Chapter 551 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (31)

If it is said that his mental power is a collection of rules, the Taiyi Pearl is a collection of rules.

As soon as his spiritual power entered the Taiyi Pearl, it was like a shark entering a sea full of fish.

Does Xihua eat or eat?

It's just that the school of fish is not easy to get along with, and they entangled towards his spiritual power silently.

It is the assimilation rule to entangle his spiritual power, and it is to assimilate his spiritual power.

This is Yuhua. An ordinary golden immortal would regard this assimilation rule as the master recognition rule, and follow the practice of magic weapon recognition, leaving the imprint of the soul, and the assimilation rule will work.

Yuhua couldn't be sure anymore, this so-called Taiyi bead was not an imitation Hongmeng bead, but a real Hongmeng bead.

Don't let people pass the fake as the real, and the Dragon King will pass the real as the fake.

Around such a large circle, the purpose of the Dragon King is to control him.

It's a pity that the Dragon King miscalculated a move, his spiritual power is not the consciousness of cultivating immortals.

The assimilation rules are aimed at divine consciousness.

The hegemony of this assimilation rule is that as long as a trace of spiritual consciousness is assimilated, this assimilated spiritual consciousness will continue to assimilate in the body. In the end, all the spiritual consciousness will be assimilated, and then the entire spiritual soul will be assimilated.

This technique is no different from that of the Immortal Emperor.

There are also assimilation rules set in the Universe Mirror.

Xi Hua found out, and what he did was to carry out anti-assimilation.

It's just that the rules in the Universe Mirror are laid down by the Immortal Emperor, while the assimilation rules in the Hongmeng Pearl come with it.

The Dragon King was more daring than the Immortal Emperor, and gave up all the Hongmeng Pearls.

Of course, the Dragon King firmly believed that he could not escape the assimilation of the Hongmeng Pearl, and the Hongmeng Pearl would still return to the Dragon King's hands in the end.

Yuhua suspected that in the matter of Tsurumian Zhenxian, the Dragon King used the same strategy for Tsurumian Zhenxian to him, and let Tsurumian Zhenxian use the Hongmeng Pearl, and he fell into the trap.

Therefore, both the Dragon King and the Immortal Emperor are targeting him.

The two are partners, and they have their own ideas.

However, how could he, the client, not get involved, otherwise he would not be worthy of the generous calculations of these two people.


Another auspicious omen rose in the sky above the vast realm hall, and this time it was Heng Ling who was promoted to Xuanxian.

Hengling has ascended to the Immortal Realm for more than 5000 years. He likes to run in various cities. Many people know him, and they all know that his cultivation base has not improved much in 5000 years.

For ordinary little immortals, it is normal for them not to progress for 1 or 5 years.

The classification of Xiaoxian is not very clear. If it is really necessary to divide it rigidly, it can be divided into ten ranks, but there is no obvious step line between each rank. Hengling has practiced for more than 5000 years, and his realm is probably around the second rank.

No one would have thought that he would be promoted from around the second rank to Xuanxian in one fell swoop, leaping seven or eight small steps.

Only in a few short decades.

It's all because they are always by Lingyun Beast's side.

It is not a rumor, it is the cause and effect calculated by everyone.

Therefore, another novelty has been added to the vast world. It is said that the master of the world, Ninghua Xianjun, has opened up a teleportation space, and everyone has a high degree of acceptance.

It is related to Lingyun Beast again.

Some time ago, Lingyun Beast also advanced to the realm of Xuanxian.

Counting the good things that have happened in the vast world in recent years, they are all related to Lingyun Beast.

Now, even those who have never heard that Lingyun Beast has the talent of auspicious cloud cover can't help but believe it.

What is Teleportation Space?It means to transfer through the teleportation space, and you can reach another heaven in a few breaths!
This simply made the fairies dare not think about it.

There are often hundreds of millions of miles between Tianyu and Tianyu, not to mention Xiaoxian, even Jinxian can't easily shuttle back and forth.

