Chapter 579 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (18)

"Those people self-eliminate the blood debt, what does it have to do with me?"

[Yes, the big brother is right, letting those people kill each other makes it easier for them. ] The system didn’t want to ask any more questions because I didn’t get any words from the boss.

It suspected that the boss did this to cultivate merit.

The power of merit is what their main gods want, but unfortunately it is very difficult to obtain.

Tiandao is not easy to fool, no matter how many good deeds the host has done, in the end the merits will be attributed to the original owner, who let them pretend to be the original owner.

It is even more impossible to wipe out the soul of the original owner. If the original owner's soul is gone, these smuggled immigrants will be exposed every minute. Moreover, if the original owner is gone, the merits will return to the origin of the world.

Only the luck and the power of faith that comes with people can get it and the host.

It's not right, how does it remember that Jian Ningye is a Taoist and immortal, and has nothing to do with the merit system.

"System No. [-], pull out all these weeds."

The system looked at Yuhua in disbelief, "Meow meow meow meow." Are you telling the truth?
"Don't pull out the wrong ones, just pull out the weeds and keep the rest."

Not to mention digging grass outside, but you have to dig grass when you come back. The system can only obey orders. After digging a grass, it remembers and asks, "Boss, why do you call me system number two?" 】

"To be a house cat, you have to have a name."

The system doesn't want to talk to the boss anymore, it's exhausting, and it can't find out any information.


Qiao Feiping woke up and looked at the sunlight coming in through the gaps in the curtains. It was already daytime.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, it was almost noon.

Qiao Feiping often overslept after taking the medicine, and Qiao Feiping didn't feel anything wrong.

She felt better than she had in a while.

During the period when the pain was not severe, there was no dull pain in my body.

But this time, the dull pain eased a lot.

Seeing the crumpled clothes on her body, and thinking about how she fainted in anger yesterday, and then she didn't know how she got back to bed, she felt irritable.

She immediately realized the change in her psychology, quickly took a few deep breaths, and said in a low voice, "Don't be anxious, don't be angry, there is nothing to be angry about, just change your clothes."

Soon, the irritability subsided.

She knew that something was wrong with her psychologically, and there was always a feeling of irritability in her heart, which would arise from time to time.

Especially after waking up after taking the medicine for each pain attack, the irritability would come for a while. Many times, she couldn't control it, and she got angry with her daughter for no reason more than once.

Every time she got angry and calmed down, it brought her endless regrets, because she said something that hurt her daughter when she got angry.

Thinking of her failure to control her irritability last night, self-blame surged in her heart.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mom, I'm sorry for you, Xiaoxi." Qiao Feiping's emotions exploded again. She covered her face, but she didn't dare to cry. When she cried, the skin around her eyes hurt like being burned again, and it would even become inflamed.

Qiao Feiping raised her head, "No, I have to control my emotions, control them, and not get angry or cry."

I feel much better today, and my irritability is not so strong.

"It's a good thing." She suggested to herself, "The pain will disappear too."

The brain becomes clear.

For a long time, what she saw in her eyes made her feel unreal. Under such a bright sun, the scene reflected in her mind always seemed to turn down the brightness, it was dark and dark, and she almost forgot I can't remember what the blue sky I saw before looked like.

Today, the scene she saw was no longer dim.

With a clear mind, some things that she had been avoiding subconsciously came to mind, and she had to make a choice.

In fact, there was no need to make a choice. From the moment she found out that her daughter was missing, she had already made a choice instinctively. She chose to have her daughter.

She figured it out, even though her daughter's background was not what she expected, the relationship between her and her daughter came first, and there was no way to erase it.

If she knew it at birth, she might choose to send her daughter to an orphanage, but if she didn't know it at birth, she would not choose to keep the child.

On the other hand, this may not be a kind of luck, after He Shenghai exposed his true colors, she didn't want to have anything to do with He Shenghai at all, and her daughter was not He Shenghai, so she just broke up with He Shenghai.

From now on, the daughter is just her daughter, and has nothing to do with He Shenghai or the so-called biological father.

After figuring this out, Qiao Feiping felt relieved from the inside out.

Hearing the doorbell ring, Qiao Feiping hurriedly got out of bed, found clean clothes and changed.

Putting on and taking off clothes is not a pleasant thing for her, and if she is not careful, it will cause pain in her wound.

It's not an illusion, there is no pain in the wound until the clothes are changed.

When she heard the sound of her daughter opening the door, she felt angry again, but she was suppressed by her reason again.

After all, my daughter is only over six years old. She doesn't know people's hearts are sinister, so it's normal for her to open the door without asking who is coming.

She hurried out and was relieved to see a uniformed policeman outside the courtyard.

She knew the person who came, and it was Police Officer Xu who was in charge of her daughter's disappearance. She tightened the scarf that was loose due to walking, and her hoarse voice became more enthusiastic, "Officer Xu is here, please come in quickly."

Xu Ming's sharp eyes moved away from Yu Hua's body, and followed Qiao Feiping into the courtyard.

Only then did Qiao Feiping notice the rice cooker with the heat preservation light on on the dining table in the living room, and the two plates with large bowls upside down next to the rice cooker, and her heart felt warm and sore.

The daughter who is less than seven years old has learned to cook simple meals and order takeaway, and she has taken care of her mother.

She still has no reason to reject her daughter's origin.

Xu Ming cut to the chase, "I'm here today to think about a few more issues related to little girl He Qiaoxi. If everything goes well, this disappearance case will be closed."

"You ask." Qiao Feiping knew that Xu Ming had been running away to find her daughter. In order to find clues, she went to Ninglong City in the neighboring province to investigate. Although her daughter came back by herself, she was very grateful to Xu Ming who was responsible. , "If there is anything that requires our cooperation, we will definitely cooperate."

Xu Ming took out a photo and handed it to Qiao Feiping, "Identify it to see if this girl is your daughter."

Qiao Feiping took it over and took a look. It was a screenshot from the surveillance, which was not very clear.

In the screenshot, the little girl is wearing a sweater with a hat. The sweater is very ill-fitting. It is long to the knees. The sleeves cover the handles. The hat is wide and covers almost the whole face, except for the tip of the chin and a little nose.

Qiao Feiping recognized it as her daughter, who was wearing this outfit when she came back.

Xu Ming has been paying attention to Qiao Feiping's reaction, but Qiao Feiping's whole body is covered, and the only eyes that are exposed are also lowered. He cannot see her eyes, which makes his judgment more difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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