Chapter 546 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (26)

"It's easy to say. It turns out that the reputation of my love of money has spread to the fairy court, and it may spread throughout the fairy world in the near future." Yu Hua smiled, "I couldn't say it earlier? I thought I would help for free.

The price is enough, let me knock a piece of Tianzhu from other Tianyu, and make it up to the Tianzhu of Huo Jing Tianyu.However, I can't do it now, at least let me advance to the level of a true immortal. You are an immortal emperor, so you can let me advance to the rank. "

These words made the transmission of Immortal Emperor Qingyu's message delayed again, "It is not advisable to use Tianzhu to supplement Tianzhu. Although I am an immortal emperor, I can't break the rules of immortal promotion."

"Then what treasure can you give me, I won't do it without it."

"It should satisfy you."

Xi Hua received another pile of messages.

The price given by Immortal Emperor Qingyu is really not low. Some of them are the only things in the world, such as the lotus seeds of the heaven and earth green lotus. In the center of the 36 pillars in the fairy world.

The blood of the Golden Crow is taken from the Golden Crow of the True Immortal level, and it is even more difficult to obtain than the Green Lotus Seed.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Communicate with me with the power of rules so far, I think, you have already guessed what I think. You share the responsibility of repairing the loopholes in the rules for me, and I will repair the Tianzhu."

Yu Hua suddenly realized, "So you are waiting for me here. I said, why did you discover your small world so easily? It was your deliberate temptation.

Then you are wrong, I was able to quickly discover your small world through your temptation because I have a talent for space, and I am good at anything related to space.

If you want me to fix the space rules, it's easy to say, as long as you don't dislike my cultivation level is not high enough.I can't fix anything other than space rules. "

"Just the rules of space."

"It's okay." Yu Hua didn't refuse again, "I don't think the Dragon King's desire to usurp the throne can be achieved in a hundred years. If the Immortal Emperor gives me a hundred years to stabilize my lower realm, I will definitely be better."

"There is no absolute, the world is impermanent, a hundred years is too long."

"The 50-year head office. I also want to avoid smashing the brand. If I can do it, I can do it. If I can't, I have to stop doing business."


Yu Hua responded immediately, "Deal."

He seemed to ask by the way, "It's convenient for the Immortal Emperor to tell me, where did the collapsed corner of the Tianzhu go? If it can be retrieved, wouldn't the Tianzhu be repaired faster?"

"I have made calculations, and this object fell into the lower realm. It has no meaning anywhere, and it cannot be retrieved."

Xi Hua guessed what the Tianzhu was, it was the upgraded spirit core.

Good guy, an ordinary spirit core in Zilong Realm is living a very healthy life.There are 36 spirit cores in the fairy world, which are still upgraded versions. It's really a fairy world.

The origin of the fragments of the spiritual core at the bottom of the cliff in Zilong Realm has been found.

The origin of Xiaotao probably also exists, it fell from the Immortal Realm to the Zilong Realm together with the fragments of the Tianzhu.

Looking at it this way, the deal with Zilongjie Tiandao back then was a bit of a loss.

The corner of Tianzhu in the Immortal Realm, well, the Heavenly Dao in the Zilong Realm has made a lot of money, and it is hopeful to be promoted to the Zhongqian World.


After communicating with Immortal Emperor Qingyu, Yu Hua withdrew her mental power.

A Xuanxian walked quickly into the hall, and he put a jade tray in his hand in front of Yuhua, "I'm sorry for the long wait, Immortal Ninghua. Come on, let Xianjun taste it."

On the jade support is a cup made of half-cut beads, which contains a light blue liquid swirling with light mist.

A clear fragrance wafts from it.

Yu Hua took a sip of it, the mouth was warm and moist, and the mouthful was full of fragrance, and a little bit of fairy power penetrated into the body, making the whole body feel refreshed.

This mouthful is at least equivalent to the immortal power of a second-grade elixir. "nice one."

Wen Rui responded with a smile, "It's good that Xianjun can see it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slightly taken aback, and then he became more respectful to Yuhua, "The Immortal Emperor is free, please sit in the inner hall."

At this time, Wen Rui didn't say that he was overwhelmed, but he didn't calm down at all.He had heard about the deeds of Ninghua Xianjun, and he was promoted to Jinxian in less than ten years.

But judging from Ninghua's inheritance from Immortal Guanghao, apart from his strong luck, this is not too bad.

Immortal Emperor Qingyu has an indifferent personality, and his heart is on cultivation, so he seldom shows up in the Immortal Court when nothing major happens. Many immortals who work in the Immortal Court want to see the Immortal Emperor, but they may not be able to see him many times.

However, he repeatedly issued edicts to Ninghua Jinxian who did not serve in the fairy court. When Ninghua Jinxian came, he quickly summoned him, still in a relatively private inner hall.

The Ninghua Golden Immortal is really in the eyes of the Immortal Emperor, and has a bright future.

Yu Hua didn't pay attention to what Wen Rui, who was leading the way, was thinking, and followed to the outside of the inner hall.

Wen Rui stopped in front of the hall, "Immortal Lord Ninghua, please." He is the official in the outer hall and cannot enter the inner hall without the permission of the immortal emperor.

Yuhua walked in and saw the living Immortal Emperor Qingyu.

He looked at it, and the incarnation of Immortal Emperor Qingyu was the same as the main body, and it also had a physical body.

He wanted to take a closer look, but was gently blocked by a spiritual barrier.

Yu Hua didn't feel conscious of being caught, and said, "The Immortal Emperor won't mind, I'm just curious about what refining the Immortal Emperor's avatar is made of."

The avatar-like majesty of Immortal Emperor Qingyu was oozing with simplicity, "I don't mind. I have prepared what I will give you."

"The Immortal Emperor is generous." Yu Hua stretched out her hand, and grabbed the jade mirror that the Immortal Emperor Qingyu indicated.

This jade mirror itself is a treasure, called the Qiankun Mirror. It has a mustard space inside, and it can be used as a magic weapon for escape. Wherever you want to go, you can put the place you want in the Qiankun Mirror with your spiritual consciousness. The Qiankun Mirror can take people away with one thought. get there.

After taking money from others, I have to help others, "Then don't bother the Immortal Emperor, I will go back and prepare, and fix the space rules in 50 years."


Yu Hua left the inner hall.

Back in the main hall, he followed Wen Rui leisurely to the outside of the hall while releasing his spiritual power. This time, his spiritual power imitated the divine sense of Immortal Emperor Qing Yu and probed towards the top of the hall.

He purposely probed the Immortal Emperor's incarnation before, just to get in touch with the Immortal Emperor's divine consciousness, fortunately, he succeeded.

As a result of exploring the top of the hall, there was nothing.

There is no body of Immortal Emperor Qingyu, no layers of space walls, and no small world behind the space walls.

The act of probing above the main hall was done by Yuhua in the Dragon Court, and the Immortal Emperor told him obviously that the Immortal Emperor knew about his investigation in the Dragon Court.

This matter, the inside story is not small.

Judging from the quarrel between the Immortal Emperor and the Dragon King, it can't be the Immortal Emperor that the Dragon King told.

When Yuhua visited the Dragon Court that day, according to the Dragon King's reaction, Yuhua believed that the Dragon King hadn't noticed his behavior. If the Dragon King found out, he didn't, then the Dragon King's acting skills were really good.

(End of this chapter)

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