Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 477 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 477 Master Is Not Online (12)

"Impossible." After hearing the news that Jian Ningye was alive and well, Cheng Hanyue walked around in her cave, unable to believe it.

But she also knew that Zhenjun Huaishen would not spread the news unless it was confirmed.

Could it be that what she did after her rebirth changed the original direction of the world?Cheng Hanyue was very reluctant to think this way.If the original direction has changed, wouldn't her prophetic advantage be gone?

Cheng Hanyue was even more flustered, what would Master do to her when he came back?

If the master died, she secretly put the photo beads in the master's cave because she was worried about the safety of the master. It was a bit out of the ordinary but the flaws were not concealed, and she uncovered Song Qingshuang, the scourge of the sect.

But the master didn't die, and she didn't go to the Jade Sea Secret Realm. If her behavior was serious, she could be charged with the crime of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors, and it would be light to expel her from the master's school.

"No, Master is not a cruel person." Cheng Hanyue comforted herself.Didn't Song Qingshuang's enchantment do anything to the three of their disciples these years? At most, they didn't give them training resources, but they were not cut off from what the sect distributed.

In the previous life, she hated her master for many years, and now Cheng Hanyue admitted that her master was very kind to them before, except that she didn't give them anything extra in the past few years.

Cheng Hanyue walked back and forth a few more times, then stopped abruptly, "Anyway, those opportunities must be obtained."

Soon there was a chance, she had made some arrangements in advance, originally planned to go in a few days, because she wanted to see what kind of tragic end Song Qingshuang would have.

"It's good for her." Song Qingshuang was only expelled from the teacher's school, which made Cheng Hanyue very unhappy, but it also proved that the master was still the original cold-hearted and soft-hearted master, which made her feel a little bit down.

Now that the world is going to change, it is hard to guarantee that the matter of chance will not change.

Cheng Hanyue didn't hesitate anymore, and left the sect immediately.


"Impossible." Chi Huanyi thought the same when he heard the news that Jian Ningye was still alive.

【System, what's going on?When we came here, wasn't it when Jian Ningye was already dead? How could Jian Ningye not be dead? 】

System: [I don't know. 】

Chi Huanyi pinched his chin and thought: [There won't be other missionaries in this world, right? 】

System: [Impossible.There is induction between the systems, and I can sense when other taskers come over. 】

It's easy for those who don't have other tasks. Chi Huanyi lay back with his head on his hands, idly looking at Gao Yuan's sky, [System, where is my little Mingyi?As expected of the two heroines, that face, that figure, tsk, makes one's legs weak...]

System: [Host, it's time to get down to business, Cheng Hanyue has just left the sect, she should be going to grab the opportunity of Lingyun Beast]

【Earlier?That's right, the plot has changed, and it makes sense for the heroine to act in advance. 】Chi Huanyi jumped up, 【Let's go early too, isn't it so crowded.Guess, should Cheng Hanyue dig that spirit stone mine first, or go directly to Wanzhang Cliff? 】

System: [Wanzhang Cliff Bar.How slow is the mining, besides, Cheng Hanyue would not be willing to give the Lingshi mine to others]

Chi Huanyi: [I want this mine.System, can the Lingshi Mine be taken away? 】

System: [Yes.But the mall has a 30.00% commission]

Chi Huan said angrily: [Why don't you say that the rake is [-]%]

There is nothing he can do about it, without going through the system, he can't take anything from the mission world with him.



When Min Yuliang heard what Yuhua said, he maneuvered the spirit boat to stop, "Ning Ye, what's the matter?"

"There is a Lingshi mine below." Yuhua said.

Digging spirit stone mines is the best way to quickly swell your pockets.

Spirit stone mines are generally hidden deep underground, and at the same time, they will generate associated mines that can isolate the consciousness, making it difficult for people to detect.

The world of cultivating immortals has its own method of finding spirit stone mines, and the veins that may produce spirit stone mines basically have owners.

New unowned spiritstone mines are hard to find.

But Yuhua has cheating devices.

Not all spirit.

His mental power is still limited by his body here, his physical cultivation is at the late stage of Golden Core, his mental power cannot exceed the divine consciousness of the late Golden Core, and occasionally it is okay for more than a while, and it has been used beyond the limit. It will deplete the body's origin.

He used a scanner he made, inspired by the scanning capabilities of System 01.

The scanner can detect changes in the fluctuation value of the aura.

Just now the scanner detected an abnormal fluctuation of spiritual energy in an underground place, and he immediately released his mental power to confirm that it was a spiritual stone mine, so he stopped the spirit boat.

"Lingshi Mine?" Min Yuliang glanced down, and there was an ordinary mountain forest below, which didn't seem to have mineral veins, "Are you sure there are here?"

"I came here before and found this spiritual stone mine by accident, but I didn't take it away because there was no shortage of spiritual stones at that time." The excuse Yu Hua said was in line with the nature of the original owner.

The original owner thought that the "wealth" of the land of Facai couple should be enough for practice, and too much emphasis on it would easily lead to greed. Although the "wealth" that can be obtained will not be pushed out, it is not very important.

Min Yuliang nodded at him again, "You, what do I say about you, you are not afraid of long nights and dreams, and when you need it, you will be found and poached by others."

Now that I have told him, Min Yuliang is not hypocritical, "It's right to find me for mining. I will help you clean up the mining in a while. I only need some associated mines as a reward, how about it?"

Associated ore is a good refining material, and it is more attractive to Min Yuliang than Lingshi.

There is nothing wrong with Xihua.

The speed of the spirit boat was fast, and the place where it stopped was dozens of miles away from the location of the spirit stone mine. The two turned back and landed on the spirit boat.

The Lingshi mine is more than ten miles deep underground, and it will withstand a lot of pressure when using the earth escape technique to go down.

"I'll take you there." Yu Hua grabbed Min Yuliang's arm.

Min Yuliang let go of his defense and let Yuhua lead him teleported into the Lingshi Mine.

Afterwards, Min Yuliang's eyes were almost blurred, and the surrounding cave walls were densely packed with spiritual stones, layered on top of each other.

All he could see were middle-grade spirit stones, with top-grade spirit stones mixed in between.

The spirit stone exudes fluorescent light, and different grades of spirit stone emit different light. Fortunately, he is in the Golden Core Stage, otherwise the star-studded light would have dazzled him.

"Extreme Lingshi!" can also make Min Yuliang even more excited.

It's not that he hasn't seen the Lingshi Mine before, he has done tasks in the Lingshi Mine in Zongmen during the Qi training period.

However, although the spirit stone mines in the Zongmen are not small, they have been mined for many years, and the resulting ones are not as fast as mining, and the spirit stones are scattered scattered, which is not spectacular at all.

And this spirit stone mine, not to mention the size of the entire vein, just this mine is worth fighting for a big sect.

Top-grade spirit stones are versatile and rare. They can be used for refining weapons, allowing monks to quickly and unimpededly replenish their spiritual power when they are crossing the thunder calamity, and so on. They can be sold as spirit treasures.

He didn't have a single top-grade spirit stone in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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