Chapter 563 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (2)

This is not He Qiaoxi's home.

Yan Hua lived in a messy adobe house with earthen walls and uneven ground. There were sorghum stalks, corn cobs, dry branches and other sundries piled up in the house.

It can be seen from the dirt and blackness of the walls on the ground that the house has been around for many years.

Yu Hua is now lying on a piece of sorghum poles spread out on the ground.

This sorghum pole was used as a bed for He Qiaoxi.

He Qiaoxi was arrested and sold to this family.

Counting from the morning of waking up, this will be the evening of the third day.

He Qiaoxi's body was too weak, and Yuhua didn't want to damage the original body, so she didn't use her mental power immediately.

Xihua has never felt so weak, and it is so difficult to get up.

The six or seven-year-old girl's face was swollen and deformed, her body was bruised and bruised in many places, and the joints of her hands were all torn, which was caused by someone stepping on her with shoes.

Only because He Qiaoxi did not submit.

Yuhua sat up.

She took out a bigu pill from the space, ate it, and stopped her hunger first.

This body eats only one meal in the morning.

There are only two meals a day, and they are all leftovers and hard steamed buns. Now that the weather is a bit hot, there are even rotten rice.

And the aroma of meaty food wafts in every day, which shows that this family is not the kind of poor family who can't afford food.

Not giving He Qiaoxi a good meal is a means. It's the same as not saying anything to her and just locking her up first. It is to make her submissive first.

If He Qiaoxi dared to cry and make trouble, then it was time to resort to another method, beating.

Xi Hua found another healing potion and took it at a reduced dose.

This body is too weak, she has to let her body adapt step by step, first repair the pain.

While the medicine was slowly taking effect, Yu Hua sorted out He Qiaoxi's memory.

The memory left by He Qiaoxi is incomplete, coupled with her young age, she doesn't understand much about many things, and there are many vague, upside-down, and even contradictory memories. Yuhua can only sort out the causes of He Qiaoxi's current situation from these memory fragments. The general ins and outs.

He Qiaoxi was tricked out of the house, and then was taken away and sold.

Someone told He Qiaoxi that there was news about her biological father. If she wanted to know who her biological father was, she could come to a shopping mall and someone would point it out to her.

He Qiaoxi was just an ordinary six or seven-year-old girl. She thought that the shopping mall was very close to her home and it was a very lively place, so she went there.

Unexpectedly, the other party was just to lure her out. After He Qiaoxi turned to a small street near her home, she only saw a hand stretching out from behind her, holding a piece of cloth in it. She didn't even have time to be afraid. The cloth covered his face.

Then her neck was clamped by a pair of big hands, and she couldn't move.

After that, He Qiaoxi lost consciousness.

He Qiaoxi will be here when he wakes up again.

Seeing myself lying in a dark house,

Her whole body was limp, and she couldn't exert any strength, and she couldn't even sit up.

He Qiaoxi was terrified and couldn't help crying.

But then she remembered that she was caught, and she didn't dare to cry anymore.

She is precocious and can read a lot of words without going to school. She knew how to surf the Internet since she was a child, and learned a lot of things from the Internet. She knew that traffickers would catch children and sell them. She had already realized that she was captured by traffickers.

He Qiaoxi's first thought was not what would happen to him, but worried about what would happen if his mother found out that she was missing.

Because of this worry, she was less afraid of her own situation, and her brain, which was not stupid, was fully mobilized.

She knew that if she wanted to escape, she had to let the family relax on her, so that she could find a chance.

She just sat there without crying or fussing, making the family think that she was out of fright or the medicine. After the medicine that made her body dull, they didn't tie her up, but locked the door tightly.

Anyway, she was a little girl, so it was impossible to pry open the door.

The food stuffed in through the cracks in the doors and windows was so unpalatable that He Qiaoxi resisted and ate it.

If only she was locked up, He Qiaoxi might have fooled the family by pretending to be a fool.

But He Qiaoxi couldn't imagine what kind of devil the buyer would be.


The healing potion took effect quickly, and the pain on Yan Hua's body disappeared quickly.

She stretched out her hand, and the skin on the back of her hand that had been twisted off by the shoes had grown new, with a slight color difference from the surrounding skin.

She touched her face, and the swelling on her face subsided.The knocked out teeth cannot grow back. Fortunately, they are all deciduous teeth, and there are still permanent teeth that can grow back.

Therapeutic potions are applicable, and Bigu Dan is also applicable.

Xi Hua knew it in her heart, as long as the world doesn't reject these things.

What she urgently needs now is to improve her physical fitness, otherwise she will not even be able to use her mental power well.

And if she wants to do something before leaving, she needs a good physique.

She found a genetic evolution fluid to upgrade her physique.

Compared with Xisui Dan, it is better to use the product of the science side in this world of science side.

It is also because the genetic evolution liquid works faster.

The pain came again, but the pain was not strong and could be tolerated, and there was a sense of relief in the pain, which made Yuhua's mind clearer.

Although all her thoughts come from her conscious body, the perception of her body will also affect her thinking.

The sense of mental clarity is brought about by upgrading the physique.

Xi Hua knew what she was going to do in this world.


There was movement outside.

"You are rich, what happened to the second construction?" The old lady of this family was talking, and she was the one who threw food in for He Qiaoxi every day.

Why is it lost? The rice is stuffed in through the only window of the house, which is [-] centimeters square.

The family's surname is Lai, and the old woman called Youcai his son Lai Youcai,
"Three or four stitches." Lai Youcai said angrily, "This damn girl is too ruthless in filming, let's starve her for five or six days."

"Oh, my precious grandson, you have suffered a great crime." The old woman cried out distressedly, "Erjian, come here and let grandma see your hand."

"It hurts me to death. Grandma, is that dead girl dead? Don't let her die. I have to teach her a lesson." This is Lai Youcai's son, Lai Erjian.

He Qiaoxi was beaten to death by Lai Erjian.

He Qiaoxi has only been taken out of the house twice in the past three days, but they got her up early in the morning and asked her to go to the earth toilet in the corner of the courtyard to have a tuba.

In the afternoon, the door of the room opened suddenly, and two boys aged eleven or twelve came in.

One of the boys told He Qiaoxi that she was his future wife and asked her to obey him obediently.

He Qiaoxi understood what a daughter-in-law meant, but she didn't understand how she was the boy's wife.

The boy named Erjian asked her to take off her clothes and show him.

He Qiaoxi knew that what Erjian said was wrong, so he didn't listen to him.

(End of this chapter)

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