Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 501 Master Is Not Online

Chapter 501 Master Is Not Online (34)

The appearance of Su Zhongxia added some talking points to those who waited in line to sign up.

A young man who seemed to be from a foreign country asked curiously, "This is Guanshi Su. I heard that she is extremely powerful. Is it true or not?"

The aunt of the city behind him said proudly, "It's true. Everyone in Yingshui City knows that even ten young and middle-aged men are not enough to beat Manager Su a few times. She can knock down a stone wall with one kick!"

There is no age or gender limit for recruiting workers, anyone can come as long as they pass the test, so there are people of all ages in the queue.

"Hiss!" A bearded man in his 30s who came with the boy gasped, "I really can't see that a young girl would have such powerful supernatural power!"

Auntie Bencheng covered her mouth and smiled, "Guan Su has been married for many years and has two daughters."

The bearded man continued, "Then her man is out of luck, marrying such a man and going home...You guys, why do you think of me like this...Who am I wrong?!"

Auntie Bencheng glared at him, "I advise you to go back to your hometown as soon as possible, and dare to come here without knowing the rules of Yingshui City? What is it that you are unlucky to marry her! It is unlucky to marry Manager Su."

Someone helped the aunt, "Auntie is right! What's the matter, she is an obstacle to your eyes when she is capable? Go away by yourself, or I will report you."

"Let's go." The boy who was walking with him blushed in embarrassment, and pulled the bearded man out of the row.

Knowing that this is in Yingshui City, the bearded man was unconvinced and did not dare to show it, but he came with his fellow countrymen, and he couldn't hold back his face. The boy pulled him, and the bearded man had a step. He followed the boy and left with his eyes wide open. .

The one who helped back glared back, "Hmph, who is this?"

Now other outsiders wanted to know even more, and asked the aunt in the city, "Auntie, I heard that Manager Su killed a monster with one punch, is it true or not?"

"Isn't it? It's true. When Moluo Secret Realm first opened, hey, it scared the big guy. Who hasn't heard of a few stories about demons eating people? The monsters are all here. , isn't it scary?

Later, I found out that the crystals used in the mortal tools are made of the magic crystals grown from the bodies of monsters. The secret realm of the demon world is used to kill monsters. We mortals can kill monsters with mortal tools, so we are not afraid. .

Every day I look forward to being selected and instilled with exercises. After practicing, I will go to the Mara Secret Realm to kill monsters, and then I will not have to worry about using the Yuanjing. "

Su Zhongxia heard the comments about her, both good and bad, as long as it wasn't malicious slander, she laughed it off.

She did not make peace with Sun Shuanzhu, nor did she beat him to death.

She worked in the Sun's family for several years, and was beaten and scolded for several years, so it was thanks to her divorce.

When did Sun Shuanzhu have enough of her days of being a cow and a horse, and had enough of the beatings she had received, when would he let him go.

She is not as bad-mouthed as Sun Shuanzhu, and she can't swear that kind of swearing, so she only counts what Sun Shuanzhu scolded her as the number of beatings.

That's how she responded with an eye for an eye.

"Look here, anyone who doesn't obey the rules will be directly disqualified." Su Zhongxia confessed and left.

She was just passing by, helping her former colleagues maintain order.

Her new role now is the deacon of the Rift of Māra.

The Moluo Secret Realm has only been officially opened to the public recently, and she has received a summons saying that the first batch of monks who have come to experience training will arrive today, and she must hurry over to deal with matters.


The Demon Realm does not distinguish between day and night, and is divided into four types of time: Red Moon Day, White Moon Day, Yellow Moon Day, and Black Moon Day.

Now in the red moon sky, the whole demon world presents a bloody sky, covering everything with a layer of red light.

In a valley, a big scuffle is going on.

On one side are Yu Hua, Min Yuliang, and He Lingxi, and on the other side are all kinds of monsters and plants.

The demon world is also divided into plants, beasts, and humans.

Monsters can generally refer to things in the demon world, but generally refer to beasts with no or low spiritual intelligence, and those with high spiritual intelligence are called demons.

All three of them opened their protective shields, and under the reflection of the red moon sky, their bodies were covered with a layer of white light.

The magic weapon destroyed by spiritual power also glowed with white light.

The sword light is overwhelming, one sword light can harvest the life of one monster, and one sword can usually kill more than a hundred monsters.

Low-level monsters are really easy to kill.

In a short while, thousands of low-level monsters below the third level fell to the ground.

The monsters above Tier [-] made the three of them feel confrontational.


A monster more than three feet high roared and ran towards Yuhua.

The monster's level is directly proportional to its size, the higher the level, the bigger the body.

Xihua's long sword turned into six beams of light, stabbing at the bottom of the monster's front and rear eyes respectively.

He has killed this kind of monster called the six-eyed demon, and the lower part of the six eyes is its weakness.

"Boom!" The fat body of the six-eyed demon fell to the ground, bringing up a burst of smoke and dust, killing several low-level monsters by the way.

The six streamers returned to the long sword, and then pierced into the huge head of the six-eyed demon, bringing out a green magic crystal.

Yuhua received the Moyuanjing in her hand.

According to the level of monsters, the color of the magic crystal changes. The monsters below the third level are all white magic crystals. The fourth-level monsters start to have colors, from green, blue, yellow to red, and the magic crystals of high-level monsters are purple. , the magic crystal of the monster with the highest eleventh level is a thick purple that is close to black.

He Lingxi and Min Yuliang faced monsters above the fourth rank.

The three killed about fifty fourth-tier monsters, a dozen fifth-tier monsters, and one sixth-tier monster before ending the melee.

The sixth-order monster is more than ten feet high, like a hill, with rough skin and thick flesh, which made the three of them spend some effort.

This group of monsters is controlled by this intelligent sixth-level monster. Once the sixth-level monster dies, the lower-level monsters scatter in all directions, and no longer rush towards the three of them in a swarm.

Let the three of them have time to breathe, so that they can collect the spoils of war.

After the first-order monster dies, it will disintegrate into magic energy soon, leaving only one magic crystal, and all the monsters will start to disintegrate.

The higher the level, the longer the natural decomposition time. The bodies of monsters above the fourth level can be preserved for a long time, and can be used as refining materials, and those above the fifth level can be used to refine spiritual weapons.

Xi Hua and He Lingxi each took some, and left most of the refining materials to Min Yuliang.

Mo Yuanjing collected a bunch of each.

In the distance, streamers of light came towards the three of them. Judging from the figure, it was the demons who came. These demons were not good at coming, and they yelled, no need to guess, it meant a fight.

The demon energy in the red moon season is the most tyrannical. Correspondingly, the monsters become hyperactive and aggressive, and even intelligent demons will be affected by it.

The three just watched without taking any action.

"Crack." He Lingxi snapped his fingers.

In response, the group of demons who escaped fell down with a plop.

It wasn't caused by He Lingxi snapping his fingers, it was He Lingxi who calculated the time when these demons hit the barrier, and snapped his fingers to match the head bumping of the demons with music.

(End of this chapter)

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