Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 497 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 497 Master Is Not Online (30)

There is a wide sea of ​​immortality between the mortal world and the realm of cultivating immortals. Ordinary Jade Talismans of Communication cannot pass through the sea of ​​immortality.

Therefore, what happened in the mortal world spread to the world of cultivating immortals with a delay of some time.

This news caused an uproar in the world of cultivating immortals.

Someone actually wanted to open the passage to the Demon Realm and let the monsters come over!Or a few ancestors did it!

In the world of cultivating immortals, there are quite a few monks who are rooted in the mortal world, and because they only recruit children with excellent aptitude from the mortal world, most of these monks from the mortal world are elite figures of the sect and have certain influence or voice.

Although some people have a stronger sense of identity with the world of cultivating immortals because they have been in the world of cultivating immortals since they were young, they don't want to see the mortal world in their ancestral homeland being harmed by the demon world.

Those who identify with the mortal world even more hate the mastermind behind the catastrophe.

The local monks in the world of cultivating immortals basically sided with the monks in the mortal world.

What they were thinking was that this time they opened the passage to the Demon Realm in the Mortal Realm, what if they opened it in the Immortal Cultivation Realm frantically next time?There are also many ordinary people in the world of cultivating immortals, and no one has any relatives or friends.

Even the monks who are also dying, most of them still choose to go to reincarnation at the end of their lives, instead of going to the devil world to become a monster without reincarnation.

"Cultivating the Tao, cultivating the Tao, what kind of Tao they cultivate, they must have cultivated demons."

"No wonder they failed to ascend, with such a character, why didn't Heaven accept them."

"It's not very good that the Dazong sect supports such an ancestor. It's not as good as the two ancestors of our casual cultivators."

It is not easy for the several ancestors involved to clarify that they did not do it, just swear the oath of heaven in public.

But no one came out to clarify.

The few ancestors who were exposed were all infamy for a while.

The mouths of the few may be killed, but how can the mouths of the many be blocked?
Among the sects being scolded, the Beast Sect was the first to bear the brunt, because the matter of opening the passage to the Demon Realm was implemented by the Beast Sect.

This also exposed the two hidden ancestors of the Beastmaster Sect. I thought that these two ancestors had long since fallen, but who knew that they hadn't. These two have used some method to prolong their lives for a hundred years, and they have been invisible. Together with the ancestors of the Gu family who were not invisible, they planned this incident.

The world of cultivating immortals is not dominated by the Yushouzong family, even casual cultivators dared to stab Yushouzong a few words when they mentioned this matter.

The disciples of the Beast Controlling Sect have rarely left the sect recently, and when they had to go out, they all uniformly did not wear the Taoist robes of the sect, so as not to attract strange eyes.

They also felt wronged, it was a few ancestors instigated a few disciples to do it, they didn't know about it, and they didn't participate, it was purely a disaster for no reason, and they hated the ancestors in their hearts, but they didn't dare to scold them openly .

When the news reached Tianyanzong, the upper echelons of Tianyanzong had different opinions on this matter.

True Lord Huaishen agreed with Jian Ningye's actions, "Ningye is a good trick. In my opinion, the difficulty of ascension has something to do with these people who want to be the devil."

"You can't say that. This ten-thousand-year catastrophe will happen once sooner or later. If the coming of the catastrophe can be artificially controlled, the harm of the catastrophe can be minimized.

This time the controllable was stopped, and the next time it came unexpectedly, the mortals would not die more. "

Zhenjun Huaishen snorted coldly, "Think everyone else is a fool? How did the Ten Thousand Years Calamity come about? Which sect's ancestor doesn't know the clues?
I just thought that such insane things would never happen again, but I didn't expect that there would still be people doing it.Why, Yuan Shan, you also participated in it? "

Yuanshan Zhenjun naturally denied it, "How could I participate, and I don't have any worries about my lifespan. It's just a matter of fact.

Don't forget, there are records in ancient books that the invasion of the demon world before the Ten Thousand Years Calamity occurred mostly in the Immortal Cultivation World. "

Zhenjun Huaishen waved his big fan-like hand, "I don't care what the ancients did, anyway, I don't agree with this kind of practice.

Hmph, as long as those ancients who caused the catastrophe of ten thousand years thought they did the right thing, they would not cover up the matter. "

The suzerain made peace, "Don't get angry, both of you, this matter has nothing to do with our sect, I have communicated with several ancestors, and none of them participated in this matter.

Although Ning Ye acted recklessly in this matter, it was also a great merit. "

The views of the upper echelons of the sects who did not participate in it were not much different from those of the Tianyan Sect.

The upper echelons of the Spiritual Mirror Sect and the Beast Sect with the participation of the ancestors were divided into two opposing factions.


When it reached Chi Huanyi's ears, he was quite surprised, [System, why was Lingyun Beast born early?And was abducted by my cheap master?
Four years later, the invasion of the Demon Realm turned out to be like this.System, why didn't it mention it in the plot?

It is only said that the demon world invaded, and nearly half of the population of several mortal countries died. The monks of the immortal world saved the mortal world in the past. Why didn't they say that this incident itself was the fault of the immortal world? 】

System: [The background of the invasion of the demon world should be the logic of the automatic completion of the plot world]

Chi Huanyi had a complicated expression: [In the first life, Song Qingshuang followed Zhenjun Moyan, Shen Ling, and Jiang Mingyi, and they shined brilliantly in the battle against the demon world.

In the second life, it was Cheng Hanyue and Jiang Mingyi who shined brilliantly.This life is interesting, and the Demon World War is directly lost to the butterfly.

Is there something wrong with my cheap master? 】

The system understood what Chi Huanyi was referring to: [I haven't detected another tasker yet]

Chi Huanyi: [Could it be that he was reborn?No... Jian Ningye died so early, so he should not know about Lingyun Beast after being reborn.

All the plot twists started from the fact that the cheap master didn't die. I think Jian Ningye is very suspicious. He ran to Wanzhang Cliff after leaving the Jade Sea Secret Realm, probably for Lingyun Beast.

He must have a problem. 】

The answer that Chi Huanyi actually thought of was that Jian Ningye was fine.He alone is enough to control the plot, there is no need for a second person.

The system came up with an idea: 【If you don't believe my judgment, why don't you go to Jian Ningye?Anyway, the plot is completely messed up now, maybe we can find future plot points from Jian Ningye]

Chi Huanyi did not agree, [Forget it, what if Jian Ningye has doubts about me? 】

The system thinks about it, Jian Ningye still knows the temperament and habits of his first three disciples very well.


Wanzhang Cliff.

When the news came, Cheng Hanyue was about to suffocate.

how so!
After discovering that the Lingshi Mine had been entered first, she had no choice but to find another place, which was a cave left by an ancient monk. She got some property and paid the expenses of those people in advance, and finally arrived on time. Wanzhang Cliff.

She had just heard the bad news when she found the hole where the Lingyun beast haunted in the previous life.

How could Lingyun Beast be subdued by Master!
(End of this chapter)

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