But no one doubts the authenticity of this matter, and it is not necessary to fake something that is easily debunked.

The controller of the teleportation space is the Lingyun Beast, hence the name Lingyun Realm.

Immortals with a pass order can enter Lingyun Realm for transit.

Immortals are more receptive to new things, and the appearance of teleportation space is obviously beneficial to themselves.

As for whether you believe it or not, whether you dare to use it or not, each has its own consequences.

For a while, the space above the vast world fluctuated continuously.

The Nuoda Huajian Mansion, which was originally a leisurely place for people to stroll, is now almost becoming a noisy market for ordinary people.

Xianfeng Xiaoxian was one of the first to receive a clearance.

Immortals who have bought Qi Luck Feather can get a pass for free. When he heard the news, he went to Hengling to get the pass.

After calculating the good and bad, Xianfeng recognized the passing order, and entered the Lingyun Realm with a single thought.

The place Xianfeng entered was a big hall that looked ordinary except for its vastness.

There are seven mirror platforms in the main hall.

The mirror platform is the avatar of the universe mirror||, whichever heaven you want to go to, just put your spiritual consciousness into the mirror platform representing different heavens.

Xianfeng saw Heng Ling at a glance, and seeing Heng Ling walking towards a mirror stage, he quickly stopped him, "Brother Heng Ling, where are you going? If you are going the same way, why not go together."

Heng Ling had a good impression of this half-demon who called everyone a brother and brother. He stopped and said, "I'm going to the fantasy world. Are you going?"

Xianfeng knows where the fantasy world is.

The teleportation space is called the realm because the teleportation space is also connected to a fantasy world.

Because the people and things in the fantasy world are all fake, practicing in it will not involve cause and effect, so it is more popular with immortals, and there are many magic weapons in the fantasy world.

Of the seven space passages set up in the hall, six lead to the heavens, and the seventh passage is the fantasy world.

"Then we can't go together anymore." Xianfeng regretted, "I'm going to the Fire Realm. The once-in-a-thousand-year fire tide in the Fire Realm is coming soon. I've always wanted to go, but the journey is too far to make it happen. This time it can be regarded as I got what I wanted."

Heng Ling smiled, "Congratulations."

The two separated and went to the mirror stage where they were going.

Xianfeng poured his consciousness into the mirror stage, and after a breath, he disappeared from the mirror stage.

When he reappeared, the scorching fire came to his face.

He has never been to the Lianhuo Realm, so after identifying it, he fled to a place full of fire.

Not long after, it was confirmed that this was Lianhuojie.

The arrival of Xianfeng brought quite a surprise to Lianhuojie.

The once-in-ten-thousand-year fire tide period in the Lian Fire Realm is approaching, and the immortals who came to comprehend the origin of the fire attribute in the five elements rule came from everywhere.

But Xiaoxian from other heavens is still rare.

Every sky domain has places similar to the Lianhuo Realm where one can perceive the origin of the fire attribute, so there is no need to rush to the Lianhuo Realm hundreds of millions of miles away.

Then I heard that the little fairy only took a few breaths, which greatly surprised the immortals in the Lianhuo Realm.

From this, even people from the Fire Realm know about the teleportation space, about the Lingyun Realm, about Lingyun Beast, and about Lingyun Beast's auspicious cloud cover talent.

It's easy to get a pass, Xianfeng Xiaoxian is willing to help, just go to the hall in Lingyun Realm to buy one for you.

Such things are constantly happening in the six heavens.

Teleportation space became the first choice of travel mode in Immortal World, which was shorter than Yu Hua expected.

At first, it was only long-distance travel, and later, short-distance travel was also transferred through the teleportation space, instead of tearing up the space by itself.

All he paid was 1 fairy crystals to buy a pass, and there was no other price after that.

 Happy New Years Eve!Happy New Year to everyone!Thank you~~
(End of this chapter)

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