.

Yuhua knew why the male cultivator she saw when she first came here was wrong. He used some method to suppress his cultivation, so he didn't get well against the demon snake with the same cultivation as him.

He would rather use the secret method to increase his spiritual power than let go of his true cultivation. It should be that if he let go of his cultivation, there will be worse situations, such as being wiped out as a different kind by the rules of this secret realm.

A monk at the golden core stage cannot resist the rules of the secret realm.

Yu Hua suddenly felt something, turned around and walked back.

Because she wanted to avoid confrontation with others as much as possible, she no longer slid around openly.

Her body is not too long, so she can be well concealed.

Not all the monks would yell to kill her when they saw her. Seeing that it was a low-level monster snake, they felt that killing it would not get much profit, so they went around it.

Xu Yan wanted to kill her because of the beautiful skin on her body, and he wanted to peel off its skin and give it to a woman who practiced music. Snake skin is needed to make various musical instruments.

"Brother, what do you mean! Don't forget, I am your junior sister, not Song Qingshuang, and the person who will form a Taoist partner with you in the future will also be me, not Song Qingshuang!"

"Third Junior Sister, the matter of forming a Taoist couple was only suggested by Master back then, and I did not agree. Third Junior Sister should not bring it up again in the future."

"What! Jiang Mingyi, you clearly promised my father back then that you would treat me well. Well, if you dare not form a Taoist couple with me, I will kill Song Qingshuang."

"You are unreasonable. It's because I don't want to form a Taoist couple with you. What's the matter with Song Qingshuang. You can do it yourself."

"Jiang Mingyi, come back to me!"

A man and a woman who were quarreling below caught the attention of Yuhua, and she hung on the tree to release her spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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