Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 494 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 494 Master Is Not Online (27)

Yu Hua gave Luo Fucheng a scroll, "Propagate the contents of this notice."

He didn't post it himself because he found that mortals had formed a natural fear of monks. Unless he forced everyone to do what the notice said, people who saw the notice would just stay away from the notice and would not pay attention to what was inside. content.

He didn't want to give the people the impression that he and the government were in the same position, so he didn't ask the government to do this.

Luo Fucheng is well-known and has a decent character, so he is a partner for cooperation.

With a wave of his hand, Yu Hua found a box on the ground, "The taels here are the advance payment, and one tenth of it is the remuneration paid to you."

Then leave.

Luo Fucheng waited for a while before opening the scroll. What was written on it was beyond his expectation, "It turned out to be a notice for recruiting workers."

He opened the box again, and inside was a silver ingot.

Xihua has come to the outside of the city.

He sensed abnormal fluctuations in space and came to check.

It is a space wall that has become weak, and there is a possibility that it will continue to be weak.

Yu Hua inspected it for a while, and finally saw something in one of the weakest points.

In the space wall that will be split at some point, there is a black and black gap on the opposite side, and a disgusting breath seems to break out of the wall.

Xi Hua had seen this kind of breath before, it was demonic energy.

No need to guess, the other side of the space wall is the Demon Realm.

From this point of view, the Ten Thousand Years Calamity has not been truly stopped, and it may still come.

The passage to the devil world cannot be opened simply. The Tianshou temples built in various places are not only to arouse public anger, but also a kind of sacrificial array.

When the flames of war ignite, that is when the passage to the Demon Realm opens.

The sacrificial formation is guided by people's negative emotions such as resentment, anger, and hatred, and uses the lives of the people of Wei Chu as sacrifices to open the passage to the demon world.

Yu Hua destroyed the sacrificial formation, but the space wall was still weakened.

He suspected that the sacrificial formation also had the function of transmitting information to the demon world. The demons in the demon world knew that this world wanted to open the channel, so they also took corresponding actions to open the channel on the opposite side.

This suspicion is justified.

With the deepening of his understanding of the Ten Thousand Years Calamity, he had more guesses about the reason why the world of cultivating immortals attracted the invasion of the demon world.

Every time after the Ten Thousand Years Catastrophe, a few of the cultivators who participated in the Ten Thousand Years Catastrophe would disappear, and some said that they fell during the battle with the demons.

There is no record of their whereabouts.

Tiandao also concealed something from him.

He guessed that these missing avatars had taken the initiative to enter the demonic world and go to the demon world.

It is a near-death thing for a monk to take the initiative to infuse his body with magic energy.

The magic energy will devour and modify people's body and soul, and if one is not good, one will lose all sanity.

The obsession after a monk has a demon is a kind of passive obsession. It seems to be a temporary obsession. In fact, it starts from a small crack in the Taoist heart. After a long time, the body adapts to the intrusion of the demonic energy, so it can maintain the mind after complete obsession. very likely.

Actively infusing the body with demonic energy during the stage of transforming into a god is nothing more than the fact that the life limit is approaching but there is no hope of ascension, and they want to become a demon to achieve the goal of longevity.

If the sanity is gone, it is better to go to reincarnation, because the demon race has no reincarnation, and it will only disintegrate into a ball of demonic energy after death.

Yu Hua suspects that the Ten Thousand Years Calamity was created by the God Transformation in the Immortal Cultivation Realm in collusion with the Demon Race in the Demon Realm.

It is said that in order to maintain the high status in the world of cultivating immortals, among the private goods that are carried, these people who are dying of their lifespan enter the demon world to extend their lifespan.

The weakening of the space wall will not only be in Yingshui City.

Yu Hua did not rush to reinforce the space wall.

He was about to leave when a scream from below caught his attention.

Below is a village. Judging from the fact that the houses are basically mud houses with thatched roofs, the villagers are not very rich.

The yard is built with a half-person-high mud wall.

In the yard of a family, a strong and long-faced man was pulling a thin woman's hair into the house, cursing while pulling, "You are capable, and you dare to run outside, I see you run. Don't let me go!" It's a shame here, let me go into the house."

The girl's face was hung up by the pulling of her hair. Although she had been enduring it all the time, she couldn't help but let out a pitiful and low cry because of the pain.

"Mother! Mother!" At the door of another room stood two little girls, both dressed in rags, holding on to the door frame, crying softly for the beaten woman.

"Go back to the house! It's not too embarrassing!" The long-faced strong man scolded the two little girls in a low voice.

Seeing the red eyes of the long-faced man, the two little girls were so frightened that they cried and retreated into the room. The two little girls who returned to the room cried a little louder.

Seeing that his authority was obeyed, the long-faced strong man felt a little complacent, but when he saw the woman on the ground, his eyes became even more angry, "Prodigal girls, you are so courageous, you dare to run out after slapping you. Come in for me!"

The woman should know what will happen when she enters the house, she firmly grasped the door frame with one hand, not wanting to go in.

The long-faced, strong man kicked over, and kicked the woman's hand grabbing the door frame, stepped on her hand on the door frame, and twisted it twice.

"Ah!" The woman yelled in pain, and opened her hands involuntarily.

When he opened his hand, he was dragged into the room by the long-faced strong man.

"Bah!" The long-faced man threw the woman onto the hard ground in the house,

The long-faced burly man showed a sinister smile, "I told you to run!"

He raised the thick hemp rope in his hand and hit the woman on the back.

The woman tilted her head subconsciously, but waited for a while before the thick hemp rope fell down.

And the room became silent.

The woman didn't know what happened, but her first feeling was not fear, but a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

Only then did she see that there was another person in the room, a handsome man in white robe who was too long to describe.

She has never seen or heard that two kind-hearted fairy elders came to Yingshui City.

She quickly sat up on her knees, put her hands on her sides, and saluted Yuhua, "Immortal, Immortal Elder."

Xi Hua asked, "What do you think of him?"

He had seen this long-faced strong man.

When he stopped the group of yamen servants in the commercial street, one of the yamen servants was whipping someone, and it was this long-faced and strong man who was whipped.

Men with a stature like a long-faced strong man stood up and resisted at that time. Only this long-faced strong man shrank there with his face in his arms, allowing the servants to beat him. He didn't even have a look of dissatisfaction in his eyes, just numb and resigned to his fate. The whip fell on himself.

At that time, Yuhua thought that the long-faced strong man was just a coward, but he didn't expect to see him again. The strong man showed off his power, but he aimed at his wife and children.

He looks down on this kind of person extremely.

"What do you want to do to him?" Yu Hua asked again.

Seeing Yuhua, the woman seemed to have hope, "Sir, can I get along with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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