Chapter 594 Passers-by who don’t follow the plot (33)

Surveillance is everywhere here, and the surveillance will only see that she stepped on the air and fell, and anyone who mentions her in the future will think of her rolling down, so she really has no image at all.

Fang Caiyu covered her heart and said "thank you" in fear. After speaking, she turned her head and saw that the person who helped her was Chen Xinyan.

Chen Xinyan smiled meaningfully at her, "Miss Fang, you have to be careful if you don't walk at night."

After finishing speaking, I went downstairs first.

Fang Caiyu's face turned pale again and again.Chen Xinyan knew that it was her who did it last time.

At the last banquet, she designed Qiu Chengjun, and wanted to send Miss Chen Xinyan and Qiu Chengjun together.

She knew from the plot that Chen Xinyan had a crush on Qiu Chengjun.

Chen Xinyan secretly tried to break up Wen Jiarong and Qiu Chengjun, but she did it very covertly, she stopped immediately when she failed, and the vicious female partner, the original owner, was standing in front of her, so no one found out about Chen Xinyan's crush and her previous actions.

The power of the Chen family is not comparable to that of Qiu Chengjun, a new rich man. If the two of them become a good thing, Qiu Chengjun will not be responsible.

Wen Jiarong loses Qiu Chengjun as a big help to see how she grows up.

Originally, Qiu Chengjun had already been tricked and sent to the hotel room, but Chen Xinyan was found by Wen Jiarong before she entered the room, and Qiu Chengjun was taken away by Wen Jiarong.

This matter was done carefully enough, but Wen Jiarong still found him.

Of course she didn't do it herself, but she found someone to encourage the third man to do it.She secretly provided the third male Chen Xinyan's crush on Qiu Chengjun.

If it was an ordinary girl who was with Qiu Chengjun, Qiu Chengjun would spend money to send them away, and if they couldn't be separated, Chen Xinyan would be different.

The male third is paranoid, and in order to get Wen Jiarong, he did many things that were not good for Qiu Chengjun, and almost became a villain. In the end, Wen Jiarong influenced him and left his hometown.

She thought that no one would find out that it was related to her, but she didn't expect Chen Xinyan to find out.

Chen Xinyan found out, what about the others.


After Yu Hua received the information from the system, she hacked into the monitoring system of the reception.

Knowing that the male and female protagonists of the first episode and the second episode, and several supporting actors and actresses of the two episodes, Yu Hua asked the system to come over.

Where there are male and female protagonists, there will always be accidents, not to mention that the four protagonists of the two weeks are all present, maybe there will be gains.

That's it.

When she knew from Tiandao that her affinity was not unique to her, and that Wen Jiarong's hidden identity was a new witch in an ancient village, she guessed that Wen Jiarong might not be an ordinary person anymore.

The news from the system confirmed her guess.

From the information sent by the system, she had an unexpected harvest.

The jade pendant lost by the original owner was worn on Wen Jiarong's neck.

The original owner's jade pendant is not a family heirloom, but a collection of the original owner's grandfather.The original owner's grandfather likes old things, but he is not obsessed with them. He only treats them as a hobby, and the ones he bought are worthless. This jade pendant was picked up by the original owner's grandfather because of its ugly shape and could not be sold for a high price.

After the two elderly people died in a car accident, when Qiao Feiping was packing up her belongings, she saw that the jade pendant had a special shape and good quality, so she put it on for her daughter thinking that the jade pendant would support her.

The jade pendant was taken by the person who took the original owner away, and now it is in Wen Jiarong's hands.

[Number two, keep an eye on it, find the right time to bring back the jade pendant]

The secret in the jade pendant may be related to affinity.

It is not mentioned in the plot that Wen Jiarong has special abilities, but it is unusual for Wen Jiarong to be liked by all the older generations in the upper class.

The system has been checked, Wen Jiarong is the original one, and there is no external divination such as the system, so her cheat can only be related to her hidden identity.

As for how the jade pendant got into Wen Jiarong's hands, Yu Hua already knew who wrote it.


Fang Caiyu couldn't help looking at Gu Sizhou. From her angle, she could only see Gu Sizhou's back, but she could see most of Wen Jiarong's face. Wen Jiarong's face was covered with her signature quilt, which was described as intellectual in the book. But without losing a gentle smile.

In Fang Caiyu's opinion, this is a bitch's smile!

Wen Jiarong seemed to notice something, raised her eyes and glanced at Fang Caiyu, then turned back to Gu Sizhou.

Fang Caiyu's brain buzzed, and the blood rushed straight to his brain.

She regards Gu Sizhou as her lover in two lifetimes. It's fine if she didn't get it in the last life. If she got it in this life, she will never allow her to lose it again!

In order to avoid another fall, Fang Caiyu walked down the stairs step by step, holding the hem of his skirt.

"Sizhou, where did you go just now? I went looking for you but I couldn't find you." When she came to Gu Sizhou's side, she naturally took Gu Sizhou's arm and swore her sovereignty.

Wen Jiarong apologized, "I'm sorry, Ms. Fang, I'm the one who asked Mr. Gu to talk about something." She smiled at Gu Sizhou again, "Mr. Gu, let's talk about that matter later."

Fang Caiyu changed his face, "Gu Sizhou, have you empathized?" She ignored Gu Sizhou's stunned expression and glared at Wen Jiarong, "It's you! Why can't you see me well? When I like Qiu Chengjun, you put He snatched it.

At that time, I also did many things wrong, and this thing is over.You already have Qiu Chengjun, why are you fighting over Sizhou with me. "

Wen Jiarong wanted to explain, "Miss Fang, I just..."

Her words were interrupted by Fang Caiyu, "Stop!" Fang Caiyu suddenly smiled, "Miss Wen, are you satisfied with my performance just now? If not, I can exaggerate my performance even more.

If you think my performance is passable, take out your pendant for everyone to see. "

Fang Caiyu remembered that the jade ornament on Wen Jiarong's necklace belonged to He Qiaoxi, and in the photo released when He Qiaoxi disappeared, he was wearing such a jade pendant around his neck.

The shape of this jade pendant is recognizable, it is in the shape of an ugly bird's head.

He Qiaoxi's disappearance is related to Wen Jiarong.

If you don't close her, you will let them do it!
She couldn't miss this opportunity to put Wen Jiarong to death.

Foretelling that in the dream, Wen Jiarong's appearance as an upper-class guest is the same as now. If she doesn't stop, the dream will happen in reality.

Although she intuitively belonged to He Qiaoxi, Wen Jiarong had to take it out to make sure.

Yes, take it off.The eyes of the system light up.The boss asked him to take the things back, but their system was too restricted, otherwise they wouldn't need to bind the host.

Like the restrictions of this meeting, Wen Jiarong can't collect the things worn on Wen Jiarong's body, but can only take them off.

Wen Jiarong slightly clenched her hands tightly, "Miss Fang, I have no obligation to show you."

Fang Caiyu took out his mobile phone and found a photo, "I lost a necklace, also made of black knots, I suspect you picked it up."

Coincidentally, there were knots in the jewelry of the original owner, which happened to be used by Fang Caiyu.

(End of this chapter)

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