Quick Transmigration Plane Cultivation Notes

Chapter 52: Don't Be a Sister Flower

Chapter 52 Don't be a sister flower after the movie

The research institute is not his monologue, and Mr. Fan is not willing to monologue, so he takes other people's opinions into account.

He insisted on letting Xihua come, after all, Xihua's knowledge in books is enough, but this will focus the contradiction on Yuhua, which is not good for Yuhua in the long run.

Xi Hua knew what Fan Lao meant by the last sentence, and said, "I will be admitted to Lingda University."

Since that time, she learned some rules from physics, which accelerated the evolution of the rules in her consciousness. She is no longer obsessed with studying astronomy, but wants to study physics.

Lingda's Department of Physics is also one of the best in China.

There is another reason, since she wants to keep Cheng Qiuyun alive, she should try to stay as close to her as possible, and it is best not to leave Lingcheng.

Mr. Fan was happy to hear that Miaozi didn't go to another school because of this incident—after all, the cause of the incident was caused by Lingda University or their physics department students, and he was happy, "It's agreed, you are not allowed to go to other schools. I'll treat you to meat after I pass the exam."

Fan Lao happily hung up the phone.

After a while, Jiang Yan called.

Jiang Yan said, "Mei Jin smashed it, are you still angry, don't be angry, you have made those people happy."

Yu Hua is not angry, at most she doesn't like it.

She had long wanted to practice in Fan Lao's research institute, and finally met Fan Lao's requirements, but was disturbed by those people who didn't know the so-called.

She doesn't like it.

"You haven't forgotten about the broadcast of "What a Genius" you participated in next Saturday, right? The column team asked me to ask you if you would like to join the promotion.

Don't think that our column team is rubbing your heat~~ But I am a fence-sitter, and I will listen to my sister if I want to.

It's fine if you don't want to, and you don't have to do too much if you want to, just use your account to repost promotional posts and the like. "

Yu Hua said, "Okay."

"When it airs on Saturday, it's just right to hit those people in the face who say you 'I'm afraid you don't even know the name of the Big Dipper.

Sister, are you very grateful to me for dragging you to participate in the program now?Did you enjoy playing last time, do you want to participate in the competition at the end of the year again? "

"How Many Geniuses" is planning to launch a competition during the Chinese New Year, inviting challengers who have won the top prize in the past to participate in the competition.

In the first few sentences, Yuhua felt that what Jiang Yan said was yes, but in the latter Yuhua said no.

Although Jiang Yan felt it was a pity, she knew Yuhua's temperament, so she just asked the column team in a business-like manner, and didn't mean to force her.


As long as Yuhua doesn't want to, her daily rhythm will not be disturbed.

In the same way, he practiced internal skills until two o'clock in the morning, got up at five o'clock, and ran to Yuan Lake to practice external skills.

Bihai Qingyuan is closer to Yuanhu Lake, less than 10 minutes away from the community.

Now running has little effect on strengthening her physique, and it only serves as a warm-up. She no longer runs around Yuanhu Lake, leaving more time to practice external skills.

Because Bihai Qingyuan is on the other side of Yuanhu Lake, this side is more spacious and quieter.

She's still working out where she was, though.

Some of the morning exercisers who followed her recognized her, and asked if it was her who was mentioned on the Internet, she nodded and admitted.

Nothing can not be admitted.

But if she asked anything else, she didn't want to answer.

Those who were able to follow her to this grassy slope from the original place all sincerely wanted to exercise. Seeing that Yu Hua didn't want to talk about it, she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to come, so she didn't ask any more.

After practicing for so long, they have already learned the movements and practiced them by themselves, but the effect is not as good as practicing with Xi Hua.

Instead, a tacit agreement was formed.

Everyone practices as soon as they come, and leaves after practice, and they don't talk much.

Xi Hua goes to school as usual.

With a little mental power, she will be ignored when she enters or exits the school gate.

The trending search has been released early, but the matter is the same as what Jiang Yan said, and it has not completely subsided.

She didn't have a bib number, and those who scolded her posted posts on the school website of No. [-] Middle School. I don't know what loopholes they were looking for.

From time to time, someone under Fan Lao's account would post a questioning post.

Cheng Qiuyun's work has been affected a bit, and she took leave a few days ago, one is to tidy up the new house, and the other is to temporarily avoid the limelight, not because she is afraid, but because she doesn't want to pay attention to it.


Someone who has been following Cheng Wenjin's movements suddenly discovered a new account named 'Cheng Wenjin dh', this account only posted a post, reposting the latest official promotional post of "What a Genius".

Some people think that it is still a popular number. There are so many such accounts. The account 'Cheng Wenjin' has already been registered by someone. Search for 'Cheng Wenjin', and you will get a bunch of related accounts.

Some people also wondered if the real deity went to participate in this column, otherwise how could he repost an official post.

Then someone clicked the link and went to the official promotional post.

It was discovered that there was Cheng Wenjin in the promotional video.

This time I was shocked.

Although "What a Genius" is a new variety show, it became very popular once it was aired. Due to the careful production, the ratings of each episode are higher than the last.

The challengers in each issue are worthy of the title of genius, and their super high intelligence is amazing.

Cheng Wenjin was actually able to be on this show.

Calculating the time, the program should have been recorded before the so-called falsification incident, so it would not be Cheng Wenjin's whitewashing method.

Then she...

Isn't it a genius?

The memory of the Internet is not seven seconds, and more and more people gather under the account suspected of being Cheng Wenjin himself.

Among various speculations, on Saturday night, a new episode of "How Many Talents Are There" will be aired.What made the program team grin with joy was that the ratings were much higher than usual from the very beginning.

As expected, if there is topicality, there will be ratings. Originally, I had no choice but to find a substitute challenger, but I didn't expect to find the right person, and it could drive the ratings.

On the TV, the two hosts came out of the door representing the door of wisdom, and after the opening remarks to arouse the atmosphere by making fun of each other, they introduced the rules of the program as usual.

There will be three challengers in each period.

This column is not a match, the challenge refers to challenging one's own potential.

The first pass is a quick question and answer.

There is no rule on how many questions the challenger must answer. If the answer is correct, continue to ask questions. Once the challenger answers wrong, the challenge ends.

That said, Challenger doesn't have any room for error.

This will keep the challenger in a state of tension, and the emotions of the audience will rise and fall with the challenger, which is quite exciting.

The second level is an on-site memory question. A picture or picture appears on the big screen, and the challenger is given 5 seconds to memorize it. After the screen is turned off, the challenger answers questions related to the picture or picture.

Still, once you answer wrong, you will lose the opportunity to challenge.

The third level is brain-and-hands-on. This is a bit of a confrontation. Three challengers came up to challenge at the same time, and the first person who completed it appeared, and the challenge ended.

The first one to play was a sophomore named Zhang Rui. His face was tense because of nervousness, but he was still able to answer the questions steadily.

He stopped at 49 lanes in the first pass.

Quite powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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