Chapter 524 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (4)

Ling Guangxian pointed at Luan Yin with the sword in his hand, "I have exactly this intention. If you lose, I will bring Bai Ning back. One-on-one, just the two of us fighting, how about it."

"Will I be afraid of you if I fight alone?" Xianjun Luan Yin snorted coldly, "If you want to take Ning Ning away, I'm afraid you don't have that ability."

"Your Highness." The two subordinates wanted to dissuade them.

Immortal Luan Yin shouted, "You all step back."

Immortal Lord Ling Guang also dismissed the servant.

Immortal Luan Yin turned into a golden dragon tens of feet long, and his huge dragon claws grabbed Immortal Ling Guang.

The Ningguang sword in Xianjun Ling Guang's hand slashed on the dragon's claw. Although it didn't hurt the dragon's claw, it also prevented the dragon's claw from falling.

In the blink of an eye, the two celestial lords had fought for countless rounds. Although celestial lord Luan Yin's dragon body had an advantage in defense, celestial lord Ling Guang still had the upper hand.

Immortal Luan Yin roared impatiently, causing the river below to stand still for a moment.

Heng Ling patted his mouth in frustration, blaming himself for saying "as long as the two sides don't kill each other", it turned out that the two sides really looked like they were going to kill each other this time.

If the two sides made a real move, it would be a disaster for the people below. Although the battle took place at a high altitude, Jin Xian's attack spread too far.

The golden dragon caught the air with one claw, but missed Immortal Ling Guang, and the force of one claw fell to the bottom, and several deep ravines that were several miles long were split open on the ground!

Immortal Ling Guang's sword light was also blocked, and one of them also fell to the ground, cutting off a corner of the mountain, and the peak wall collapsed.

A little fairy happened to be in that area, and was touched by the force of the claws, and an arm was cut off immediately.

Xiaoxian screamed a few times in pain.

After becoming a fairy, although the body is not broken into pieces, there is a way to recover, but the pain is still there.

There is a faint golden light flickering on Xiaoxian's broken arm, which is the unique fairy power of the golden dragon family.

With Xianli making trouble at the wound, the pain was stronger, no wonder Xiaoxian screamed so miserable.

Trouble, without the Golden Dragon Clan or other great powers to remove this trace of fairy power for him, it would be difficult for this little fairy's arm to grow back.

Looking at it like this, it is impossible to be obscene, Yu Hua greeted Xiao Tao and Heng Ling, "Let's go."

Heng Ling also knew that based on past experience, it would not work, so he stood up and followed Yu Hua to escape.

Compared with the lower realm, the space wall of the fairyland is stronger, and the effect of the immortal's escape in the fairyland is similar to the effect of the monk's escape in the lower realm.

Because the level difference between the immortals is too great, Xiaoxian escapes for a long time, Xuanxian can catch up with one breath, and Jinxian can penetrate the space wall to intercept Xiaoxian at any time.

This is also one of the reasons why the little fairies choose to hang on. If they could read tens of thousands of miles, the little fairies would have run away long ago.

Right now, they all sense that the situation is not good, and three or four waves of people are fleeing in all directions. The danger of not fleeing is greater than the danger of fleeing, so it is better to flee first.

But it was too late, Xiaoxian's screams reached the ears of Xianjun Luan Yin, which upset him, he was at a loss and had nowhere to vent his anger, so he took a moment to tell his two subordinates, "Go and clean up this place. !"

Xianjun Ling Guang saw Xianjun Luan Yin's small movements, and knew what his order meant, so he didn't say anything.

He didn't care about the life and death of the people below, Luan Yin Xianjun is the prince of the Dragon Clan, he didn't want to offend him to death, it would be better to let Ling Guang Xianjun vent his anger, and it would be more conducive to discuss Bai Ning's matter later.

It's just that the people below appeared in the wrong place.

He just said, "You and I will go to the void again." He didn't want to get involved in karma.

At this time, it was the time when Yuhua said "go".

Xihua has been paying attention to the fight between the two immortals.

In addition to the danger, fighting at the level of a fairy has a certain value, especially one side is a golden dragon with dazzling golden scales. Fighting in the air can be regarded as a golden dragon dance.

After paying attention, he heard what Xianjun Luan Yin told his subordinates.Yu Hua immediately said "go".

Over there, the two subordinates of Immortal Luan Yin also transformed into two black dragons and charged downward.

It may be that Xiao Tao's appearance is more special, one of the black dragons rushed towards Xiao Tao.

Seeing the two men go down to surround and kill the obtrusive little fairy below, Xianjun Luan Yin felt a little better, "Just go."

Both subordinates are in the realm of Xuanxian, so he doesn't worry that the two subordinates will not be able to do things.

The two immortal monarchs flickered and went to the void.

Little Tao saw that the black dragon was coming towards it, so he ran quickly.

I kept shouting in my heart.

Ahhhhh, who is as weak as I am, who will be killed as soon as he ascends, ahhhh, I am Lingyun Beast, the Lingyun Beast covered by auspicious clouds, will definitely turn danger into good luck.Ahhhh I'm chasing again.

Little Tao is good at flying, fast, but it is only a little fairy, its speed is not as fast as Xuanxian, and it is about to be overtaken by the black dragon.

"Ah, why are you chasing me?" Little Tao cried out anxiously, "I'm just passing by."

It's not that it didn't want to fight back, but the suppression released by the black dragon made it feel breathless, and its speed became slower and slower under the suppression.

The black dragon didn't talk, and grabbed Xiaotao's neck with one claw.

The monster knows where the weak point of the monster is. Xiao Tao's demon pill is a little below the neck. If this claw is firmly grasped, Xiao Tao's demon pill can be grabbed out at once.

Monster beasts don't have demon pills, and immortality is not far from death.

"Master, help." Little Tao called out the habitual address, it only had this hope.

This person is not afraid of the heavens, and he can do it in the fairy world... right?

Seeing that the dragon's claw is only more than ten meters away from it, more than ten meters is almost equal to no distance for the black dragon.

Xiao Tao already felt the power of the dragon's claws, and the domineering dragon's immortal power suppressed it almost unbearably.

At this moment, a white shadow flung towards the black dragon.

Heilong didn't care at all.

He saw that the white shadow was a magic weapon cast by Xiaoxian next to him.

At the same time, he also sensed Xiaoxian's name, Ning Hua, indicating that he was a newly ascended Xiaoxian.

The lower realm magic weapon of a newly ascended fairy is not enough to even draw a mark on his scales.

He didn't make any changes in his movements, and still grabbed Xiao Tao.

What he wanted was to get the Lingyun Beast's demon pill first, and then deal with this Xiaoxian who was so courageous that he dared to attack him.

When the black dragon's claws were one meter closer to Xiao Tao, his heart skipped a beat. Before he could react, the white chain was already around his neck!

Another moment, he found that he changed his perspective and saw his body.

His soul was pulled out of his body!
He then lost touch with his body.

he died!
The next moment, his body disappeared, and he could see clearly that he was taken into the space by this little fairy.

After that... no more, he lost consciousness.

Heng Ling was frightened, not by the black dragon, but by Ning Hua.

He wondered again whether Ning Hua was really a fairy, but he killed the black dragon with one move.

This black dragon is in the realm of Xuanxian.

What is his origin and why did he pretend to be a fairy.

(End of this chapter)

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