Chapter 528 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (8)

Yuhua found the coordinates of the Zhongtian Realm from the teleportation pattern, tore apart the space, and the two of them escaped with one bird.

After a while, came to Zhongtian Realm.

The Zhongtian Realm is vast, with flying flowers scattered from time to time, and phoenix birds passing by in the sky. The immortal energy is so strong that it gathers into clouds and mist, lingering among the palaces and pavilions, among the spiritual springs and jade trees, beautiful and magnificent.

The two of them and one bird landed in the middle of the Zhongtian Realm.

Not far away is a slightly higher jade platform.

Heng Ling signaled to go down to the Yutai, "This is the reception platform."

After teleporting to the reception platform, it was the highlight moment of the newly ascended fairy, and all the immortals in the middle heaven would sense the name of the newcomer.

There is still a distance from the reception platform to the main hall where the registration of immortal registration is carried out.

Most of the newly ascended little immortals have innocent backgrounds in the fairy world, do not belong to any forces, and are weak in strength. This is the reason why the fairy world likes to recruit them.

Under normal circumstances, starting from the reception desk, there will be people constantly coming to recruit new little immortals.

Two people and one bird were not triggered by the teleportation pattern, so they didn't land on the receiving platform. This was also intentional by Yu Hua to save some trouble.

The two of them went straight to the Xianji Hall without stopping.

I was still stopped in the middle, "Ask this little friend Ling, would you like to be the fairy boy of Xinlan Shangxian? The pills used for cultivation every year are packaged by Xinlan Shangxian. If you are willing, you can sign the contract." The contract will pay you a Transformation Pill first, and you will be able to transform without waiting for adulthood."

Xiao Tao glared at the other party angrily, "I don't want to. Think of me as a fool, and transform into shape before I reach maturity. It's not that I have no inheritance, so don't lie to me."

If it weren't for Heng Ling saying that he would try not to offend the other party, Xiao Tao would want to spray the other party with anger.This is bewitching it as a fool.

Underage monsters who forcibly transform themselves with Transformation Pills will slow down their cultivation and make it difficult to advance.

The immature monsters usually take the appearance of a boy when they transform into a child. This abnormal form is difficult to change, and it is possible to remain a boy for the rest of their lives.

What kind of fairy boy in Yaolu, it is because it can breathe fire, and I want it to be a fire starter.

When it turns into a child-like form, it has been unable to advance, so it has been left as a fire.

Hmph, I thought that this Xinlan Shangxian should be Xinlan Xuanxian, so I was afraid that it would advance soon.

Being told by Xiao Tao, the other party's face was not good, but this is Zhongtian Realm, this person didn't say anything, just flung his sleeves and left.

Some people want to recruit both of them.

The other party looked at Yu Hua with a smile, "Don't refuse in a hurry, I am here to recruit the three of you for Xianjun Yang Qing. What the three of you did outside the Shuiyue Realm has now spread to Zhongtian Realm, and my Xianjun is willing to provide for the three of you As for the sanctuary, if the three of you are interested, you can go to the hall of Xianjun for a detailed discussion."

Yuhua naturally refused.

Not to mention that he never thought of being recruited, but that the purpose of this Immortal Yang Qing's soliciting them was impure.

Whether they want to use the three of them as rafts or as cannon fodder, they are all intended to deal with Immortal Luan Yin.Either to avenge his descendants, or not.

No matter what the other party plans, he just doesn't cooperate with them.

Speaking of which, many of the conflicts that have occurred in Huo Jing Tianyu these years are related to Xianjun Luan Yin. Is it intentional or a coincidence?
However, directing the conflict to the dragon clan does not seem to do any good on the surface.

The other party was not angry, and did not stop him.

The registration of immortality went smoothly, and every person and bird were registered as Zizai immortals.

When it comes, it can tear apart the space, but when it leaves, it can't.

