Chapter 589 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (28)

There are not many worlds where Tiandao has self-awareness, but this world is one.

What is sleeping is only the self-consciousness, and the rules of heaven will not stop running for a moment, and Yuhua and the rules of heaven have communicated between rules.

This time she only conducts an information search for her affinity.

Feedback is that her affinity is not unique and has existed in this world for a long time.

Last time, Yu Hua didn't disturb the deep sleep of the autonomous consciousness, this time she poked the autonomous consciousness to see if she could wake it up.

Seeing that her daughter was staring at the camellia, Qiao Feiping didn't ask any more questions, she didn't want to interrupt her daughter's observation of the camellia.

She also seems to have found the unusual root of her daughter's plant - a raccoon cat lying in a blanket by the side of the vegetable field.

Could it be that the cihuamao's spirituality is radiant, and the vegetable field has benefited from it?
"Hello Aunt Qiao. Hello Sister Qiao Xi." Peng Tao pushed open the courtyard door and came in.

"Taotao is here." Qiao Feiping softened her voice.Everything is going well, her vocal cords are recovering, at least she will not scare the children when she speaks, "You two, play in the yard, there is boiled sour plum soup on the table in the house, and pour it yourself when you are thirsty what."

She likes this well-behaved child very much.In that environment, I can still maintain a pure heart and a clean smile, how can I not like it.

Hearing that sour plum soup was being served, Peng Tao's face turned into a frenzy, and he grinned at Qiao Feiping, "Thank you, Aunt Qiao."

Peng Tao had already heard from his mother that Aunt Qiao was disfigured and her face was ugly, so she covered her face.

He saw the scars around Aunt Qiao's exposed eyes, which were not good-looking, but Aunt Qiao's eyes were very gentle, and she was also very gentle to him.

He was not afraid of Aunt Joe at all.

Disfigurement means that the face is injured. His mother was disfigured several times by his father, and Lao Gao with a swollen face made him unrecognizable, but he was not afraid.

"Good." Qiao Feiping rubbed Peng Tao's head.That's how it feels.

Her daughter has grown up so fast that she can no longer treat her daughter like a child.

Peng Tao smiled and narrowed his eyes.He likes Aunt Qiao stroking his head and saying "babe", or calling him "babe", which he couldn't get from his mother.

His mother was also very kind to him, but she always said that the boy was going to beat him, and she never touched his head and told him to "be good".

Lihuamao saw that Peng Tao wanted to join him, so he didn't want to dry it as a blanket, and rushed to the top of the wall.

Seeing the raccoon cat glaring at Peng Tao very unfriendlyly, Qiao Feiping burst into laughter and had a new inspiration in her mind, and hurried back to the room to write down the inspiration in a moment.

Peng Tao looked at the cihuamao in disappointment. He didn't know why the cihuamao would run away when it saw him approaching.

The system doesn't want to see Peng Tao anymore.

It always feels that it is a call cat, and it has to transform itself when Peng Tao calls it.

It has only been a long time, and it has been summoned three times.

If you ask it to say, it would be great to shoot Peng Ziqiang to death once, so that there will be no future troubles.

The boss doesn't know what's wrong, so he must say that it can't kill people.The big guy didn't come to do the mission, it's a big deal if he can't stay in this world.

[What's wrong with me, do you want to know. 】

The system's cat was stiff and almost fell off the wall. It realized that it blocked the dissipation of brain waves just now, how could the boss know what it was thinking.

[Your hair four is unreliable. 】

The system begged for mercy, [Boss, I dare not. 】

Peng Tao hurriedly put down the schoolbag he was carrying, and brought it to Yu Hua, "Sister Qiao Xi, my mother agreed that I would come to study with sister Qiao Xi every afternoon." He opened the cover of the school bag, "Look, my mother bought textbooks."

"I see. You go to the house and turn on the computer to listen to the class. Remember how to open the class."

The decision to bring Peng Tao was the right one.

Peng Tao's pure heart of a real child played a role in Qiao Feiping's psychological recovery. Qiao Feiping didn't realize it, but Yu Hua, who had been monitoring Qiao Feiping's abnormal brain activity, knew it very well.

Xi Hua has stayed in a mental hospital, and knows when abnormal brain activity reaches a critical point to become a mental illness.

When she first arrived, Qiao Feiping's brain activity was close to the critical point.

Sickness is like a spinning thread, and this is especially true when it comes to mental illness.

Now Qiao Feiping looks normal, but the abnormal activity in her brain has not completely disappeared.

Of course, it is her medicine and acupuncture every night that play the main role in healing. Peng Tao only thinks about the auxiliary effect when he comes, but as long as there is effect.

Although, it is impossible for Yuhua to teach people by hand. She doesn't even want to go to school, so how could she waste a lot of time teaching a child.

She sorted out online courses and other video materials, and came up with a set of courses suitable for Peng Tao. Each session lasted 10 minutes, and let Peng Tao learn by himself. If she really didn't understand, she would give me pointers.

When she said that she taught Peng Tao a genius, she was not aimless.

Her research on affinity has been very in-depth, and it works on plants and animals. She has tried it on several stray cats and stray dogs.

In contrast, the effect of plants works the fastest, and it can’t be seen that there is a big effect when it is used on cats and dogs once. After several times, it can be seen that the intelligence of several cats and dogs has improved obviously, and there is no harm to the soul. .

It turns out that affinity also has the effect of enlightening wisdom.

She used her affinity on Peng Tao, and Peng Tao's attention was significantly improved.

Increased focus is an external manifestation of increased IQ.

This is the reason for the affinity problem between Xihua and Tiandao. This kind of ability is a bit against the sky, and I don't know why it can exist in this world.

Tiandao's feedback was within Yuhua's expectation, and it depended on who the white fox could catch.

"I remember, sister Qiao Xi." Peng Tao straightened his back, "I still remember the text I recited yesterday." Sister Qiao Xi said that the back must be straight and not hooked.

"Very good. Go."

"Hey." Hearing Qiao Xi's sister's praise, Peng Tao bared his white teeth and went into the room carrying his schoolbag.

Since I can't hide anything from the boss, the system simply asks what I think, [Boss, Zhang Xiufang values ​​Peng Tao so much, why doesn't he leave Peng Ziqiang and let Peng Tao be beaten along with him? 】

【Zhang Xiufang has nowhere to go and dare not leave. 】

Zhang Xiufang grew up in a patriarchal family. Her family asked Peng Ziqiang for a gift of [-] yuan, but none of it was given to Zhang Xiufang. All of it was used as house money for Zhang Xiufang's younger brother.

Seven or eight years ago, [-] betrothal gifts were not uncommon in the countryside of Liancheng, and the Zhang family was asking for buyout money.

Peng Ziqiang paid so much money, of course he looked down on Zhang Xiufang from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Xiufang did not dare to divorce Peng Ziqiang, because once divorced, she could only go back to her natal family, and there was only one ending: being married off by her parents and receiving another dowry money.

(End of this chapter)

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