Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 470 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 470 Master Is Not Online (5)

The Tianyan Sect has strict rules and regulations, and the disciples can be said to be very safe in the sect. Jindan Daoist is better than ordinary disciples in terms of safety.

"I suspect that my master has suffered from enchantment or poison." Cheng Hanyue continued toss the ingredients, "I suspect that many people in the sect have suffered from charm or poison."

Zhenjun Huaishen slightly raised his heavy eyebrows, "Oh? Let's hear it."

Although there are not many people in the punishment hall, the manpower on duty will basically stay in the hall according to the rules, so that they can be dealt with in time in case something happens.

The people on duty here were all attracted by Cheng Hanyue's words.

"Enchantment? Poisoning? This statement must be well-founded."

"I don't see any signs of poisoning in Jian Ningye."

Facing the people in the Hall of Punishment who have insight into the hearts of others, Cheng Hanyue has a firm vision, which has won the favor of everyone.

"In recent years, my master has become more and more indifferent to me, senior brother, and third junior brother, and he doesn't even want to see us. On the contrary, he is getting better and better towards fourth junior sister, so good..." Cheng Hanyue sipped her lips. Lips, "It's not like a master is treating a disciple, but like...a Taoist companion."

True Monarch Huaishen raised his eyebrows fiercely, "You know, this kind of thing can't be easily done to the master and apprentice. If you slander, you will be punished severely." The love between master and apprentice is a scandal, which will damage the sect. door reputation.

"Yes, I know." Cheng Hanyue didn't look guilty at all, "My master is naturally good. I suspect that this is not from the original intention of the master. It is because he has been enchanted or poisoned that he became like this."

She is worthy of the master, and it is better to rectify his name after his death than to be said to be someone who intends to get involved with his disciples after his death.

"What evidence?"

"I have it." Cheng Hanyue took out a translucent bead-shaped magic weapon, "This photo bead records the way my master and fourth junior sister get along, and the palace master can understand it at a glance."

Huaishen stared at Cheng Hanyue with eagle-like eyes, "This photo pearl is very valuable, and it was only released not long ago, how could you think of buying it?"

Others also said, "So this is the photobead, I've only heard about it but haven't seen it before." Others looked at Cheng Hanyue with full of inquiry.

The Photo Pearl is a magic weapon for taking pictures newly refined by the Imperial Treasure Pavilion.

The photo beads have the function of deformation and can be deformed at will. When placed on a vase, it can be transformed into a decorative flower, just like the original decoration of the vase. When placed on a cracked wall, it can be transformed into a crack that blends with the wall. as one.

It depicts a magic circle that weakens the sense of existence, and it is easy for people to ignore its existence if you don't carefully explore it with your spiritual sense.

Cheng Hanyue didn't want to find a reason to prevaricate, "I bought it at the Imperial Treasure Pavilion because Master Huai was poisoned."

When Master was found dead in the Jade Sea Secret Realm, Song Qingshuang would no longer let Song Qingshuang bully the dead and be unable to speak, and pour all the dirty water on Master. It's been better.

With a master with a bad reputation, Cheng Hanyue in the previous life was not less affected.In this life, Song Qingshuang don't want to step on the people of Qishui Peak to climb up again!

After Cheng Hanyue finished speaking, she looked at Zhenjun Huaishen, who said, "Open it."

Cheng Hanyue activated the photo bead, and the image appeared immediately.

Looking at the background of the video is the cave of the real Ning Ye, and the real Ning Ye sat and stood with Song Qingshuang.

There seemed to be countless stars in Song Qingshuang's eyes, looking at Jian Ningye, "Master, I can really become a single spirit root!"

Jian Ningye looked at Song Qingshuang, his eyes were full of doting, "Well, you have always been lucky, and there is a high chance that you will wash away the two spirit roots after taking the Xiling Pill."

Song Qingshuang stepped forward and took Jian Ningye's arm and shook it, "That's great, Master, it would be great if I could keep the water spirit root. In this case, I can have the same spiritual root as Master."

She lowered her head shyly, but her eyes were facing Jian Ningye who was sitting, "I want to have the same things as Master, so that I can feel closer to Master. Master, am I too naive to think so?"

Jian Ningye took a breath, and gently covered the back of Song Qingshuang's hand with the other hand and then moved it away, "Not childish. Whatever Qingshuang wants, Master will give you."

"Master, you are too kind to me. But Master, will it be dangerous for you to suppress your cultivation? I heard that a long time ago, someone who suppressed his cultivation and entered the Jade Sea Secret Realm was seriously injured and came out."

Jian Ningye said, "Qingshuang, don't worry, Master is sure about this secret method, and nothing will happen. Do Qingshuang want to learn this secret method? If you want to learn it, Master will teach you."

Song Qingshuang pursed her rosy lips, "I don't want to study. I'm too tired. With Master protecting me, I won't be in danger."

Jian Ningye smiled helplessly, "Okay, Master will protect you."

No need to look any further, things are just as Cheng Hanyue said.

The actions of Jian Ningye and Song Qingshuang are not what normal masters and apprentices should do.

Jian Ningye looked at Song Qingshuang with too enthusiastic eyes, and it was this enthusiasm that made everyone in the punishment hall feel that something was wrong with him.

Zhenjun Huaishen has a very good relationship with Jian Ningye's master. He has known Jian Ningye since he was accepted into the sect when he was eight years old. It can be said that he watched Jian Ningye grow up and knows his nature very well.

Jian Ningye in the video is a different person except for his appearance.

From this point of view, Cheng Hanyue was right to suspect.

Song Qingshuang has some problems.

Her eyes were too bright, so Master Huaishen had to think about charm.

"Go, get Song Qingshuang."


Yu Hua didn't know that he had been deemed dead by the second disciple.

It was almost time to close the Jade Sea Secret Realm, so he stopped his cultivation.

This small space is a small valley, where there are many spiritual grasses and spiritual plants, and no one disturbs them all year round. Many spiritual grasses are very old, and Yu Hua saw a ten thousand-year spiritual grass.

No one who enters Baoshan comes back empty-handed, so Xihua transplanted these high-year spiritual plants into the litchi space.

Some spiritual herbs were relatively rare, even though he considered them to be low-vintage and would fetch a high price outside, he still didn't pick them.

The medicine that suppressed her cultivation was still effective, and Yu Hua regained her composure, and then she went out.

The Jade Sea Secret Realm has existed for thousands of years, and once opened 30 years ago, any good things inside have been taken away by people, so not many people came in.

There should be places like the small space found by the original owner, but they are very rare. Even if someone finds it, it can't be called luck or misfortune. The original owner was lucky to escape from the mouth of the snake demon last time.

Most of the people Yuhua met on the way to the exit were disciples of Xuanyunzong. Most of them were led by one or two foundation-building monks, followed by a team of disciples in the Qi training period.

Loose cultivators and other sects have very few disciples.

When the time came, the space at the exit of the Jade Sea Secret Realm swayed, revealing a passage.

Xi Hua walked out with the flow of people.

"Ning Ye."

He was so easily recognized that someone recognized him.

(End of this chapter)

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