It is stipulated in the Zhongtian Realm that one cannot tear through the space wall at will to walk through, and Yuhua does not want to violate this rule and be caught by others.

The two of them left the hall of immortality and escaped to the middle heaven.

To go out of the gate of heaven is to go out of the mid-heaven realm.

Outside Tianmen, a cloud palace stopped them.

The cloud palace is equivalent to a flying palace.

Immortals will not lose themselves, otherwise what is the meaning of this long life.

In order to travel around comfortably, the cloud palace was refined.

The golden wall of this cloud palace is brilliant and very gorgeous.

"It's the cloud palace of Immortal Luan Yin." Heng Ling said via voice transmission.

This was the worst case scenario. I imagined that Immortal Luan Yin would block them, but I also thought that Luan Yin might not come so soon.

They were transported to the Zhongtian Realm, and they didn't even stay in the Zhongtian Realm for half an hour.

Yuhua sent a voice transmission to Yihengling and Xiaotao, "Look for yourselves, if you want to fight later, you should go back to the Tianmen, and if there is anything you can't handle, you should run away first."

This is a pre-arranged response.

Fighting is not allowed in Zhongtian Realm, it is a kind of protection for one person and one bird.

Both Heng Ling and Xiao Tao agreed.

A group of people appeared in front of Yungong.

The leader is Xianjun Luan Yin.

Fighting is not allowed in Zhongtian Realm, if Luan Yin violates this rule, no matter how he is a dragon prince, he will not be able to do so.

Luan Yin is grumpy, not stupid.

After careful analysis of every misfortune he caused, all the Dragon Clan can handle it. Whose immortal servants and subordinates did he kill? It can be seen that he has killed a genuine master?

There is a high probability that the descendants who killed Xianjun Yang Qing were killed by mistake. The descendants of Xianjun Yang Qing ascended from the ascension, and the descendants of unknown generations who were recognized by Xianjun Yang Qing were not the relatives of Xianjun Yang Qing in the fairy world.

Because of a trivial matter, he and Ling Guangxian had been fighting for so long and fought several times.If it's really the kind of person who doesn't care when his temper comes up, a fight will be the difference between life and death.

When Xianjun Luan Yin saw the three of them, he smiled coldly, "You are brave enough to come out ostentatiously after killing my Dragon Clan, who will you rely on.

One, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe I am in a good mood and leave a few strands of your souls to reincarnate in the lower realms.Two, let me die. "

Yu Hua said, "First, the black dragon kills people without reason, and should be killed. Second, even if the black dragon does not die, he should be executed according to the law. Whoever kills others is not guilty."

Luan Yin Xianjun laughed as if he heard something funny, "One, the black dragon belongs to my dragon clan, and the most murderers are punished by the clan. Second, the black dragon belongs to the dragon clan, and if you kill it, you will have to pay for it."

Yu Hua: "First, you yelled at me to kill me before you came up, because you wanted to find out my background. Second, I killed the two black dragons with one blow, so you are afraid you won't be able to defeat me.

If you want to avenge the black dragon, do it, otherwise, go away. "

Seeing the situation, Hengling Xiaotao had no choice but to leave immediately, so he wanted to retreat to the Tianmen.

Luan Yin Xianjun saw the small movements of one person and one bird, and said, "Stop them for me!"

One person beside Xianjun Luan Yin shot at one person and one bird.

Xi Hua swung a space barrier to block the opponent.

One person and one bird took advantage of this moment to retreat back into the Tianmen.

Heng Ling felt a little sad.He didn't feel that he was loose in the past, but Luan Yin Xianjun's subordinates, the lowest level is Xiaoxian who is so senior that he is almost Xuanxian, he can't get in.

The person who attacked him and Xiaotao just now was a Xuanxian.

Xiao Tao has no burden in his heart.It has complete confidence in this person's ability.

Immortal Luan Yin jumped up violently, "You die!"

(End of this chapter)

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