Chapter 584 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (23)

[Number two, is the so-called plot the first episode or the second episode? ] Yuhua didn't pay much attention to the so-called plot before, because the main characters in the plot didn't have much intersection with her, and each had their own best.

She asked the system to take out the plot as a reference only, and did not fully believe the information in it.

Now, the characters in the plot are beginning to interact with her, so she needs to pay attention.

The concealment and modification of the plot information given to her by the system was within her expectations.

[There is no episode [-] and episode [-], I only have this plot in my database...]

The system tried to confuse it, and after seeing Yu Hua's slight glance at it, it immediately changed its words, [The traveler is a person who wears a book, and she has the contents of the book in her memory. Pass this information on to the boss. 】

Yu Hua: [The book wearer is the scattered soul that your main god cast into this world. 】

Familiar formula, familiar taste, the Creator God likes to use the routine of wearing books.

[Yes, big brother.Scattered souls are different from hosts with systems. Scattered souls are one-off, and the main god put them into various worlds to fend for themselves. 】

[Tell me what your main god's criteria are for selecting scattered souls. 】

System: [Ordinary people.The main gods only pick out the scattered souls of ordinary people, and the more ordinary they were during their lifetime, the more destructive they would be after becoming a book walker. 】

What is destroyed is the order of one world, and then the rules of one world.Yu Hua asked, 【You proposed to let me replace the time traveler as the new Fang Caiyu, are you not afraid of disrupting the arrangement of your main god? 】

【Will not.The Lord God doesn't care about scattered souls, they can do whatever they want to do with the world. 】

What the system just wanted to think about but didn't dare to say is that it always felt that this big guy's ability to make troubles was much greater than that of scattered souls, seeing how big things he had done in the Zilong world.

That is, whatever the boss does is not good for the Lord God.

[If I replace Sanhun as Fang Caiyu, and things happen differently than what the Lord God expected, the Lord God will take a look at it anyway, and then you will be saved. 】

[I used to think this way and now I have changed my mind. ] The system hastily raised its paw to show its heart, 【I will always listen to the boss from now on. 】

Yu Hua didn't get entangled in this, [The so-called plot in the book that the book traveler knows is the original direction of this world.The original world was the first week, and after the arrival of the book walker, this world has become the second week.Will there be three weeks? 】

【Will not. 】This is not a secret, the system can say, 【A world can only be entered once within the same time point.

That is to say, it will be 30 years later when missionaries enter this world. 】

It's similar to the information that Yuhua has, [Send the plot of the week. 】

[I'll pass it on to the boss. 】

Xi Hua took a look.

In the plot where no book walker came, He Qiaoxi played a lot more.

In the second half of Qiao Feiping's hospitalization, not many people paid attention to the disfigured mother incident. Many things happened every day, and more eye-catching things abounded. Few people were still obsessed with scolding Qiao Feiping.

Qiao Feiping has been disfigured, and He Qiaoxi is a little girl of a few years old. No one with a little bit of conscience will keep throwing stones at the mother and daughter.

In addition, there is no fresh follow-up information on this incident, which makes the public lose interest.

So the news of the mother and daughter moving to Liancheng was not posted on the Internet.

He Qiaoxi has never disappeared, and her live broadcast account has not been exposed.

The lives of the mother and daughter in Liancheng have relatively returned to normal.

Qiao Feiping was so sick that she couldn't even go out for a long time, let alone work.On the bright side, her relatively normal life has improved her mental health.

He Qiaoxi was trying to make money while going to school, and she became more and more proficient in live broadcasting. Although the money she earned at most was only about [-] yuan a month, it was enough for mother and daughter to eat and drink in the county town.

In addition to doing live broadcasts, I have done all the things that children can do to make money, such as picking up scraps after school, selling balloons during holidays, etc.

Two years later, the pain in Qiao Feiping's body eased a little, her mind regained her clarity, and she started writing novels online to earn money, and took over the responsibility of supporting her family.

He Qiaoxi had excellent grades, and was admitted to a key university with a good grade in the college entrance examination. Her identity was revealed. .

Qiao Feiping's affair was brought up again.This time, Qiao Feiping was prepared and released a recording. He Shenghai personally admitted that he sent Qiao Feiping to someone else's bed after she fainted from the medicine.

The reason was that He Shenghai was infertile, and he was afraid that others would find out that he would not be able to hold his head up. He also didn't want Qiao Feiping to know that he was the reason for not having a child.

Qiao Feiping reported the case immediately.

He Shenghai went to prison again.

Not long after, the Song family came to the door, saying that He Qiaoxi was Song Zeyang's child, and wanted He Qiaoxi to recognize his ancestor and return to his family.

In the plot, this matter is observed from the perspective of the heroine Wen Jiarong, and He Qiaoxi's growth experience is given by the reporter's report.

Qiao Feiping and He Qiaoxi disagreed at first, but later agreed, and He Qiaoxi changed to Song Qiaoxi.

The reason why the Song family recognized He Qiaoxi was because Song Zeyang was a flirtatious man, and he didn't restrain himself after marriage. A few years ago, a woman who was deceived by him stabbed the roots of his children and grandchildren, and lost his fertility.

Song Zeyang's son was spoiled since he was a child, and died in a car accident while driving a sports car when he was underage.

He Qiaoxi became Song Zeyang's only child, and He Qiaoxi was so good, so the Song family insisted that He Qiaoxi return to the Song family.

There are very few plots of Jin Aiqing in the first episode. She only mentions that she likes Song Zeyang, regardless of her friends' good advice, she chases after Song Zeyang.

Of course, the main reason is that Song Zeyang has an excellent skin and a mouth that can speak eloquently.

It happened that the Jin family and the Song family had cooperation, and the marriage would make the cooperation between the two families stronger, so Jin Aiqing married Song Zeyang.

Song Zeyang's flirtatious temperament did not change after getting married, and the two of them lived a life of chaos.

After Jin Aiqing gave birth to her son, she still couldn't convince Song Zeyang. After a long time, she gave up on Song Zeyang, and it became the two playing their own way.

After Song Zeyang was injured and incapacitated, Jin Aiqing divorced Song Zeyang, and remarried with her lover soon after.

In the first episode, Jin Aiqing didn't know about the existence of He Qiaoxi until she got divorced and remarried, but now, Jin Aiqing knew about it long ago.

Her reaction to this was to get rid of He Qiaoxi.

It's not difficult to understand, Jin Aiqing is obsessed with Song Zeyang, how could Song Zeyang be allowed to have children other than her own children, after discovering He Qiaoxi's existence, she secretly found someone to help her, and wanted to give He Qiaoxi the possibility of recognizing her ancestor and returning to her clan in time kill it.

The only one who knew who He Qiaoxi's biological father was was the book wearer.

(End of this chapter)

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