Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 481 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 481 Master Is Not Online (16)

With a wave of his hand, Yu Hua cast a barrier around Jin Dan, and tightened it suddenly, Jin Dan was tightly imprisoned inside.

The self-explosion of the golden core cannot be stopped, but it is imprisoned, and there is no space for it to explode, and it becomes a disintegration of the golden core.

The golden elixir was originally compressed from spiritual energy, but now it is completely restored to spiritual energy.

As soon as the golden core was scattered, the spirit hidden inside was exposed.

It's just that Gu Ningchu's soul is emitting black air, he is possessed by a demon.

Yuhua has only seen the death of two Golden Core cultivators, and both of them were possessed by demons, so there is no chance of that.

Jian Ningye died because of being possessed by a demon, and chose not to be possessed after death.

But Gu Ningchu only stared at Yuhua with cannibalistic eyes, letting the demonic energy grow. In the blink of an eye, the demonic energy had spread to most of the soul. Gu Ningchu's eyes became more and more crazy, and a smile appeared. The smile was full of malice.

Xi Hua knew what Gu Ningchu was thinking. After being completely enchanted, a monk would be automatically summoned into the demon world, no matter where he was.

At that time, this space enchantment will not be able to trap him anymore.

He will turn into a demon and come back to avenge Xihua.

Gu Ningchu is right to think so, the enchantment rules of Xihua are not as high as the summoning rules of the demon world, and Gu Ningchu's spirit will be summoned away.

It's just that Yu Hua won't give Gu Ningchu this chance.

He has actually sensed an abnormal spatial fluctuation.

With a flick of the white chain in Xi Hua's hand, it entangled Gu Ningchu's soul, and with another retraction, the white chain passed through Gu Ningchu's soul.

Gu Ningchu's soul collapsed in a blink of an eye, was swallowed by the devilish energy, and turned into a cloud of unconscious devilish energy.

"The door opened late." Yu Hua looked at the abnormal fluctuation point.

As if responding to him, a black, black, red and red space gap appeared at the fluctuation point.

The aura on the other side that leaked from the gap in the space was full of tyranny, gloomy, and corruption, which displeased Yu Hua.

The summoning rules of the demon world correspond to the conscious enchanter, not a cloud of demonic energy, even a cloud of demonic energy cannot respond to the summoning.

Xi Hua helped out by throwing the ball of devilish energy into the space gap.

The gap in space then disappeared.

Yu Hua then repaired this space, so as not to leave a portal to the world of cultivating immortals for the demon world.

Xi Hua put away the white chain.

This white cable chain is a strengthened card soul chain refined by Yuhua, which can also exert the effect of fixing the soul on living people.

Reading memory is the basic function of the white cable chain.

Judging from the memory of Gu Ningchu he read, Gu Ningchu's death was not a pity.

The day after Yu Hua sent the message to Zhenjun Huaishen, he received a reply from Zhenjun Huaishen, which said the sect's handling of some matters.

It was said that the real Ning Ye was injured when he went out, but he did not mention entering the Jade Sea Secret Realm or becoming a demon.

Regarding the punishment of Song Qingshuang, the Zongmen officially announced that Song Qingshuang was expelled from the sect by real Ning Ye.

True Monarch Huaishen adopted his proposal and put Song Qingshuang into Wenxin Cliff as a small boss. Of course, Song Qingshuang was sealed and changed her appearance, otherwise the disciples of the sect would make mistakes in their hearts when they recognized her. be on guard.

Regarding how Song Qingshuang practiced the hypnotism, Zhenjun Huaishen could not ask anything he wanted to ask.

This ability was discovered by Song Qingshuang on her own.

Song Qingshuang was born in a big family in the mortal world.

Song Qingshuang's mother is the principal wife, besides the principal wife, Song's father also married the third concubine.

Father Song has four brothers, each married at least one wife and two concubines, and there are a lot of children in the family. Even though Song Qingshuang is a legitimate daughter, the Song family has no shortage of legitimate daughters. There are seven legitimate daughters, and there is no shortage of daughters. The concubine Song Qingshuang's generation has twelve sisters.

The world of cultivating immortals looks at strength, not gender. The status of men and women in the sect is basically equal.

The mortal world is still in the era when the sun rises and the sun sets, and it is a social state that favors men over women.

Song's father is the eldest son and grandson, and he wants to inherit the family business. Therefore, Song's mother, who only gave birth to two daughters, is in a very unstable position.

Song's mother has no confidence in not giving birth to a boy. She has feelings for the eldest daughter, and she is reluctant to scold her, so she vents her anger on her second daughter, Song Qingshuang. The chance of reincarnation, otherwise how could she not be able to conceive after she was born.

Sometimes he scolded her for being a girl who can't even please her father. Look at Aunt He's XXXX, how she will please your father.

Among the three aunts, Father Song liked Aunt He the most. Aunt He was considerate, not only favored by Father Song, but few in the Song family said anything bad about her.

Song Qingshuang didn't like her mother who always made fun of her, but she knew her mother was right, and she could live a good life only by pleasing her father.

She secretly observed and imitated Aunt He's every move.

At this time Song Qingshuang was only six or seven years old.

Song Qingshuang is spiritual in this respect, at first it was imitation, and later it became instinctive.

But in a year or two, Song Qingshuang became the most valued daughter in the family, and even her mother didn't scold her easily.

It also made Song Qingshuang understand that she is a kind of ability, the ability to control people.

She wisely didn't tell anyone.

In day-to-day practice, she keeps improving, from being able to make people like her at the beginning, to making others follow her instructions in the end.

When Song Qingshuang was 11 years old, he was taken into the world of cultivating immortals.

After arriving in the realm of cultivating immortals, Song Qingshuang didn't dare to use her abilities on monks at first because she was afraid of monks' spells.

Because of the three spirit roots, Song Qingshuang became an outer disciple.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Song Qingshuang is liked by some people and bullied by others.

After gaining some understanding of the world of cultivating immortals, Song Qingshuang decided to try her ability, and practiced it on a senior brother from the outer sect. The result made Song Qingshuang ecstatic. This senior brother was no more difficult to control than ordinary people of the Song family.

It was Song Qingshuang who did it on purpose when he met real Ning Ye.

This intention was due to Song Qingshuang's original intention, and also because of Gu Ningchu's instigation.

After Song Qingshuang took control of the senior brothers from the outer sect, she found that her ability was also useful to the monks. She felt complacent for a while, and was discovered when she controlled a disciple from another sect while going out.

The person who discovered Song Qingshuang's ability was Gu Ningchu.

After Gu Ningchu was caught by Yuhua, there was a reason why he didn't feel a little bit like a prisoner.

The previous suzerain of the Royal Beast Sect was Gu Ningchu's grandfather. After becoming a god, his grandfather handed over the suzerain to Gu Ningchu Yuanyingqi's father.

That's why Gu Ningchu didn't believe that Yu Hua wouldn't worry about revenge from the Beast Sect, so he dared to kill him.

Gu Ningchu has a good background, good aptitude, a single fire root, and amazing beauty. He was always praised by others since he was a child.

So when someone compares Jian Ningye to him, he is still lower than Jian Ningye, which makes Gu Ningchu unbearable.

This care was reflected in his cultivation, and Gu Ningchu actually had a heart demon because of it.

Gu Ningchu's method to get rid of his demons is straightforward: kill Jian Ningye.

(End of this chapter)

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