Chapter 558 After Ascending to the Immortal Realm (38)

However, the Immortal Realm is no better than the Mortal Realm, and there is no need for a group of ministers to go to the palace to discuss matters every day, and there is no court meeting.If the Immortal Emperor made a court meeting, probably all the immortals in Qi Xianting would run away.

Immortals look forward to ascension to the fairy world, in order to seek longevity and live an unfettered fairy life. Who would like to be detained in the fairy garden every day and play with the emperor pretending to be the emperor.

The immortals who work in Xianting are because they can get various benefits.

In addition to cultivating twice the result with half the effort in the Immortal Court, if one gets a formal position in the Immortal Court, for example, as small as Si Dian, as big as Si Shui Shenjun, he will get a Dao Seal bestowed by the Immortal Emperor.

The Tao contained in the Dao Seal is recognized and protected by Huo Jing's Tianyu Tiandao, which is equivalent to the vocation granted by the gods, so the positions of each department are called gods.

Not only is it a symbol, the biggest function of Dao Yin is to reduce the difficulty of immortals crossing the tribulation, and how much it can be reduced is suitable for each person.

So there will be many immortals willing to accept the position of Xianting.

Some people like freedom, and some people like less freedom in exchange for various benefits. It depends on each person's choice.

Beside the seat of the Immortal Emperor, there is a jade wall shaped like a cloud and smooth as a mirror in the middle.

It can be seen that Immortal Emperor Qingyu has a preference for Xiayun.

This piece of jade wall is a magic weapon used to produce imperial edicts.

This is why Xi Hua ventured into the fairy garden.

This magic weapon only recognizes the divine consciousness of the Immortal Emperor.

Yuhua touched the jade wall with the divine consciousness of the immortal emperor.

Mental power is not blocked.

Yu Hua was relieved, as long as he could recognize it, he clicked in with his mental power and left a message on it.

He withdrew his mental power, and an imperial edict was condensed on the jade wall, which was the same as the edict Yu Hua received back then.

With a move from Yu Hua, the imperial edict landed in front of an acquaintance, Si Dian Wenrui, "I want to retreat and restore the fairy body. The arrangements for the fairy court are all in the imperial edict. Wen Rui, you will deliver the edict to all places in a while." .”

Only the edict generated here with this magic weapon has the effect of the fairy court.

That's why Xi Hua came here.

"Yes." Wen Rui took the edict, swept his consciousness, and understood the gist.

It means that the Immortal Emperor will have to retreat for 10 years, and the affairs of the Immortal Court will be decided by each Immortal in charge of their duties. There is no need to wait for the Immortal Emperor to make a decision, because the Immortal Emperor's soul will also sleep together.

Immortals often retreat, and there are people who have retreated for 20 years and millions of years, and 10 years can be justified.

It is not a secret in the fairy court that the fairy emperor's fairy body is in the way, because for more than a hundred thousand years, the fairy emperor has appeared in the fairy garden in the form of an incarnation. Once a god asked about it, and the fairy emperor said that the fairy body was in the way , is training elsewhere.

Wen Rui was a little happy about the matter of the Immortal Emperor's retreat, because the Immortal Emperor's retreat, the affairs were distributed to the gods, which meant that they, the Immortal Servants, had less to do, and they had more time to practice or to travel.

Especially now that we have the Lingyun Realm, we can go wherever we want, this kind of pleasure makes Wen Rui want to stop. He has long thought of living in other Tianyu for a while, but he is always on duty and can only stay for a short time.

This is good, I can get what I want.

Wen Rui immediately announced the edict.

I saw that the edict rolled into a bunch, and then divided into two, then into four, divided into many streamers, fleeing in different directions.

The edict was quickly delivered to the hands of the gods.

The gods were also very happy after seeing the edict.

In the past, they could only do things step by step. Anything that needed to be decided had to be reported to the Immortal Court for the Immortal Emperor to make a decision.

This gave them a sense of being in the court of mortals. If it weren't for the many benefits they get from serving in the fairy court and the opportunity to comprehend the Tao, they really don't want to be bound by this.

It's all right now, the matters under their jurisdiction are all decided by themselves, the constraints are minimized, and the benefits are not diminished at all, how can they not be happy.

It's not that there are no immortals who have doubts about the Emperor's announcement of retreat, because in the past, the Emperor had been in retreat for at most thousands of years, and during the retreat, the avatar would come out from time to time.

Not to mention the long time of retreat now, even the avatar is not released.

It can be calculated that the Immortal Emperor is still alive and well.

Besides, if something happened to the Immortal Emperor, Huo Jing Tianyu would not be as usual.

Doubt passed quickly like a gust of wind.


The immortals of Huo Jing Tianyu gradually discovered that the rules of heaven are changing.

An immortal who was supposed to respond to Qing Jie suddenly felt that Qing Jie was gone one day.

A mysterious fairy killed an innocent little fairy casually. Unexpectedly, the catastrophe should be brought down more than 30 years later. It was brought down ahead of time, and this mysterious fairy couldn't get through.

These are all small aspects. Some immortals were surprised to see that the realm of nothingness between the heavens was getting smaller.

Legend has it that the fairyland was originally one, but was later artificially separated into six heavenly domains by six supreme immortals. Each of the six supreme immortals controlled a heavenly domain and called themselves immortal emperors.

When the fairy world is one, there is no immortal emperor, and those who are at the top of the fairy world are called immortals, including true immortals to immortals.

True Immortals and Supreme Immortals are similar in fighting strength, the difference lies in the integration with the rules of Heaven.

True immortals will worry about the five declines of heaven and man, but supreme immortals who integrate their own rules into the way of heaven will not.

The price paid by the most immortal is to stay in the immortal world forever.

Whether you are willing to be a true immortal who comes and goes freely, or a supreme immortal who has no worries, it is up to each person to choose.

The long-term union must be divided, and the long-term division must be united. Most immortals watch the changes in the immortal world with no joy or worry.

The change in the rules of the fairy world is due to Yuhua's contribution in the middle.

Originally, Yuhua could not modify the rules of the fairy world.

But didn't Yu Hua have a contract with the Immortal Emperor?

Xihua and Xiandi made a contract when they met for the first time, and they agreed to help fix the rules of Huo Jing's Tianyu.

The Immortal Emperor made this agreement with Yu Hua to gain Yu Yuhua's trust, and Yu Hua sincerely wanted to help.

The rules of the fairy world are huge and the specifications are high. It is difficult for Yuhua to intervene even if he wants to see it, for fear that the power of the rules will be strangled by Tiandao as an invasion.

Who made the way of heaven in the fairy world also be at the plane level.

It would be easy to have a contract with the Immortal Emperor. The half-way Immortal Emperor should make a contract directly to the Dao of Heaven. Yuhua only needs to do things according to the contract, and will not be rejected and strangled by the Dao of Heaven.

When the time agreed with the Immortal Emperor arrived 50 years later, Yu Hua started to fight against the rules of the Immortal World.

He only moved some unreasonable rules that were artificially changed the day after tomorrow, such as the rules of crossing love and robbery, and the rules of punishment weakened by the Dragon King.

However, the attention paid by the immortals to the transformation of the fairy world is not as much as they are to the Lingyun world.

The teleportation space has become an indispensable part of the immortals, and it is difficult for many immortals to return to the days without the teleportation space.

Except for the immortals who have been in seclusion, there are almost no immortals who have never used the teleportation space. The immortals who have used the teleportation space have causal ties to Lingyun Realm and Lingyun Beast.

(End of this chapter)

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