Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 50: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 50 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

Xi Hua said he knew.

Liu Cunming was furious. Originally, it was a good thing for Xihua to publish an article in an academic journal, and it also added an honor to the school.

When he first found out, he was very happy in his heart. His students are promising, so he, as a teacher, naturally has a lot of face.

Now a group of people who don't know what kind of people took the opportunity to come up with a bunch of messy things.

He believed in Xihua.Because since the final exam last semester, for more than two months, whether it is a quiz or a monthly exam, Yu Hua's physics is full.

Not only the perfect score in physics, but the last two exams, biology, mathematics and English are all striving to get full marks, and the other two subjects are also on a steady upward trend.

It's not that he hasn't encountered students who are as late as Yuhua's enlightenment. Once these students are enlightened, their grades will rise steadily.

Not only Yuhua, there are several students whose grades have risen in the class. For example, Luo Dongyi used to be a top [-] student in the school rankings, but now he has become a top three student god, such as Guan Shan and Zhao Kai.

It's just that Yuhua's grades improved a little faster.

Apart from these, Liu Cunming believed that the article was really written by Yu Hua himself, just because he was the disciple that Fan Lao had ordered.

He is a physics student, and has always admired Mr. Fan, and Mr. Fan is notorious for not being recognized by his relatives in academics. If he doesn't like things, it won't work for anyone to put them in front of him.

Thinking of this, Liu Cunming has confidence that things will soon return to normal.

"Don't go out for dinner in the afternoon, let your parents pick you up after school in the evening." Liu Cunming thought of one thing, "Remind your parents, maybe someone will find your parents."

"Yeah. I'll call my mom."

Liu Cunming gave the office to Yu Hua, "You can make a call here." He went out by himself.

Yu Hua called Cheng Qiuyun, Cheng Qiuyun seldom wears a scarf at work, and she doesn't know about the hot search yet.

Fortunately, no one has found her so far.

Yu Hua suggested, "If those people can find a school, they may soon find their home. Let's move, today."

When Cheng Qiuyun heard it, she understood that Xihua's worry was exactly what she was worried about.Anyone can enter the Huayangli community. If things go to the wrong side, they may not be able to return home, and even if they go back, they may not be able to leave.

Bihai Qingyuan is different, it is difficult for non-owners to enter.Privacy and security are guaranteed.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Qiuyun immediately asked for leave from the company, quickly found a moving company, ordered a van, and drove home.

Their home is easy to move.

The new home has been set up early, and I didn't move because I wanted to run around more.

The old house is going to be rented out in the future, and the old appliances and furniture will not be removed, but will be kept in the old house for tenants to use.

Some daily utensils are also left in the old house.

What needs to be moved is some kitchen utensils and small items such as soft clothes and clothes.

Usually, Cheng Qiuyun would go to the new house when she was free, and bring some small things there.

Half of the things that needed to be brought to the new home were taken by Cheng Qiuyun in this way of ants moving.

Things that haven't been taken away in time, things that are not used often, such as out-of-season clothes, shoes and accessories have all been put into the box, so it is easy to move.

Because it was easy to move, Cheng Qiuyun made the decision so quickly. If it was not easy to move, she would have considered many more aspects.

In fact, if you don’t move, the new house is already in the state of moving in with your bags, and all the usual things are ready, just bring some clothes of the season.

You can buy new ones at the supermarket at any time for toiletries.

It's just that some of the infrequently used ones are not particularly convenient for a while in case they need to be used.

With such a big commotion, idlers and neighbors will not come to watch.

"Xiao Cheng, where are you going, with so many things?"

Because all the boxes were moved, they were tightly sealed, and there were no large pieces of furniture, electrical appliances, etc., so no one thought about moving for a while.

Cheng Qiuyun said vaguely, "Move something out."

The relationship with the neighbors is mediocre, Cheng Qiuyun did not and did not plan to say that they bought a new house.At least for now, we'll talk about that later when the house is rented out.

"What is it? Don't you want it? Don't throw it away. I'll see if I can use it at home."

Cheng Qiuyun smiled, "It's a good relationship. If you want it all the time, I can take 10 yuan away, so I can save the transportation fee."

Anyway, she was about to move away, and she was no longer used to the idle neighbors who always inquired about other people's private affairs.

Fortunately, the neighbor of the idler had a brain, knew that he had hit a soft nail, and muttered, "One hundred thousand for anything", and didn't ask endlessly.

Let Cheng Qiuyun breathe a sigh of relief.She asked endless questions, and she still had to use her brain to deal with them. A bad one might offend others.

I don’t want the relationship with the neighbors to get too bad after moving away, because the old house is going to be rented out, so it’s best to live in peace.

Fortunately, the move was done in time. After Cheng Qiuyun left for more than an hour, someone came to the Huayangli community to inquire about Cheng Wenjin.

A neighbor had Cheng Qiuyun's mobile phone number, so I called her and asked her if she moved because of this, and where she moved. Of course, Cheng Qiuyun would not tell the neighbor, but politely thanked her, and said that she was going on a business trip soon. There is something to talk about when she goes back.


After Yuhua was called away by the old class, the students in Class 8 also knew that someone had found the school.

Class 8 students were surprised when they first found out that Xihua had published an article in a journal. Although some people felt a little bit jealous in their hearts, this is normal, and they felt more honored.

There is no shortage of rainbow farts who are bragging about their beauty in the group face to face.It has nothing to do with flattery or flattery, but to be happy for Xihua, and to take the opportunity to have fun.

Later, they saw that they began to scold Xihua on the Internet. They did not stay out of the matter, and they all went online to clarify for Xihua, and they often fought with black people.

They uploaded the school's school rankings at the end of the semester, as well as Yuhua's monthly exam results since the third year of high school, on the Internet.

Xihua's science ranking has now risen to No. 30 and [-]th. Although her composition has improved, Chinese is still her relative weakness. However, the improvement of Chinese has made her weakest subject become chemistry, and both of them have dropped together. total score.

Chinese is no longer the worst subject, Boss Gao is satisfied.

The top [-] of No. [-] Middle School, if nothing else happens, will be able to get a lot of money.

Facts have slapped many trolls in the face of Yu Hua's first monthly exam results.

Seeing that Yuhua came back, he hurriedly asked how she was doing.

Xi Hua explained the situation.

"Don't take it to heart, the current media is like this, in order to grab the news, they will do anything."

The classmate comforted her.

(End of this chapter)

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