Chapter 570 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (9)

"Brother Fu is related to Lai Youcai, this time he came directly to the door and asked Lai Youcai if he wanted a child bride-in-law, Lai Youcai saw that it was so cheap, so he quickly bought it.

Brother Fu brought He Qiaoxi to Laijia Village. After getting 2000 yuan, Brother Fu left him behind. "

The system passed the found information to Yu Hua.

Brother Fu is in his thirties, with dark skin and a short-shaved head. He has ordinary facial features but has a fierce look that is not easy to mess with, and his body is relatively muscular.

Brother Fu drove to Laijia Village, and Lai Youcai had the license plate number in his memory.

This is easy to check.

Yu Hua turned on the computer.

After moving to Liancheng, He Qiaoxi wanted to do a live broadcast, and discussed with Qiao Feiping to put the computer in her room.

Qiao Feiping agreed to the original owner and only set the computer to the youth mode.

Yu Hua checked on the Internet, and found out about Brother Fu. It was a news report, saying that a car drove into the river at night. It was discovered the next day, and the driver was dead.

Afterwards, it was found that the alcohol concentration of the driver surnamed Fu exceeded the standard, and he was in a state of drunkenness. Drivers are reminded not to drive after drinking for the sake of their own lives and their families.

The driver surnamed Fu on the news photo is very similar to the brother Fu in Lai Youcai's memory, and the car number is also the same.
It was the day before yesterday to watch the news.So, this Brother Fu is dead?
It's really a coincidence that he died, is this purely an accident, or is there something else hidden?
Now it's hard to figure out whether Brother Fu arrested the original owner out of wanting to sell some money, or was instructed by others.

As for why it is sold cheaply, there is a reason, because the jade pendant on the original owner's neck is exquisitely carved, the jade is crystal clear, and it is worth some money. With this jade pendant, Brother Fu wants to get rid of the original owner as soon as possible in order not to expose himself. So it is also possible to sell it cheaply to Lai Yourich.

Brother Fu knew what kind of village Laijia Village was, and people couldn't escape if they entered it, so he sold the original owner to Laijia Village.

Once Brother Fu died, the clues were broken, and it was difficult to verify the truth.

Yu Hua ordered the system, 【You go and check to see if the driver who died in the car crash incident was Brother Fu. Regardless of whether it was or not, you should check Brother Fu's social relations. 】

The system wants to say that this is a waste of energy, but it dares to complain.

After the boss released it yesterday, he flicked something on it, saying that it was bound to its blood.

The system has never heard of blood binding with the system. Their systems are not even entities, so how can they be bound by blood?
In fact, it found that it was really bound. It has been in this world independently for so long, but it has not sensed the rejection of heaven.

Simply unscientific.

It also discovered that the last few words of the boss used the radio communication, not the voice.

Generally, only when the system enters the host's soul can it communicate with the host's consciousness or brain waves.

This is very unscientific.

The system tried to communicate via radio waves, [Okay Boss] and ran away.

The system has traveled through countless worlds with more than one host. It has a lot of energy, but it is just reluctant to use it.

For the time being, Yu Hua had nothing important to do, so she started to practice.

After practicing, her physique can be upgraded again.

In the low spirit world, it is better to practice basic martial arts.

After two hours, she stopped practicing.

For her young body now, two hours is already the limit.

It’s too late.

Yu Hua took a look at Qiao Feiping.

Qiao Feiping fell into a deep sleep.There are reasons for the efficacy of medicine, and there is also a deep sleep that the body is exhausted to a certain extent and enters the automatic repair mode.

During the five days since the original owner disappeared, Qiao Feiping probably didn't sleep well.

Thinking that Qiao Feiping had already called the police, Yu Hua took Qiao Feiping's key and left the house.

There were many people on the road, and Yu Hua didn't walk very fast. After walking for more than 20 minutes, she arrived at the police station.

"I'll close the case."

Seeing the little girl with a serious face and speaking serious words, the police officer on duty, Huang Yanan, couldn't help laughing, bent down and asked the little girl, "Little sister, what case are you trying to close?"

Yu Hua tried to speak in a childish tone, "The case of He Qiaoxi's disappearance. Qiao Feiping reported the case."

"You are little friend He Qiaoxi." Huang Yanan's intuition was correct, as soon as the girl entered the door, she looked familiar, so she immediately came to ask, and it turned out that she was really the party involved in the case.

She remembered that when He Qiaoxi's mother reported the crime, she said that she had two braids. Now that He Qiaoxi's hair was cut short, her expression didn't look much like the one in the photo, so she didn't dare to confirm it for a while.

"It's me." Yuhua took out her ID card.Her ID card was issued on her fifth birthday, and her appearance is not much different from now.

Huang Yanan took the ID card and glanced at it, then asked Yu Hua with a smile, "Why are you here alone? Where's your mother?"

The disfigurement of the mother caused a lot of trouble. In a sense, both Qiao Feiping and her daughter are celebrities.

When Qiao Feiping came to report the crime, Huang Yanan recognized her immediately.

After the news of He Qiaoxi's disappearance was reported on the Internet, the case became a special case. Many investigations have been carried out, but only one clue was found, and further investigation was about to be carried out. Unexpectedly, He Qiaoxi came back.

The matter of closing a case is not something that can be simply said, there are procedures to follow.

First and foremost, Qiao Feiping had to be present.

"She was not feeling well, she took medicine and rested."

Facing a little girl who looked like an adult, Huang Yanan couldn't help but use a negotiating tone, "Do you want to send your mother to the hospital?"

"No need. She's very tired, she'll be fine if she sleeps a little longer." Yuhua said, "Ask me anything, and I can answer it. I went to Lianshan to look for ginseng, and got lost. I walked for several days before Come back."

This is what Xi Hua thought of.

Lianshan Mountain is called a mountain, but in fact it can only be regarded as a small bag of soil, but it is covered with vegetation and the trees are very dense, so it is easy to get lost in it.

Lianshan is also close to the old city. There are many roads and trails leading to Lianshan. There are several unmonitored trails. It is not easy for Xihua's words to be exposed.

The original owner was newly moved to Liancheng, and he was not familiar with Liancheng, let alone Lianshan. Although Lianshan is not very big, it is possible that children will not be able to get out of it for a few days.

"How dangerous." Huang Yanan patted Yu Hua's head reassuringly, "Don't go out alone in the future, and tell mom wherever you go, otherwise mom will be in a hurry."

Yu Hua accepted the other party's comfort with a blank face, and she could feel a sense of security from it.

This is the influence of the body on the soul.

When he was in the fairy world, Xiao Tao was already an adult, but his consciousness was still a child, so he turned into a boy.

The body is in the state of infancy, and the reaction signal of the state of infancy will be sent to the soul, and now it is sent to her consciousness.

There was still a need to meet Qiao Feiping, but the little girl had already returned, so Huang Yanan called the police officer in charge of the case and told him about the situation.

(End of this chapter)

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